
I’m concerned about Ayaka’s change, but I have another problem, I need to find a safe place.

“Kenchi, are you sure it’s class 3?”

The problem is the girl in front of me, Sasagawa san.

The lie I told on her first day of work is about to be exposed.

Because, since that day, Sasagawa has been seen showing up at class 3 every day.

The boys in class 3 have been mistakenly thinking that she might be in love with one of them.

“It’s class 3. Sasagawa san, are you really attending Koushin? I’ve never seen you before.”

I say this casually, inwardly upset, and Sasagawa grunts,

“I went to class 3 every single day.”

I know that.

I walk behind her all the time.

“I seriously haven’t seen Kenchi around. You’re like a ghost.”

“That’s rude. The school’s a big place. Sometimes I just don’t show up.”

Actually, I’m not always there.

“Oh, really? So I just didn’t notice you?”

I’m really glad she’s a pure girl.

I feel guilty for deceiving her, but it’s better than Hananoi knowing where I work part-time.

“Ah ! That’s right ! I just thought of something good !”

Sasagawa says, clapping her hands and smiling broadly.

“Tomorrow during lunch break, you can sit in the classroom all day. Then I’ll know right away.”

“Okay. I’ll do that.”

“It’s settled, isn’t it? Let’s have lunch together tomorrow. I have a friend I wanna introduce you to.”

“Oh. Okay.”

I gladly accepted Sasagawa’s proposal.

At first glance, it seems like a bad idea, but it is not.

The Japanese language is more complicated than everyone thinks.

The next day, I was in the classroom as promised.

But Sasagawa will never find me.

Because I am in Class 1.

Sasaagwa told me to sit in the classroom.

She didn’t say where.

I immediately noticed this loophole and took that suggestion.

I realized that this is what chop logic is for.

And I let my guard down, thinking that this was the end of it.

After school, when Makoto and I were watching Rikuto study for his final exam, the incident happened.

“Uwaaa ! This is impossible !”

“Don’t give up. If you get a red mark this time, you will have to take remedial classes during the summer vacation, right?

You can’t play in club activities if you have make-up classes.”

“I don’t want that !”

“Then be more motivated. Even Makoto is full of motivation this time. “

“Last time you lost to Miyu, so you must avoid a second loss in a row.”

It was during this typical high school conversation.

“Hm? The three of you are studying together?”

It was a fast food restaurant one stop away from the school.

So, I thought no one would get off the train and stop by.

“H-Hananoi !? And…”

Besides Hananoi, there were two other girls I recognized.

One was Wado Kinako.

And the other one…

“Ah ! The handsome guy from the other day and Miyu’s crush !”

And the other was Sasagawa san.

“Last time I lost to you. I’m starting early to win this time. Are you guys studying too?”

“No. I just stopped by because Kinako said she was hungry. But I’m gonna do it anyway.”

“Eh~!? You’re gonna study~!?”

“Kaoru did terrible last time. So we need to start early.”

Hananoi, who had become serious, was urging Sasagawa, when Rikuto stood up and made a suggestion.

“W-why don’t the six of us do it anyway? That way we can make progress !”

I was relieved that Hananoi might refuse, as he clearly had an ulterior motive in mind. But–

“…That’s probably true. Well then, I’m gonna hang out with you for a bit.”

“Eh? Are you serious?”

“What? You got a problem with me?”

“No, I don’t.”

Hananoi glared at me, put her luggage on the seat, and went to order with Sasagawa and Wado.

I was strangling myself with the lie I had told.

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