Before I start cooking, I look around at all the ingredients in the fridge.
(For now, let’s make a simple salad like yesterday’s with the vegetables in the vegetable room. …… Then we’ll see what we can do for the main course.)
I’ve still got some meat that Yukikawa bought yesterday and brought with her. …… The rest is just pork chops.
Hmmm….pork chops……?
I remember a dish my grandmother taught me before I moved here from Tokyo.
[Haru is a quick learner,……, so you’ll be fine living alone over there]
grandmother taught me how to cook meat.
I’m going to use that one.
“Well,……, we still have potatoes, right?”
This time it’s not a cookpad, it’s my grandma’s recipe, but …… it’s definitely delicious.
I’ve got a cooking plan in my mind, and I’m going to go to the kitchen to see what’s going on in the room.
I wonder what happened to those guys.
“Umm!? I’d love to, but, I-I don’t want to be a gal!”
“Ha ……? Is that so?”
When Haruhara tells Hitomi that she doesn’t want to be a gal, Hitomi replies with a bit of regret and sits back down.
(That girl…. looks like the type that bites like a rabid dog, but when she becomes a friend, she’s surprisingly gentle. And it’s the same with me.)
“…… In the first place, why did Haruhara-san ask about cooking from Haruki? Did you have another study session?”
Yukikawa asked Haruhara as she took one look at me.
“Well,…… actually, me and Kajimoto-kun were on the executive committee of the school festival, and that’s when I heard why you two got along with Kajimoto-kun”
“Me and the new student aren’t friends!”
“Kana, that’s not the point now. …… You and Haruki are on the committee for the school festival?”
Hitomi tries to complicate the conversation, but Yukikawa stops her and asks about the executive committee.
It’s better not to let Haruhara talk about this.
I make a salad bowl with all the washed vegetables and take it to the dining table along with the serving plate.
“Haruhara is right. Haruhara was chosen to represent the honor student group, and I was chosen to represent the gals and boys as a member of the festival committee.”
“Ha? Why are you representing us?”
“Tell it to the teacher! I didn’t even want to represent you guys, and I only talked to the guys in PE!”
“Oh, ……, I’m sorry, transfer student.”
“Don’t suddenly feel sorry for me! That’s malicious!”
“I knew that salad was …… a bad idea.”
“You should join in on the conversation a little bit!”
It’s really …… all over the place.
I let out a big sigh.
“To begin with,……, I thought our high school didn’t have committee members for events.”
“That’s right, but Sato-sensei told me and Kajimoto-kun ……”
“….. well, Haruki is a good cook, so I’m sure he’ll make a wonderful okonomiyaki this year.”
“Noeru, you’re not here! So… in the first place, why is our group participating in the school festival?”
Finally, Hitomi turned her fangs towards Haruhara.
Haruhara, glared at by Hitomi, is speechless.
Perhapss he is remembering what happened last year.
It was at that …… time that the air completely froze.
“Kana,……, may I have a word?”
In the worst air – surprisingly, Yukikawa interrupted the conversation as if to help Haruhara.
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