“I didn’t think you’d mistake me for a real thief and come after me……that’s awesome in so many ways, bro !”
“Ah, no, not so much…..”
“Where did you learn how to do that?”
“……um, another world–in another country.
[ [ [Another country !?] ] ]
Soon after it was discovered that I had interrupted the filming of an action scene.
I was taken to a rest area and surrounded by stuntmen and action actors.
At first they treated me as suspicious, but as soon as the misunderstanding was cleared up, they started asking me a lot of questions.
Apparently, there was something about the fight in the train that attracted them, and before I knew it, they had come to treat me favorably.
But in order to calm the situation down, I couldn’t avoid lying that I had a taste for action in my own way. I would later raise hell because of it.
“I’m really impressed. You got me so excited.”
“I-is that so?”
The one who compliments me from a distance where our arms are almost touching is Minamoto Akira san.
She may look like a gal, but she is actually a stuntwoman.
She entered this world right after graduating from high school.
That makes her two years older than me.
“Hey, hey, that Akira chan’s flirting with him.”
“Of course ! There are only old men like you in the office. She’s the kind of girl who never misses an opportunity to meet someone.”
“Hi, I’m Takenouchi Yutaka.”
“From where !?”
[ [ [Hahaha] ] ]
I was really enjoying the space.
I had friends in other worlds, but I didn’t have anyone like that in the real world. It is natural to think about it. I was reborn at the bottom of the heap and returned home.
I had put myself in a space where I was accepted, and I wanted to have friends and seniors who I could enjoy being with and who I could trust.
Although I ran into the happening of interrupting an action scene, it was significant that I became aware of my new desire.
Now that I have come to the real world with《Extraordinary Ability》, I also have to think about who I want to be and what I want to do.
In that sense, being a stuntman who can make use of my much-improved body may be an option for the future.
Incidentally, I decided to pass off the appearance of the stick, which I couldn’t get away with, by saying that I’m a magician. No, I was pretty close to the edge, but I was sure I could use it.
But I was convinced that this could work. I think I found a convenient excuse.
Magic is, so to speak, a magic without a seed.
If you give the illusion that there is a seed, magic becomes just that, magic.
In any case, it was a good thing I didn’t pull out the 《Holy Sword》 in the back of the train. If I had summoned it, I would have had to invoke magic without hesitation.
“Hey, how about we have Ryunosuke kun in the scene instead of that idiot?”
Akira suddenly makes a suggestion. Is it my misunderstanding that her voice seems to be lively?
“Oh, that sounds good. I was just thinking the same thing.”
“No, um……!”
I have an appointment to meet with Narukawa san, and above all, it would be more conspicuous than ever…..
“Hey, please ! If you cooperate, I will reward you. Hey, okay?”
All times and places. Is there any man who can refuse a request from a beautiful woman with her hands in her pockets and eyes on top of his head? No, I don’t think so.
I didn’t feel bad about being asked to do something, so I just pushed through.
Well, it seems that my face is not on the air behind the scenes, so I thought it would be okay if it was just for a little while.
That’s what I thought. Until an hour before the careful meeting and stretching.
“And, action !”
Let me explain the current situation.
I’m standing on the roof of a building. The height is sufficient.
The scene we’re about to shoot–jumping off the building with a single wire.
What’s more,
“Fufu. You’ll have to protect me, won’t you, Ryunosuke kun?”
I did it while holding Akira in my arms.
No. no, no !
Jumping off a skyscraper–what kind of nerve do you have to do that to a student you just met !
No, there were a lot of aerial battles during the subjugation of the Demon King’s army, so I wouldn’t mind it at all, but it’s too much !
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