The 35th tier of the Enemona Cave.
Asuka is walking through the dungeon with Yuzuki after she finishes her livestream.
“Whoa, a goblin–“
A knife was stuck in its chest.
The goblin was wearing iron armor and was one of the higher-ranking individuals in the dungeon.
The 35th tier is for B rank adventurers, and is the level that those with the strength to be treated as “advanced” challenge.
Naturally, the armor is not just steel.
However, it was nothing for Asuka.
The goblin flopped down and vanished into dust, leaving the magic stone as a drop item.
“Oh ! That item is a great rare drop !”
Yuzuki picked up the magic stone and the drop item… bracelet.
“Let’s see…’s a ‘withdrawal bracelet’. When you turn your back on a monster and run away, it has the effect of reducing the monster’s willingness to fight considerably. Plus, it’s effective against higher-ranked ones too !”
Monsters in dungeons come out to eliminate intruders.
If they find an adventurer, they will attack without hesitation, regardless of whether the adventurer is stronger or weaker.
But with this bracelet on, the success rate of escape is much higher.
The adventurers are risking their lives, but they are not suicidal.
The items that can lower their risk are quite expensive.
“Erm…..3 million !? It says the market price is 3 million !?”
The Dream Board, an application created by the Japanese government, is also the most powerful information tool for adventurers.
If you search for an item by name, it will come up and at the same time you can see how much the market price is or if there is demand for it.
“Well, they’ll probably pay that much.”
“Such a rare drop. I’m really lucky ! Let’s shove it into the Red Group’s vaults !”
Sometimes the adventurers are sponsored by companies.
The “Red Group,” which is run by Yuzuki’s mother, is also a sponsor of current and former students of the “Red School” operated by the group.
Magic stones are consumed throughout Japan, so no matter how much you stockpile, it’s not a problem, so it’s ‘submitted to the government,’ however, as for drop items, there’s no problem in throwing them in the company’s storage.
“Well, sooner or later, you’ll be able to get items as good as these at a whim.”
“Asuka san is very strong, isn’t he? How many cave’s tier can you go through?”
“I once beat the last boss.”
“Eh~~~! That’s the first time I’ve heard of it !”
“Is that so?”
“I heard from my mother that you can go deeper. However, being able to defeat the final boss is amazing !”
There are 100 tiers in the dungeon, with S-ranks, known as the subhumans, diving from 51st to 60th tier.
The limit value for ordinary humans is 50th, which means that the dungeon is only a turnaround point for them.
In such a situation, being able to defeat the last boss is, undeniably, an overwhelming combat power.
“Well, all dungeons are equipped with [Transportation Pillar] at each level. If it weren’t for this kind design, I wouldn’t have thought of taking on the quintessential challenge.”
“Mm-hmm……mm? What do you do with the items you get there?”
“I keep them in the storage room in the basement of the Red Group headquarters.”?
“I see. It means that my mother is thinking about how to use them.”
“That’s right.”
“What kind of items, for example?”
“Items that can be used to add a very high performance [Base Element.]”
“A base?”
Yuzuki tilted her head.
“This will keep your computers and phones from being hacked from the outside, and block all analytical magic from afar. You could rifle live ammunition into the upper levels and not get a scratch.”
“That’s amazing !”
“And, to top it off, it’s almost impossible for anyone to know that you’re using the item. The Ministry of Magic says that the defensive performance of the item is not right, but I think they’re trying to dodge the issue by saying that they are using special construction materials.”
“Oh…..headquarters is where my mother and I live, and that means my safety is practically assured thanks to Asuka san ! Thank you !”
“Well, it’s not a big deal.”
Asuka nodded.
And then a goblin came out and I took it down in one-tenth of a second.
“I feel kind of sorry for the monster.”
“Thanks to the difference in ability……I don’t have to worry about looking good.”
So, furthermore, they collected the magic stone and items.
“Um, isn’t this the [Ballet of Double Strength] ! It’s an item that literally doubles your physical attack power ! The market price is 10 million yen !”
“The vaults are overflowing with items of that value.”
“……Why are there so many rare drops?”
“Because I’m beating them so I can get them.”
“Can you do that !?”
“Of course. Well, it requires a considerable difference in strength between you and the monster.”
“I see……”
“By the way, if it’s Yuzuki, the highest level you can challenge is the 45th tier, you can’t even use it against a first level opponent.”
“So hard !”
The difference in strength is necessary, which is impossible even if you are 45 level away.
If that is true, that shows just how strong Asuka, who can do that against 35th tier monsters.
“Asuka san……could you possibly be able to defeat the last boss with ease?””
“I need all my strength as a means, but I don’t think I need to be serious about my feelings.”
“Oh …..”
I…..can’t…..Yuzuki can’t think clearly anymore !
I’m not really good at thinking though !
“Well, I think it’s time for me to go back.”
“Oh ! In that case, let’s go home together. If I remember correctly, the safe area where the teleportation pillar is located is over there. Whoa, whoa !”
Yuzuki started running with a smile on her face.
A few seconds later, Asuka received a ringtone from his jersey pocket.
“……What’s up? Nozomi.”
[Ah, Asuka san. Please come home a little early.]
He heard the voice of a girl who was working the cash register at a convenience store.
“What’s wrong?”
[A “self-destruct device” that doesn’t accept storage in the item box is embedded in the people that Yae san brought back. Moreover, without their knowledge.]
“……I see, those people, even the government, were related to the [labyrinthine aristocracy]. Using a self-destruct mechanism without their knowledge is a good thing.”
[Eh? A good thing?]
“Well, yeah. The government is also involved in the “Labyrinth Aristocrats”.”
It was Yae who actually brought them home.
The fact that Nozomi made the phone call means that Yae is trying to do something about it in a way that she can, but she can’t, so she called Asuka.
If that is the case, Yae must be working on something.
[We’re trying our best to disarm the self-destruct mechanism, but the protections are heinous ……]
“Where are you doing that?”
[It’s in a sturdy warehouse on the grounds of Asuka san’s house.]
“Open the window.”
[Yae san told me to close the windows so that it won’t affect the outside.]
“It’s fine, just do it.”
As Nozomi listens to Asuka, a vortex appears near his right hand, then he reaches in and pulls out a ball.
The ball bounced vigorously back into his hand as he tossed it lightly to the ground.
It appears to be a super ball. From the way it bounces, it seems to be made of a special material.
[I opened it.]
The next moment, Asuka throws the superball.
The bouncing is silent, perhaps because of the special material, and the speed is unrecognizable to humans.
“Um, Asuka san. Yae san just glared at me whoaaaaaaa !]
“What happened?”
[…..Something hit the control unit and destroyed it. According to Yae san’s guess, when the control unit is destroyed, it should explode, but it seems to have been neutralized as well, and is silent.]
“Okay. I’m going home now, so let me know if there’s anything else.”
[…..What a monster.]
With that, Nozomi hung up the phone.
“Why only now.”
Asuka lightly ignored the outburst and began to walk away.
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