In an attempt to break through the gate, the soldiers, clad in armor, strike one after another with long-range attacks.
Their attacks are quite caustic, and it is no exaggeration to say that their performance, which would be able to reach the 70th tier single-handedly, is undeniably strong.
And even though they are shooting all over the city, the people around them do not seem to be bothered.
Even those who have come to the institute for some business, it seems as if they are avoiding the situation……to put it simply, the ‘awareness blockage’ is functioning.
Asuka came near the gate and jumped.
As he steps out onto the gate, a number of knives that resemble crow’s feathers appear beside his hand.
Waving his arm, he throws them, and they hit the gun-shaped gadgets held by the soldiers, all of which stop functioning.
“Wha !?”
“I-it suddenly stopped working.”
“What happened !”
It happened so instantaneously that they could not hide their bewilderment.
In such a place, Asuka landed on the ground.
“Alright. The soldiers of the Labyrinthine Aristocracy. Good work.”
“You must be Yarimizu Asuka !”
“Why are you here !”
As expected, they seem to have information.
They seem to be surprised by Asuka’s sudden appearance…..
“Well. I secured a five-star eldest son of the Labyrinth Aristocratand the equipment he had. I threw him into the lab, so I’m sure you’ll come.”
“Tch, I thought he’d be here later……”
“We had information that he often lounged around in bed. But there are exceptions.”
“What a pain in the ass.”
They seems to have researched Asuka to some extent, as they seem to know that while he is overwhelmingly strong, he is also often found lounging around in his bed at home.
In any case, it seems that the soldiers here have no intention of letting their guard down against Asuka.
“……Let me make one suggestion.”
“A suggestion?”
“I’ll give you back Matsugaki Ryugo, and you guys can leave.”
[ [ [ [Don’t screw around ! We don’t care if he’s a family, we don’t want him !] ] ] ]
“Oh……I see that a firmly competent person is being evaluated. Interesting.”
As for his younger brother Matsugaki Atsuya, he is probably a competent member of the Labyrinth Aristocracy who still has strict ethics.
It seems that while they are evaluating this point, they have decided that Ryugo is not needed.
“And well,….for now, I’m gonna capture all of you and have you study the equipment as well.”
“Ah, that’s right, I’m fully aware that collecting your equipment won’t improve my ‘combat power’. The deepest you can go with your equipment is probably the 70th tier, but I can go deeper and get dungeon equipment.”
“Then what….”
“To uncover the whole purpose of the Labyrinthine Aristocracy. In terms of combat power, I don’t know if you’re strong enough to be my enemy. You’re just getting in the way.”
A number of crow feather knives appeared in Asuka’s hands.
“Are soldiers gonna give important information? Or not? It’s worth using the truth serum after we’ve captured you. If you study the equipment, you’ll know more about the special equipment you’re no longer qualified to use.”
“Tsk. …..”
“Have you reached that point yet?”
“But Ryugo and Realistar must be recovered. This is absolute.”
The mission must be carried out in the meantime.
The equipment can only dive up to the 70th tier, but in front of Asuka, who defeats the monsters of the 75th tier with a single blow, there is not a single word of ‘retreat’ in front of him.
He was in an environment that did not allow him to escape.
“Alright, well, I can’t use the public sector, and I’m willing to linger on this a bit longer.”
He pulls out his phone and dials the number of the nearest police station.
But …..
[We are not accepting calls at the number you have dialed at this time.]
An automatic voice replied.
“So that’s what I’m gonna do. The fact is, I don’t have the manpower to capture all of you all. It’s up to me how to control them.”
“…..What are you going to do with us?”
Hmm….after thinking.
“Those who wanna die come forward. Those who don’t wanna die should give up.”
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