
Preparations for the open school went without a hitch, and the day of the event arrived.

As a member of the public morals committee, I was put in charge of guiding the junior high school students as they arrived at the school.

At first, I taught the students about the history of the school using a video in the gymnasium.

There was an interesting talk about the 100th anniversary of the school’s founding, but it didn’t seem to resonate with the students, most of whom seemed to be sleepy.

After that, we split into several groups and began guiding them around.

I paired up with Kase and showed them around the school building.

“Here is the music room, which is often used during the first year, but from the second year some of the students don’t use it. The concert band members use it every day, so if you are interested in joining the band, please keep that in mind.”

Kase’s explanation was easy to understand, and the students seemed to enjoy the walk.

“They seem to be very familiar with it.”

“Really? Isn’t that normal?”

“When I was in junior high school, we didn’t have this much fun.”

“That’s just because you were a little cynical, isn’t it?”

That’s what she says, but it hurts me when they say it like it’s a matter of course.

After that, I gave the students a tour of the school building and introduced them to the club activities in the morning, and then took them to the cafeteria for lunch.

The cafeteria is specially open today.

In the afternoon, the junior high students are free, so our work ends here.

It seemed like a long time including the preparation, but when it was over, it all happened so fast.

“I’ll show up for club activities, but what about you, Mitsui kun?”

Kase is in the tea ceremony club, and it seems that I basically free to join in, so I’m is going to join in during my free time.

I said I was going to stop by the library and split up with Kase.

The reason for going to the library was to do a summer project.

I could have done it at home, but I decided to do it because I wanted to save money on air-conditioning.

I can kill two birds with one stone since I can save money on air-conditioning.

I bought a carton of juice from the vending machine and headed for the library.

“Oh? Well, well, well, isn’t that you, Mitsui kun?”

On my way to the library while drinking my juice, I was approached by Wado who came out of the classroom.

“Hello. Why are you here? Some kind of committee?”

“No, no, it’s just something I forgot. I just remembered it and came to get it.”

She fluttered her notebook as she said that.

This is the first time for me to talk with Wado alone, and I’m slightly uncomfortable, but I don’t feel any such thing from her.

I wonder if once you have talked to her, she is considered a friend.

“Is Mitsui kun on a committee?”

“I’ve already finished my work. I’m doing an assignment in the library right now.”

“I see. I don’t wanna intrude, so I’ll leave you to it.”

“Oh, okay. See you later.”

After saying that, WAdo spun around and headed for the stairs.

I was about to head to the library when Wado turned to me and asked,

“Are you and Fuyusaki chan dating?”

I spewed out the juice I had been drinking at the question.

“Oh my. Are you okay?”

“Gohoo ! Gohoo ! Why did you say that?”

“I went to the aquarium with my brother on the first day of summer vacation, and I saw Fuyusaki chan, and there was a boy next to her, and I was curious, so I got close enough to see him, but that was Mitsui kun, right?”

I had no idea that she was watching me.

I was completely oblivious.

I thought I was being careful, but maybe I was somewhat careless.

“What are you talking about? I was at home that day.”

I had my hair done that day so that she wouldn’t recognize me.

If Wado had not seen my real face, I might be able to fool her.

So, I played fool.

“No, no, no. That was definitely Mitsui kun.”

Even so, Wado did not back down.

She even seemed somewhat convinced.

“W-what’s your evidence?”

Even if she was sure, unless she had conclusive evidence, I could get away with it.

I willfully pretend that I don’t know.

“I’m good at memorizing things.”

The conversation started out of the blue, but I kept my mouth shut and listened.

“I get high marks on tests in memorization subjects. I can memorize people’s faces and outlines.”

Her eyes were looking at me as an object of observation.

Sweat was pouring down my forehead.

Sweat was not from the heat, but from impatience.

“I’m sure your hair is different, but that’s Mitsui kun. Your face is usually hidden, but you can’t change the contours of your face, and I observed Mitsui kun, who said he was a friend of Miyu’s, more than anyone else. Even though you hides your face, it is not completely invisible. If I concentrate, I can see your face through the gap in your bangs.”

Wado smiles and says.

“I’m surprised at how good-looking you are. Mitsui kun.”

If it was this obvious, there was no way I could get away with it.

I thought that since Sasagawa didn’t notice me at first, she wouldn’t find out.

I never thought that Wado had such a special skill….

“….Can you please keep it quiet around here?”

When I expressed my sincere wish, Wado said lightly.

“I don’t mind. It’s cute when people keep secrets from you.”

I was relieved that she agreed so easily.

But she didn’t let it end like this.

“So what? Are you two dating?”

That’s what she would have wanted to ask me the most.

But there was no need to panic.

Just tell her the truth.

“We’re not. That was to pay back Fuyusaki for what I owed her, yes, a thank-you.”

This is an undeniable fact, so I answer calmly.

However, Wado is still not convinced.

She seems to be thinking about something.

She nods her head and says to me, 

“Well, I believe you. But girls don’t go out alone with boys unless they like them a little.”

“What does that mean–

“Well. See you next time.”

With these words, Wado left this time.

I think about the meaning of her last words.

What is Wado talking about?

If I think about Fuyusaki, is it family love? Friendship?


“…No, what are you thinking about your ex-sister?”

I shake my head as if to stop thinking and start walking toward the library.

But even as I tried to stop, I found myself thinking about the meaning of that.

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