
“Will you go out with me for a while?”

It’s Saturday, the day before the test, and I’m planning to study in my room, when I receive a mysterious invitation from Ayaka.

“I can’t do that because it’s before the test. Go with your friends.”

“Huh? There is no way I can ask them out before the test.”

I thought that she should have considered me too, but it was useless to say such a thing to Ayaka.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t ignore today.

I’m gonna refuse.

“Of course it’s impossible. Give it up.”

“Why? You went on a date with Fuyusaki, why not with me?

 “It’s just a study session. Besides, the two of us aren’t close enough to go out together.”

Suffice it to say, I’m not that close to Fuyusaki, but it’s better than Ayaka.

The most important thing to remember is that you can’t afford to lose your money. 

“It can’t be helped. You’re the only one who seems to have free time.”

“That’s why I’m studying.”

Even though I said that, Ayaka didn’t listen and came into the room and sat on my bed without permission.

“I won’t move until you say you’ll go.”

What a troublesome girl she is.

I couldn’t concentrate on my studies if she stayed like this.

I was reluctant, but I took her up on her offer.

I was taken to an underground station in a big city about 15 minutes away by train.

In the middle of the passageway that led to the dungeon-like underground station, there was a huge poster of an idol group.

“Wow ! That’s really cool !”

Ayaka’s eyes were shining brighter than she had ever seen them before in front of that poster, and she was getting excited.

“You called me over just to see something like this?”

“It can’t be helped. I wanted someone to take my picture.”

“There are kids around here who are fans of the same thing, right? Ask them.”

Looking around, I saw many other kids who had probably come to see the posters as well, each taking a picture.

If she asked them, they would gladly agree to do so.

“Why do I have to talk to strangers?”

“What? Are you shy? Even though you’re doing well at school.”

“People will come up to me on their own even if I keep quiet. I don’t mind being talked to.”

I see.

So, the devilish Ayaka attracts guys?

There were some idiots as well.

“Hey, hurry up and take a picture.”

She handed me her phone, so I took a few pictures to get things over with.

Ayaka was posing in front of the poster and smiling happily.

“What do you think? How does it feel?”

She approaches me and asks how the pictures turned out.

“When you asked me how I’d feel, I’m just wondering if twin tails aren’t embarrassing at this age.”

“Huh? Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Die !”

I receive abuse that doesn’t hurt or itch.

But I feel twintails are a little painful for a high school student.

Well, maybe it’s because she’s wearing what’s called [mine-type fashion] but it suits her well.


“Oh, it’s a nice look ! You took a good shot even though you’re a trash.”

I heard a snapping sound in my head, but I held back.

I can’t keep reacting to every single thing Ayaka says or does.

“I’m done with this. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Eh !? I came all the way here.”

“I don’t want anything to do with it.”

To begin with, I was supposed to study today.

But anything more than that would have thrown me off schedule.

“So, just one last thing. Come here !”

What more do you want me to take?

I sighed and approached Ayaka.

“It’s the last one–“

Suddenly, Ayaka pulls my arm.

I can hear the sound of her taking a picture.

The screen of Ayaka’s phone was set to an internal camera.

“W-what are you doing !?”

I was hit in various places due to the vigorous close contact.

“Nothing. It’s just a souvenir. Come on, let’s go home.”

She quickly pulled away from me and started to walk away.

“What the hell.”

I looked up with my hand to my slightly heated face.

I’m ashamed of myself for being embarrassed..

“What are you doing? You’re going home to study, aren’t you?

I feel irritated with Ayaka, who is rushing me because I stopped,

The idea that I was about to change my mind about Ayaka for a moment disappears.

After all, she’s cocky.

For a few seconds, Kenshirou quickly walks towards Ayaka, and Ayaka looks at the photo of him on her smartphone screen.

“Hehe !”

Ayaka hides her slightly hot cheeks with her phone.

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