
“Eh? You’re staying at Makoto’s house for the past week?”

“Because my dad’s home.”

“Why didn’t you invite me over !? I’m your friend too !?”

When I told Rikuto that I was staying at Makoto’s house in the middle of small talk during basketball, he suddenly said with tears in his eyes.

“No, Rikuto’s house is far away. It’s not the kind of place you stay for no reason.”

“Hey Ken, that’s my line.”

When I explained about Makoto’s house, Makoto made a remark.

“I don’t care about that~I wanna have a sleepover with my friends.”

“Are you a girl?”

Rikuto’s wiggling and lamenting was subtly creepy.

“Next team, enter !”

The PE teacher blows the whistle and the game is over.

It’s our turn to get ready.

“All right ! Let’s do it the usual way, Ken.”

“I’ll turn and Makoto will score.”

And so the two of us bumped our fist.

Again, Rikuto was in the enemy team.

The game ended in an overwhelming victory for us.

“Mitsui, you’re really good at basketball ! Aren’t you gonna join the club?”

One of my classmates asked me, to which I replied, [I’m not interested in club activities.]

“Ken is so athletic, why don’t you join a club?”

Rikuto, who was listening to the conversation, asked me a question.

Makoto answered, not me.

“This guy is trying to be independent so that he can do everything by himself. Including studying and sports. That’s why he doesn’t participate in club activities.”

“All by himself? That would be amazing.”

“He’s practicing at a level that I can’t even imagine. Studying, exercising, working part-time, he does it all.”

“Do you have to go that far? You’re still in high school, right?

“I’m already in high school. I just wanna get the hell out of this house where my dad and other people live.”

“He doesn’t get along with his dad.”

“Hmmm. Ken seems to be a very respectable guy. I’m gonna learn from him.”

He was saying that, but Makoto and I were thinking that Rikuto would never change.

“Next week is the first test for high school students. Make sure you study hard.”

The homeroom ended with these words from the homeroom teacher.

Rikuto left for club activities and Makoto for his part-time job.

My dad went back to his place of work yesterday, so today I’m going back to my own house.

“Mitsui kun, may I have a word?”

As I was getting ready to leave, Fuyusaki spoke to me.

Lately, she often speaks to me at this timing.

“What is it? I’m going home.”

“Studying, right?


It kind of annoys me when she can guess what I want to say.

“We have a test next week. So it’s obvious.”

“That’s what I’m gonna do, too. So, why don’t you study with me today?”

I tilted my head at what Fuyusaki said.


“Because it would be better to study with someone so that we can teach each other the subjects we’re not good at.”

“No, it’s easier to concentrate when you’re alone.”

“Is that right? By doing it with someone else, we can monitor each other and concentrate even more, don’t you think?”

I understand that Fuyusaki has a point.


“You don’t have to be with me. Do it with your friend.”

“No, it has to be you, Mitsui kun.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Don’t make me…..say it…..”

Fuyusaki says shyly.

Normally, this would be a scene where I would find her cute, but even if she was my sister, I wouldn’t feel that way, and in fact, I’d just have a bad feeling about it.

“Anyway ! Let’s study together ! Okay?”

She wasn’t going to let me leave until I nodded my head, so I had no choice but to agree.

She told me to go ahead and wait in the shoe box, which I did.

She’ll probably invite the others from now on.

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