
“Hey, what’s this?”

I asked Ayaka as I spread out the lunch box she had made for me and picked it up with my chopsticks.

“It’s an egg.”

“….Then, what’s this?”

“A hamburger steak.”

“And this?”

“Are you messing with me? Of course it’s broccoli. Are you stupid?”

“It’s all the same ! How can broccoli be charcoal !”

As it turns out, all the lunch boxes made by Ayaka were charred.

The original shape is no longer a shadow of its former self, and it is not something you can eat.

The white rice was also lacking in moisture, and was almost entirely unpolished.

“What do you mean, cooking is mostly just baking.”

“Just from that line alone, I know how bad you are at cooking.”

Above all, despite saying that she overcooked, Ayaka is eating a beautiful egg omelet, a cute octopus wiener, and a rice with characters drawn on it with ingredients that look childish.

“Did Hitomi san make your lunch?”

When I questioned her, Ayaka looked away.

“Do you realize that you wasted the ingredients?”


Ayaka answers with a downcast look on her face.

(Even so…) 

I don’t take food lightly.

That is the absolute value I have in my mind.

However, it is obvious that I will get a stomach ache if I eat Ayaka’s lunch box.

(I have a test tomorrow…)

After weighing the options, my conscience got the better of me and I shoveled the bento into my mouth.

Ayaka’s eyes lit up when she saw it.

“Hmph, If you wanted to eat it, you should have said so from the beginning ! 

You’re not being honest.”

I wanted to deny it right now, but it was tougher than I thought.

My mouth is filled with the taste of charcoal, and the stiff rice doesn’t taste good.

The moment I finish eating I take a piece of sweet bread out of the bag and eat it.

If I didn’t have a palate cleanser, I might have died.

I finish that too, drink some water, and calm down until I can finally speak.

“…Don’t you ever cook again.”

“Huh? I won’t listen to such an order.”

(What a brat…)

I stood up, holding my stomach, and headed for the cafeteria.

“Hey !  Where are you going !”

“The cafeteria. Makoto and the others are there.”

“Wait for me ! I’m coming with you !”

“Huh? Why?”

“I have something to do !”

I have no right to stop Ayaka from going to the cafeteria.

It would be strange to go separately, so as we were heading straight together, we spotted Hananoi’s group in the courtyard between the school buildings.

Sasagawa and I make eye contact and we walk up to Hananoi’s group.

“Hey, Kenchi. Brother and sister together.”

“You too. You guys look so excited. What’s going on?”

I asked, and Wado answered with sparkling eyes.

“That’s it, Mitsui kun, Miyu’s bento is amazing ! Look at it !”

So we both peek in and see a colorful array of side dishes.

One of them was a hamburger steak, somewhat glazed.

It was very different from Ayaka’s. 

“What is it? Do you have something to say?”

I was staring at Ayaka, perhaps it was on my face, so I shut up.

“…Would you like me to give you one?”

“Huh !?”

Ayaka was surprised at Hananoi’s suggestion.

“…..Are you sure?”

“Heh !?”

Ayaka is looking at me and Hananoi alternately, and she’s flustered.



Hananoi takes a hamburger steak and points it at me.

I take a bite of it, chew it well and enjoy the taste of the hamburger.

“It’s delicious. There’s cheese in it.”

“How did you notice it? I only put a little bit.”

As I was expressing my thoughts like that, I noticed the three of them looking at me with a slightly reddened face.

“What’s wrong with you? Staring at me like that.”

“Well, Kenchi, that was an indirect kiss, wasn’t it?”

“What about it?”

It’s nothing to be ashamed of now.

We’ve been siblings for three years.

That’s normal.

“So was Miyu’s. What are you doing?”

“Nothing. Is there something wrong?”

Hananoi was the same way, and didn’t seem embarrassed.


I hear a black voice coming from next to me.

“……What’s wrong? Ayaka.”

I ask fearfully, and her eyes light up.

“Don’t screw with me ! What the hell are you guys doing !”

I back away a little at the sound of her angry voice.

Sasadawa and the others are also surprised.

“T-that was an indirect kiss, you know ! Why are you doing it without a care in the world !”

“No, because—“

“Don’t give me that ! Then are you gonna act like that with Fuyusaki !”

“Wha !? Of course not !”

Fuyusaki was my younger sister a long time ago, and perhaps because we never talked, my awareness of siblings is lower than Ayaka’s and Hananoi’s. 

In that sense, I’m not used to this kind of thing with Fuyusaki.

“If it were ! Hananoi, too !”

“That’s because—“

Because she’s my ex-sister.

I was about to say so, but I thought it would be a bad idea to say it in front of Sasagawa and the others, so I closed my mouth.

Sasagawa and Wado do not even know that Fuyusaki’s name was mentioned.

It is not that it would be a problem if they found out that she was my ex-sister, but it is not something to be spread around.

“Seriously, it’s creepy ! You pervert !”

Ayaka wouldn’t stop, so I forcibly pulled her by the arm and left the place after just saying goodbye to Sasagawa and the others.


“Well, that was a great turnout.”

Kaoru blurted out after Kenshiro and the others left.

“What a close siblings, Right, Miyu. Miyu?”

“Eh? Yeah. You’re right.”

“What’s wrong?”

Kaoru and Kinako looked into my face worriedly.

“I’m fine. I’m going to the restroom.”

After saying that, I left my seat.

I go into the bathroom and take a deep breath.

I check my face in the hand mirror.

(It used to be fine…)

I don’t know when it started.

I started to feel shy towards Ken.

(I never felt this way before…)

Thinking about this, I waited quietly for my flaming face in the mirror to cool down.

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