Episode 31 – Well then, I guess I can blame it on you, can’t I?



“Then I’m going this way!”

“I’m going this way.”

Shigenawa and Himekane each stand on their way home. There, I said goodbye to the two of them and walked side by side under the twilight sky.

“Thank you ……, Tazuna-kun.”

“Yeah? What? suddenly”

“There must have been a lot going on with Tsukasa-chan that I didn’t know about, right?”


It seems that she knows everything.

“You should be thankful for all the trouble I went through.”

“Haha, yes,……, I’m grateful too. Thank you so much.”

“Well, now you’re finally free from the stalker. That’s great.”

“I’m glad. But I’m not happy to be free from Tsukasa-chan, you know?”

“Is that so?”

“I felt guilty about deceiving Tsukasa chan. I really …… should have pushed her away, but I couldn’t. I …… don’t want people to think I’m a bad person.”

“It’s only up to middle school students to think that they want to be looked bad.”

“It’s not like that. ……”

As we approach the causeway, she suddenly stops and looks at the setting sun. Her eyes narrowed as if they were dazzling, and her profile looked somewhat ephemeral.

I also stop and look at the sunset, following her lead. Then, I opened my mouth and said, “Well,” while narrowing my eyes.

“I understand what you are trying to say. No one wants to be dirty. Everyone wants to stay clean. So you’re not wrong.”

.., but not right, either.”

Sumeragi said that and turned her eyes, which had been directed towards the setting sun, to me. I could clearly see my image in those wet eyes, and then, after a moment’s hesitation, she opened her mouth.

“For Tsukasa-chan’s sake, I should have pushed myself away after all. It’s none other than me. But I forced everything on you. Somehow, I felt like it wasn’t worth it…”

“You care too much.”

“I do.”

“You’re sensitive.”

“You’re right. I am sensitive.”

It’s probably not my imagination that I feel she’s implicitly saying, “Unlike you,” but she’s not. She is now saying it too.

“You know, Sumeragi. You’re a sloppy, indecisive girl, aren’t you?”

“Um, …… Tazuna-kun. It’s true, you know? But, if you could, would you please not say that? It’s killing my mentality.”

“But your indecision is not your fault. It’s Takumi’s fault.”


She tilted her head at my statement. I guess she didn’t understand what I meant.

“Sumeragi has been living her life pretending to be her brother …… Takumi, who died protecting her.”

“Umm, yes,…… that’s right.”

“That’s why you can’t wear skirts now.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“You …… may be unconscious, but you’re still chasing Takumi’s shadow.”


“The indecisive part, the part where he’s kind to everyone, …… he’s exactly the Takumi I know.”


If I had to sum up the person of Takumi in one word, it would be the protagonist of the story.

He is such a good-natured person that he helped me when I was being bullied by everyone for pretending to be a loner.

Naturally, he is popular with the girls around him. As you can tell from his sister’s good looks, Takumi was also a very handsome guy for an elementary school student.

I had been hanging out with him for only a month, but during that time, girls kept approaching us and all he could do was smile and say, “Hahaha ……” with a troubled smile.

He was just like her

“I’ve been thinking all the time……about how to get Sumeragi to wear skirts.”


“Yeah, specifically, about three days.”

“Hmmm~, it seems like a long time, but it seems like short …… .”

“I was always thinking about it, but only while I was in the bathtub.”

“What’s the total time it took you?”

“Fifteen minutes.”

“Your bath time is not long enough!”

“So, …… I was looking at you like Takumi all over again. It’s not so that you can’t wear skirts, it’s that you can’t go back to being Sumeragi”

“What …… does that mean?”

“In short, you have lived too much as Takumi. You can’t do anything Takumi can’t do.”


For example, Takumi does not wear skirts. Therefore, Sumeragi cannot wear skirts either.

For example, Takumi cannot be a bad person. Therefore, she cannot be a bad person either.

Well, there are some holes here and there, such as being able to wear swimsuits and women’s underwear. No, those holes may be the last remaining part of her.

“The flashbacks are only the result, …… I think. I’m not a counselor or anything, just an amateur, but I don’t think I’m wrong.”

“…I think so. I also understand what you just said. In my head, I clearly know that I should do this, but I can’t do it. The reason is… …If it was Takumi-nii-san, he would never do something like that, so I’m unconsciously trying to become Takumi-nii-san.”

Did she has an idea?

“Well… so it’s not your fault. It’s all Takumi’s fault.”

“No, isn’t that too outrageous?”

“No, it doesn’t matter if it’s a rude argument or not. It is easier to live in this world if you change your responsibility than if you think that everything is your fault and hold it in. For example, my poor performance is because of my parents’ genes.”

“You’re an asshole, …….”

“That’s a compliment.”

“It’s not a compliment at all!?”

After making a vigorous retort, Sumeragi lets out a sigh. Then, she started walking again with a slightly refreshed look on her face.

“Well then, I guess I can blame it on you, can’t I?”


I see. It’s easy for the person who shifts the blame, but it’s very uncomfortable for the person who is being blamed. I learned one more thing.

She looked at my face as if I was biting a bitter bug and laughed. Then, “By the way,” she purposely stopped walking once more and continued looking at my face with a searching look in her eyes.

“…You and Himekane-san.”

“Yeah? What’s going on with Himekane and me?”

“Oh, no, I-it’s nothing after all!”

“Is it?”

“Yeah. …… haha. ……”

That way of deceiving is also very Takumi-like.

There was probably something she really wanted to ask, but she was probably afraid to ask.

What exactly do you want to ask about me and Himekane?

Hmm…I don’t know, well

Then the next day.



On my way to school, I looked up and saw the devil in the curve mirror. Or rather, it was Shigenawa Tsukasa.

“Are you free?”

“No, I’m not free.”

“Then what are you doing in the morning?”

“Morning routine.”

“What kind of routine?”


I’ve never heard of such a routine before. ……

“That’s what Tazuna-senpai made me do, isn’t it? So, I’m going to hate you, just like you thought I would. You should be grateful.”

“That’s terrible resentment.”

“In my head, I know that. But my heart is completely unforgiving of you, so I have no choice.”

“If you know this in your head, I hope you can put up with it.”

So, Shigenawa Tsukasa became my stalker. I’m scared.

This morning, despite all this, there was peace and quiet at school for the first time in a long time.

These days, Shigenawa has been messing around with my school life. ……

I didn’t realize how happy I was to be able to have a leisurely lunch. I’ve learned the hard way that happiness is something you realize after you’ve lost it.



The peace was short-lived, and then my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen and saw that it was an incoming call from Sumeragi

I wonder what kind of trouble I’m going to get into this time. ……

I hate answering this …….

After something is over, new troublesome things come in.

But I have to get this one. ……

“….. hello?”

“Tazuna-kun! Help!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have any toilet paper!”

I hung up.



“Why are you hanging up?! This is a big deal!”

“What’s the big deal? you just ran out of toilet paper?”

“It’s a big enough deal!”

“All right, all right. What’s the situation right now?”

“Well, I went into the bathroom to pick …… some flowers, and I noticed there was no paper.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to bring me some toilet paper!”

“Why don’t you just ask anyone who walks into the bathroom to do that, not me?”

“You’re forgetting something, aren’t you? I’m a man!!”

“No, you’re a woman.”

“No, yes, but not that!”

“hmm…… speaking of which, where do you use the restroom?”

“Eh? It’s, you see,……, the unused restroom on the third floor of the west school building that you introduced me to.”

Then I remembered.

Sumeragi, I think she’s using the women’s restroom.

That’s right, you can’t rely on anyone else. If she does, her true identity will be revealed.

In the first place, there are hardly any visitors there.

“Well, I understand the situation. But, I’m delivering toilet paper to the women’s restroom, isn’t that a problem indeed?”

“I-it’s an emergency right now!”

“…. Huh, I understand.”

It can’t be helped. I’ll deliver the toilet paper.

After lunch, I moved to the third floor of the west school building, made sure the surrounding area was safe, and then rushed into the girls’ restroom. 

“Hey there, I’m Paper Eats!) (*Parody Uber eats)

“Q-quickly…..! I’m here!”

“I look forward serving you again.”

I handed the toilet paper to her from the top of the empty private room and left the women’s restroom.

“Eh……, why is a man in the women’s restroom ……?!”



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9 months ago

Now, let her hair grow until it reaches her knees, wear more revealing clothing and puff you will win your neighbor’s heart