
The 50th tier boss of Enemona Cave. Gigant Goblin.

In addition to its five-meter height, the Gigant Goblin carries a huge two-handed sword, which is quite heavy for a single attack.

More than anything else, it uses dark attribute magic to create a black, blurry defensive membrane, and then releases a great move by storing its power behind the membrane.

It is so powerful that even if you know it is coming, it is difficult to block it.

The big move is powerful, but the aftermath of the move alone is capable of devastating the war situation.

“Haa, haa……”

Breathing heavily.

A Gigant Goblin collapsed in front.

The cuts all over its body are flooded with magical power, and it will soon be gone.


Saika pulls out her phone and checks the comments section.

Anyway, it is full of praise for her.

There is no official record of a 50th tier boss being defeated by a solo, 16 year old girl.

It was the first time.

It is an overwhelming accomplishment, one that could be written up in Japanese textbooks. 

Furthermore, she is said to have a [prodigious fighting sense] that shows [how to attack big moves].


[I look forward to her further success in the future.]

That is 80% of the comments.

She made it to the S rank.

Then, let’s move on to the next level. Deeper.

Maybe she can even clear the dungeon?

……Such words abounded.

No, as far as dungeon clearing is concerned, there is no precedent for that, so even the person who commented on it probably was joking more than half the time.

But Saika knows.

Even if a comment is initially intended as a joke, if there is a chance that it will come true later, people will begin to have high expectations.

And that if she fails to achieve it, she will be called a traitor.

“…..Everyone. Thank you for your support. I will devote myself from now on, so thank you.”

Saying so, she bowed to the white sphere [Streaming Magic].

Then the stream was over.

…Several settings are possible for streaming magic.

This time, Saika did not have the authority to stop the stream.

The goblins had not yet been extinguished and the solo bonus items had not yet been obtained.

But Saika wanted to end the stream before any more rags appeared.

[The stream has ended here.]

That strong-willed line was apparently enough to move that teacher’s hand, and the stream was over.

Then she sat down in her room as if collapsing.

“Haa, haa……”


Proof that a powerful goblin was easily defeated’ has come out into the world.

To be expected to continue to accumulate achievements.

51st tier. The fact that you have to fight in an undeniably S-ranked environment that is described as [inhuman].

And above all.

Asuka, who had given such strategically significant advice in a lighthearted manner, as if he were making small talk.

You can’t help but feel scared,


She forcibly suppresses her trembling body.

…As for Asuka, if it wasn’t for his advice, there’s a good chance that Saika would have died there.

Fighting is about confining the opponent’s moves as much as possible and forcing them to use cards that are easier for them to respond to.

In other words, since no one knows everything about Gigant Goblins, there was still a possibility that an attack not listed on the information site would fly in.

Only by being able to deal with it will you be able to conquer it, surpass the bosses on the 50th tier, and become inhuman.

Asuka’s advice shattered the possibility that she might have died.

Even if Saika has to face a harsh environment from now on, she should at least be grateful in a manner of speaking, since it is not a substitute for her life.

But she is scared.

Asuka, who had so much information and went to the 50th tier to do his business as if he was going to a convenience store.

The public has formed a tendency to condemn Asuka simply for being a junior high school graduate adventurer.

“……A bad joke is the word I would use in such a situation.”

What are you giving up on?

What do you prefer?

The status quo that has refused to look at anything around him.

You can’t help but be scared.

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