
The time is 5:00 in the morning, the morning of the first day I bring my lunch to You kun. I’m currently struggling with a problem.

I have been shopping for ingredients since the night before, but in the end, I couldn’t decide what to cook. The beginning of everything is important. If I messed this up, everything would be ruined.

“Hmmm, I wonder what You kun likes.”

Let’s start with things that boys like. We can balance the nutritional balance from there.

Let’s start with fried foods. Put the battered ingredients into the hot oil.

The temperature is one thing, but the timing of pulling the food out of the oil is the most important factor in deep frying. Carefully cook the ingredients one by one.

I look at one point so as not to be distracted.

I wonder if You kun will say it tastes good,……and if he will eat it in the first place,……I hope this will be okay…..oh, no, I fried it a little too much.

But don’t worry, there’s always another one.

After frying about 7 items, I start to select carefully.

“Which one shall I choose〜? Well…I chose you for You kun’s special force.”

The most beautiful golden-colored deep-fried skewered meat and vegetables No. 3. I stuffed it into You kun’s lunch box.

The next most beautiful No. 7 goes into my lunch box.

The rest of the leftovers No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4-6 were stuffed into the piggy’s lunch box.

After that, I cooked the chicken thighs that I had marinated the day before in the same way.

I wonder if You kun has any vegetables he doesn’t like.

For now, let’s put potato salad in today. I wonder if it will be easier to eat if I add bacon.

After carefully adjusting the salt and pepper, I packed the finished dish into the lunch boxes of You un and mine.

Next was the hamburg steak.

I made the meat a little smaller and cooked it in a frying pan. It turned out nice, appetizing and juicy.

Now, let’s start the careful selection.

“Ummm……okay, I choose you. Congratulations.”

The one with the most beautiful grill marks is for You kun’s lunch box. The second one is for me. The rest were all packed in Piggy’s lunch box.

And now, the next one—.

In this way, the number of items in my lunch box is increasing rapidly.

And finally, the final stage of the cooking, I remember to show my “love” only to You kun’s meal.

Phew, I think I’ve made a delicious-looking lunch.

All I have to do now is to give it to You kun. Just give it to You kun.

Oh, what should I do, I’m getting nervous now…….

I’ll have to calm myself down by admiring my best work until the heat of the finished lunch  is removed. It’s like a ritual of piling up the textbooks and notebooks I used before the high school entrance exam to inspire my mind that I can do it.

Oh, I should close the lid on the piggy lunch box. I mean, I wonder if this will fit in my bag…….


On the day I managed to give You kun his lunch box, I was on my bed staring at the screen of my phone.

At the same time, I was thinking about my strategy for tomorrow.

“I wonder what excuse I should use to get You kun to eat it tomorrow…….”

─ ─ ─ Ping.

H-here it comes ! It’s the email from You kun I’ve been waiting for.

I’m so happy, I’ve got his contact information.

I can’t control my excitement and reply in a second.

“Oh……I should think a little more before replying…….”

I wonder if it’s okay if I contact him first next time.

I’m not sure if he’s reading my emails, so I’m a little impatient.

After about five minutes of such conflict, I received a new message from You kun.

[Thank you so much for the lunches. They were all very delicious. All the fried food and everything was homemade, right? Even when cold, they were crispy and wonderful. Also, the potato salad had the sweetness of onion and the meatiness of bacon, and surprisingly, it went perfectly with the rice. As for the hamburg steak, the moment I bit into it, I thought I was going to drown with happiness as the juices spread in my mouth. The other dishes were also wonderful. By the way, I must apologize for one thing. I forgot to return the lunch box. I’m sorry.]

I pressed the pillow to my face and hugged it.

I couldn’t stop grinning.


I wiggled my body from side to side on the bed while making creepy laughing noises.

I danced for about a minute.

“Haa, haa, haa….I’m tired indeed.”

I regained my composure and checked the contents of the email again.

Here, here it is. Let’s use the fact that he brought back the lunch box as an excuse to get him to eat lunch again tomorrow. For now, I salute You kun’s special force.

Thus, making lunch boxes for You kun became my daily routine.

By the way, how much longer will my heart mark work?

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