
Now it is time for the cavalry battle, in which all the men are forced to participate.

Egami, Takimoto and Hayata line up in a triangle, with Takimoto leading, Egami on the left wing and Hayata on the right.

I interfered in the centre of the triangle and one cavalcade was completed.

Perhaps because the cavalry battle in the four colours is messy, it has become a battle of red vs white and yellow vs blue.

The red team’s horsemen wait in front of the entrance gate and the white team’s horsemen in front of the exit gate.

The tent of the two-year white group is far away from here, so we cannot see them well, but Hina should be there.

I was shown a good part of Hina earlier.

Next, I’m going to be cool and ride the other’s cavalry, Shupa! Shupa! I really want to show them that I can beat them.



“H-heavy. ……”

Oh, it seems impossible. ……

My horse has already reached its breaking point and is screaming in grief.

“No, you’re going too fast!”

“”I-I’ll do my best …….””

The sound of the pistol announcing the start rang out without regard to our situation.

“Let’s go!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!”


The red team, who were shouting in time to the call of the seniors, ran in all directions towards the white team – with the exception of just one horseman.

“Haa…… haa……”

“Goo ……”


“Oiii! You look like you’ve been through all the battles, but we’re just starting!’”

My horse was terminal.

D-don’t tell us that, ……”

“You’re just a bunch of peas in a pod like us.”

“We can’t go down there.”

“Why did you choose down!? You took the initiative to go downstairs!!
Do you really think I weigh that much?!”

Whatever the case, they managed to do their best to move in a straight line in a nolonger way.

But because of the way we look like that, we’re thought of as sitting ducks, and the first-years target us from the front.

“Heh. You’re a small fish.”

They laugh at me through their noses and underestimate me perfectly.

The first-year jockey reaches for me from the front.

But he’s underestimating me, so I avoid him with a flick and go straight in and take the first-year boy’s red hachimaki like a boxer’s jab.


“No, no, no. That was too much underestimating.”

I say to him as I twirl the hachimaki around with my fingers, ‘Damn!’ He sounded deeply frustrated.

“Oh This is good, isn’t it?”

“Tahara-kun, you’re good. Let’s get it all!”

“It’s God.”

“You guys don’t have to talk! Keep your strength up! Here! They’re coming!”

The next assassin is coming.

And it seems that they’re on guard, perhaps because they saw my attack earlier.

“Turn around! Turn around!”

I instruct the horse, but get a surprising answer.



“It’s as reckless as asking a student to pass his exams!”

“What kind of analogy is that? That means you can’t do i”t.

“My arms are killing me.”

“That’s a hell of a roundabout way of putting it! Just answer quickly!”

The horseman, who had sneaked up on me from behind and thought he had a chance because of my retort, came at once to close the gap and stretched out his arm.

I dodged it without looking, so I took the hachimaki of the rider who had lost his position.

I bend my knees and lightly bend down as the horseman, who had been on guard from a while ago, comes towards me, who has lost his position a little, to take the hachimaki.

‘Ggh!!!’ I hear the three of them say as if they had taken critical damage, but I ignore them and take the hachimaki from the one who has lost his stance after swinging at me.

“–Phew. That makes two. ……”

“That ain’t a “phew”! That’s enough!”

“Enough is enough! You can have it now!”

“It’s the Devil.”

“You’re a psychopath! You’re saying the opposite of what you said a few seconds ago!”

I can’t hide my surprise at the horse’s sudden defiance.

“Shut up! This is harassment!”

“It’s insolence! I’m at the end of my rope!”

“You’re a one-man maniac!”

I say to the rebellious horse.

“Eeei You’re noisy! You spoiled horse! Get on with it!”

In the middle of our disagreement, I hear, ‘Hmmm. Next time we’ll drop him’, but I turned my eyes and there he was, the Murakami-senpai from the other day.

“well, well, isn’t that Murakami-senpai?”

“Tahara Hikaru-kun, thank you for your help on that occasion. Thanks to you, I was humiliated.”

“No, no, thanks to you, it was a fun summer festival over here.”

When I looked at his hand, I saw three headbands.

His tone changed, as if he heard my provocation.

“–You’re looking at me, aren’t you! Now, when you saw my hands, you felt a little relieved because you thought they were the same as yours, didn’t you? But that’s not true! That’s not true! Because in the future I – I will have your head and it will make four!”

Senpai said some unintelligible line like a villain from some battle manga, and then came a rush of thrusts with both hands.


“That side?! The hero’s side! I thought for sure you were from the world where time is stopped.”

“Impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible!”

“No! Why is the horse voicing it? I’m the one who’s going to bring it out in this stream! I mean, you’re soooo energetic! you were at your limit?! You spoiled horse!’

This was not the time for such a retort.

I was too long in my retort, but I saw that momentary gap and took the hachimaki away. After all, it seems that it is good to make the retort short and stylish.


The white team members took Murakami-senpai’s hachimaki and said, ‘Ah, there’s an opening’.


The two riders broke their mounts and went down to the ground to get closer to the edge.

We were in front of the tent of the 2nd year white class, so I glanced towards the tent.

Then Hina made a fist with both hands towards me and said with a mouthful of words

“That was cool!”

I replied with a smile of the mouth, ‘Thank you’.

Then Hina blushed a little but smiled and went back to talking with her friends.

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