As soon as the elevator doors opened, a black hooded man approached us at a speed comparable to, or even faster than, an [Instant].
Kujo san, who realized that it was a pocket knife called by terrorists, fired without hesitation. Although I also provide cover shot—,
“Hey, hey, hey. Oh, man, that’s not good. What kind of reflexes do you have !”
The black hooded man was dodging left and right, as if he could read the trajectory of the bullets.
The black hooded man is not only slowing down, but is rather speeding up as he sprints toward us.
As a side note, it is said that a bullet fired from a handgun exceeds the speed of sound.
In concrete terms, the initial speed is more than 700 km/h. The speed of a bullet is over 300 meters per second. If you think about how many times faster than the speed of a pitch thrown by a professional baseball player, you can understand the speed of a bullet.
In other words, it is impossible to avoid the bullet after it is released. It is the speed of sound, after all. At best, a player would be at the level of an expert if he could watch the line of fire and the timing of pulling the trigger, and then use his blinding speed to avoid a single shot.
If you can dodge multiple bullets, you are no longer a human being.
In other words, the true identity of the black hooded man is..,
“Wha—Sakuboy ! !”
I throw her over my shoulder to get Kujo san away from the rapidly accelerating dangerous man.
The hooded man rushes forward with his hands around his waist, gripping a dagger.
If I exercise [Full Reflection] here, this will be taken care of in no time. The moment Kujo san opens her eyes, she should be dug into the wall of the hospital along with a crack.
However, the [Unique Barrier] is clearly blatant at this point.
If I had wanted to reflect him here, I would have been better off not tag-teaming with Kujo san from the beginning and taking care of it all by myself.
I’m grateful for this development above all.
After I pushed Kujo san away, I smelt two knives with the blinding speed that lives up to the name of [Flash Alchemist”]
The terrorist had the murder weapon himself, you see. If I invoke alchemy with blinding speed, I can make an excuse that I smuggled the knive out of his possession.
The black hooded man rushes forward with crossed daggers. I crossed my arms and caught him with a knife held in reverse, but he accelerated at the moment the blades crossed.
I’m blown to the back of the relay room—onto the desk.
A pile of papers flutters in the air.
He had already surpassed the human level when he dodged the bullet, but I had strengthened my body with [Grant Magic] and used wind magic at the same time to adjust the distance at which I would be blown away.
If I had been hit in the flesh, I would have been blown out of the hospital by now.
I had to adjust my magic so that I wouldn’t make it seem as if I were in a fight with a human being, but because I had been giving it my all for the last year in the other world, it was very troublesome to adjust the distance so that it looked as if it was just barely a fight between two humans. It’s a pain in the ass.
“Wait for me, Sakuboy. I’ll be there soon—“
“–I’ll take care of this guy ! You go up to the top floor, Kujo san !”
“Screw you ! I’m not going to leave my partner behind !”
The black hooded guy is going to put strength into my arms as if to crush me against the desk.
There’s nothing wrong with that because the body is strengthened with [Grant Magic] but a mere desk won’t hold its shape and will reach its strength limit.
It’s as if I’ve broken a piece of chocolate in half–or like a roof tile, the surface cracks and I’m knocked to the ground.
Oh, my God, that’s so embarrassing. No matter how much I have beaten the Demon King’s army, it’s still too much trouble to fight a battle in order to create the illusion that my obviously abnormal physical abilities are those of a human being—and I myself don’t even use blatant magic !
“Justgo ahead ! I’d rather not be disturbed ! I don’t have the confidence to deal with this guy while protecting you ! The sunglasses guy doesn’t think Kujo san will make it to the top floor, so you should be able to catch him by surprise now !”
“But if I do that–“
I can smell anxiety from Kujo san. I guess she is worried about me, who has fought alongside me so far.
As always, she’s a kind person whose words and actions don’t suit her.
It can’t be helped. I’ll take it even if I have to be a little pushy here,
“I told you to go ! If you’re a professional, you too, go and subdue the criminals and protect the dignitaries !”
I tried to get her to give up by using an imperative that didn’t suit me.
“……I understand. But in return, don’t ever die, Sakuboy ! If you die on your own, I’ll kill you !”
Finally, Kujo san is determined and turns on her heel toward the staircase.
That’s fine. It’s rather helpful.
Sensing that she is leaving this place, Black hooded man keeps his blade crossed and looks away.
You look the other way while dealing with me !?
I bet he thought that.
In order to protect Kujo san, I timed the moment when I lifted my body up, flicked the blade, and kicked the black hooded man away with my legs, which had been fully strengthened with [Grant Magic].
After confirming that Kujo san had climbed the stairs and was out of sight, I confronted him, snapping my neck.
It seems that the black hooded man is not just a human after all. If it were true, his head and torso should be separated by now….at least that’s what I intended to do when I kicked him, but he stood up, looking depressed as he backed away from a shelf that had been blown away and fallen over.
There is no sign that he is in pain.
“You… must be from the other side.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’re going to die soon anyway, so I don’t really care.”
I smacked myself in the chest and said,.
I’m pissed off, but I’m actually having a good time.
Now, I wonder what percentage of power the formidable foe in front of me will be able to output.
I’ll check his true identity after that.
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