
On the way back to the classroom after leaving the cafeteria, three gals are leaning against the wall and chatting happily.

In the middle of them is Hananoi.

“Hm? Miyu, what’re you doing?”

Makoto notices this and talks to Hananoi.

The gals on either side of her started grinning.

I guess they were amused by the misunderstanding of the relationship between Makoto, who has a good-looking face, and their friend, who started talking to them.

I had nothing to say, so I waited while fiddling with my phone, but Rikuto next to me looked despairing.

Makoto comes back to me, perhaps having finished his conversation.

“Excuse me, I’ve got some business to attend to. Let’s go.”

“You ! You have a friend who is such a cute gal ! I hope she’s not your girlfriend 


Rikuto is questioning him with tears of blood.

“No !? We went to the same junior high school and we’re just good friends.”

“Eh? Is that so? So you know Ken too?”

After listening to Makoto’s story, Rikuto turns to me.

Makoto answers that question, not me.

“Of course, Hananoi is Ken’s younger sister. Specifically, step-sister.”

“Bastard ! Step-sister? I’m too envious.”

“It’s not like that anymore. It’s just that we were like that until the eighth grade.”

“But she was your sister once, right !?”

“No, I never thought of her as my sister.”

I never thought of her as a family member, let alone a sister.

Hananoi mother and daughter are not the kind of people I wanna get involved with.

“Hm? But you had a sister in class 3, didn’t you? What about her?”

“That’s my current sister. My dad remarried a year ago.”

“How lucky you are to have two step-sisters ! Damnit ! How many virtues did you accumulate in your previous life !”

The exact number is three, but since Makoto doesn’t know that Fuyusaki is one of them, I’ll keep quiet about it.

“There’s nothing to be jealous of. Besides, just because she’s my younger sister, she’s still just a stranger.”

I have never felt or thought of the three of them as my sisters.

 I have never called their mothers [Mom] either.

The only people I can call family are the woman who gave birth to me and my dad.

My asshole dad, and I have never seen my mom since then.

I don’t even remember her face anymore.

So I guess I don’t have anyone I can call family.

“Don’t be so cold. Ayaka chan may adore you more than you think, right?”

“That’s a hundred percent unlikely.”

I dismissed Makoto’s words.

After school, I had a day off from my part-time job, so I went to the library to study for the midterm exam.

It was my first test since entering high school, so it was important to get good results.

I’m not very good at studying, so if I don’t start studying early, I’ll fall behind.

Because I was concentrating on my studies, I realized that it was around 6:00 pm.

I received a RINE message from Ayaka’s mother on my phone.

[Today’s dinner is hamburger steak ! Come home early.]

Such a motherly message.

[Thank you. But I’ll eat out tonight and then head home.]

I reply and close the screen.

I pack my bag with the materials I have lined up on my desk, lock the library, and return the key to the staff room.

On my way to the gate after changing my shoes, I look down at the field and see Ayaka practicing with the track team.

Ayaka is also very popular in her grade, and even now some boys are talking to her.

I don’t know if they’re her classmates or seniors, but I can see that the girls are looking at her with piercing eyes.

“She’s hated, doesn’t she?”

When I was called out to and looked next to me, I saw Fuyusaki.

There was no sign of her at all.

“Well. She’s a pretentious girl.”

She acts like that to me, but to the guys around her, she plays the cute girl.

She has the kind of personality that men like and women don’t like.

She has that kind of personality.

“Why don’t you help her? As a brother.”

“You’re kidding.”

“You’re a heartless person, aren’t you?”

What on earth is Fuyusaki thinking?

I wonder what’s the point in talking to someone like me, who had almost no connection to her besides as a former family member.

(Well, it doesn’t matter.)

I felt that thinking about Fuyusaki was a waste of time, so I started to walk away.

Fuyusaki follows behind him.

“Why are you following me?”

“I’m just going back in the same direction. You’re too self-conscious, aren’t you?”

The way she said it was annoying, but I ignored it.

We left the school without saying a word.


“Huh? Isn’t that Mitsui san’s older brother?”

Kenshiro and Reina could be seen walking home side by side from the ground.

One of the boys mentioned it.

“Is that Fuyusaki san? could it be?”

A first-year girl was screaming, [Kyaa !]


Ayaka muttered to herself, seeing the two of them.

Mitsui-san? What’s wrong?”

One of the boys asked Ayaka.

Ayaka then says with her usual cute smile.

“No ! It’s nothing.”

“Is that so? Ah, practice has resumed. Let’s go.”

With that said, Ayaka returns to practice.

She took one last look at the gate, but the two were already gone.

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