
After lunch, it was time for the orca show, so we moved on.

When we got to the place where the show was to be held, raincoats were being handed out at the entrance.

I guess they were trying to keep our clothes dry from the splashing water.

We gratefully accepted the coats and put them on.

Once inside, there was a circular tank with orcas swimming in the center, surrounded by seating.

The atrium was bright in the midsummer sun.

We get seats in the fourth row from the front.

“It’s closer than I thought it would be.”

Fuyusaki’s face hardens a little as she sees the orca in front of her closer than she had imagined.

“What? Are you scared?”

“Wha ! Don’t treat me like a child. I can handle this much.”

When I teased her, she returned the teasing in a surprisingly strong manner.

She didn’t seem to be trembling, so perhaps she was simply surprised.

After that, people came in in droves, and by 10 minutes before the start of the event, the place was full.

There were many families, but there were also many high school couples, probably due to the summer vacation effect.

From the side, it made me feel uneasy to think that we would be included in the crowd.

Fuyusaki was looking forward to the show and didn’t seem to notice…

“Hello everyone !”

At the start time, the orca and its trainer, a woman, announce the beginning of the show.

I was surprised to see her riding on top of the orca.

“Isn’t that scary…..”

“Well, I guess not once you get used to it.”

Fuyusaki shuddered as she imagined herself riding the orca.

I know exactly how you feel.

“Let’s start, then !”

At the trainer’s signal, the orca began to swim at great speed and suddenly made a huge jump.

The people around me, including us, were cheering and shouting while heavy water was coming down on us from above.

The raincoat was already soaking wet from the first hit, and it even reached the clothes inside.

“This raincoat is useless !”

“It is !”

I complain, but I am enjoying myself, overwhelmed by the power of the orca.

I naturally smiled and glued to the tank.

A few jumps later, we move on to the next performance.

The trainer has the orca stand on the tip of its mouth.

Fear prevails.

I can’t help but imagine what would happen if the mouth were to suddenly open.

Once the trainer is safely down, the orca next jumps even higher than the first jump, aiming for the ball above his head.

The cheers get even louder.

Fuyusaki and I are also excited, and we shout louder than we usually do.

After that, we watched the amazing performance of spins and quick swims, and the 20-minute show was over.

I left the venue where the show was held, following the guide of the staff, and went to the restaurant where I had lunch, bought a drink, and took a rest.

We had a good view of the orcas swimming by.

“It was more fun than I could have imagined.”

Fuyusaki says, still in a state of excitement.

“Yeah. It was totally different from the dolphin show.”

Rather than a beautiful performance like the dolphins, it was a dynamic performance using their huge bodies.

“I heard that the content differs depending on the day. These kids are smart.”

Fuyusaki was impressed as she watched the orcas swimming in the tank.

“We can’t lose to them either.”

“Yes. It would be embarrassing to stay in second place forever.”

“You sly.”

We exchanged such comments for a while.

After that, we went to see a dolphin show and also had a sea turtle petting experience, and went to the souvenir corner to buy some souvenirs.

“I never thought I could kill a whole day at the aquarium.”

“I agree. I thought I’d be out by noon too.”

We had a few souvenirs hanging in our hands.

“It’s still early, but what about dinner?”

“Well, since we’re here, why don’t we eat and go home?”

“Fine, but is there somewhere you wanna go?”

Fuyusaki smiles when I ask her that.

“I have a very special place for you !”

She sounded so confident that I could count on her.

We headed for the place Fuyusaki said.

“So this is the place.”

The restaurant we entered was a typical family restaurant.

I was expecting a more secluded place and disappointed.

“Don’t be so downhearted. It’s fine. A family restaurant !”

“Well, it’s not bad, but I had high expectations…”

I’m thankful for it in terms of my wallet, and it’s normal for a high school student….

Is it my fault for having high expectations on my own?

At any rate, I look at the menu and think about what I want to eat.

It had been a while since I had been here, so the menu had changed, but my attention was drawn to the same items as usual.

“I knew that’s what you’re after, Mitsui kun.”

Fuyusaki is smiling at me with kind eyes.

“I mean, have we ever been here together before?”

“Don’t you remember? When we first became siblings, your father took us to that aquarium to get to know each other.”

“…Was that ever the case?”

I seriously can’t remember.

My first year of elementary school would be right after Fuyusaki became my younger sister.

It wouldn’t be weird if I didn’t remember, but since Fuyusaki remembers it, I feel kind of sorry.

“It’s no wonder you forgot. Mitsui kun didn’t look like he was having fun at that time. You were just staring at the sky.”

I don’t remember, but I can imagine why I was so absent-minded.

I guess she was confused by the sudden creation of a new family after the disappearance of my real mother.

That’s why I wasn’t happy.

That’s why I forgot about it.

“…..I’m sorry I didn’t remember.”

“It’s okay. I’m sorry too.”

“No, it’s not your place to apologize.”

“No, my apology is for the way I behaved back then.”

Fuyusaki then raised her head and began to talk.

The story that we had talked about during lunch continued.

“Back then, I was really bad with men. My biological father was violent to my mother every day. I watched him do it and thought that all men were like this. So when I met your father, I was wary of him, and I behaved like that toward Mitsui kun.”

That was the first time I had heard that story.

Her side of the second marriage.

It was the kind of story I wanted to know and the kind of story I didn’t want to know.

“However, as I continued to interact with you, I learned that not everyone was like that. That’s why I wanted to become friends with Mitsui kun, but when you behaved like that, I found it difficult to talk to you myself.”

So she said she was acting strangely so that I would talk to her.

One of my mysteries was solved.

“…..Did that happen?”

“Yes, it did. I’m sorry about that time.”

Fuyusaki lowered her head again and apologized.

“No, I’m the one who should apologize. Even though I didn’t know, I didn’t make an effort to get involved with you.”

I could have come closer to her.

But I was rejected from the beginning, and without thinking about the reasons, I gave up on being a good brother.

That was my fault.

“…It feels like we keep apologizing to each other.”

“…..I guess.”

Without ordering, we’re answering each other’s old questions.

It’s funny, and we both laugh.

“And about your father…..”

I stop Fuyusaki as she tries to speak with a serious look on her face.

 “I’m sorry, but it doesn’t change the fact that I think my father is a man of no morals.”

“Why !? Because your father—“

I know what Fuyusaki means.

He saved Fuyusaki and her mother.

That is a good deed and should be praised.


“Even if he had saved you and your mother, it is also true that he switched to Hananoi’s mother and Hitomi san afterwards.”


Fuyusaki also had no choice but to shut up.

Even if something had happened to both of them, he has a wife and children, and he care too much about other things.

He should have taken better care of his own family.

“I won’t change my mind about my dad. But…”

I look up and meet Fuyusaki’s eyes.

“But I’ll change my mind about Fuyusaki.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I’ve always disliked you because of you’re my ex-sister and your old attitude. But I’m not gonna do that anymore. From now on, I will treat you as a friend.”

After saying this, I felt a little embarrassed and turned my face away.

Looking at me like that, Fuyusaki says with a chuckle.

“Please treat me like a little sister once in a while. Let me bring back those days.”

“….I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

We ate dinner a little early as we continued our conversation.

I wonder if our relationship would have continued like it has today if we had come to terms with each other back then.

It was a little late, but I felt our relationship had finally taken a step forward.

After leaving the family restaurant, I took the train to take Fuyusaki home.

Kanna san was at work and we never met.

After stopping by Makoto’s house and handing him a souvenir, I returned home.

“Ah, welcome…..back !?”

When I opened the front door, Ayaka was there.

“W-w-w-w-w-what happened !? What’s wrong with your head !?”

She points at my hair and makes a fuss.

Come to think of it, I forgot to set it this morning.

“This? I just set it a little. Is it weird?”

“Oh, it’s not weird, but it’s kind of heartbreaking…”

She said something to me.

I tried to ignore her and go back to my room, but Ayaka was insisting.

“Wait ! Why did you set it up ! You never do that !”

I don’t want the students around me to find out, and it’s a pain in the ass to explain.

Let’s keep it simple here.

“It’s because I went out with Fuyusaki.”

“Eh? Fuyusaki? Eh?”

If I just say this, she’ll understand.

It was a preventive measure to go out with someone as popular as Fuyusaki.

I left it at that and went back to my room.

“W-what the hell is going on—-! !”

Ayaka’s cries did not reach Kenshiro.

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