
It was Saturday evening and I was walking around outside with no particular destination in mind.

Kaoru, Kirara and Hitomi must be having a good time right now.

Kaoru had sent me some photos of the three of them together, and they looked like they were having a lot of fun.

The three of them looked happy together, smiling as they ate lunch or went shopping together.

And according to Kaoru, Kirara had never had time to worry about fashion before, so she looked very happy today.

That alone makes me glad I gave her the day off.

Or rather, I’m thinking of giving her Saturdays off as well from now on.

Well, I’ll have to ask Kirara about that.

“I mean, what should I do for dinner……”

I heard that Kaoru has promised to go out for dinner with her family today, and she is not coming to stay over.

That’s why I’m thinking of eating out.

For now, I’m going to go with fast food that is easy to eat……hamburgers are nice, or ramen noodles. It’s not a bad idea to eat sushi after a long time.

As I was thinking about this, I saw someone I knew in the direction ahead of me.

“Is that…..Kirara’s grandmother?”

There was Kirara’s grandmother walking with a shopping bag.

She didn’t seem to have a lot of baggage, and now that I saw her, I wanted to help her out.

So I went over to her.

“Kirara’s grandmother. Hello.”

“Oh ! Are you…..Kaito kun !”

“You remembered my name.”

“Of course…..because you helped me in so many ways…….”

Kirara’s grandmother said apologetically.

“No. Please don’t worry about that. I’m also very grateful for Kirara’s presence, so it’s mutual. It would be helpful if you didn’t mind me and treated me as Kirara’s friend.”

“I see……I’ll do that then….but thank you so much…..”

“Yes ! It’s fine. So, are you on your way home from shopping now?”

“Yes, I am. I’m shopping for tonight’s dinner.”

“I see. I’ll carry your luggage then.”

“But don’t you have something to do?”

“No. I’m totally free right now.”

“Then, I’m counting on you……”

“Yes. Leave it to me.”

I took the shopping and started walking with her.

It wasn’t heavy at all for me, but for Kirara’s grandmother, it must have been a little heavy. It was heavier than I expected because it contained milk and soy sauce.

“Once again, thank you very much……for saving my husband’s life…..and both he and I really appreciate it.”

Well, even if I told her not to worry about it, I can’t say that.

I’ll take her words of gratitude in stride.

“I’m really glad that nothing happened to him.”

“Not only that, Kirara seems to be having a lot of fun since then, and I really appreciate it……I’m also really happy to see Kirara living such a happy life……”

“Well, but that’s because Kirara is working for me. That’s what Kirara is getting for herself….. so you don’t have to thank me.”

As I said this, Kirara’s grandmother smiled.

“Just like Kirara said, you really are a sweet boy.”

“Kirara told you something?”

“Well…..she often talks about Kaoru chan and Hitomi chan as well as Kaito kun, and she said that the three of them are really kind and her best friends,…..and all three of them are really nice when you actually talk to them.”

Best friends……she really thought so……I’m very happy.

By the way, Kirara’s grandmother has a really nice smile on her face when she talks about Kirara.

I can tell that she must really love her.

I mean, come to think of it, Kaoru and Hitomi also went to Kirara’s house to visit.

“I see. I’m getting along well with Kirara, too, and I’m glad to know you think so.”

–After a while of talking about such things, we arrived at Kirara’s house.

“We’re here, thank you so much.”

“No, it’s fine. I just wanted to help out.”

“If you’d like, would you like to have dinner with us? I’d like to thank you for everything. I’ll make it for you, so I don’t know if it’ll be to your taste.”

Kirara’s grandmother suggested.

She treated me kindly……well, I’m sure it means many things, including today.

Of course, I told her it was fine, but Kirara’s grandmother really seems to want me to come and eat with her….. 

Kirara’s grandmother must be very grateful and want to express her gratitude.

I’m sure I’d feel the same way if I were in her shoes. …it’s hard to say no to this…..but I should call Kaoru first. 

“Um, then, can I have a minute? There’s someone I’d like to contact.”

“Yes, of course.”

I then went away and made a phone call on LUNE.

[Kaoru, actually…..]

I said, adding that I would tell her the sequence of events.

[Of course, if Kaoru doesn’t like it, I’ll say no, so just tell me what you think.]

[Fufufu, of course it’s fine ! If it was Kirara chan’s grandmother’s request, I wouldn’t be able to refuse ! Besides, you have to accept her gratitude honestly !]

I don’t know why she’s smiling…she seems a little happy, but if Kaoru says it’s okay, I guess it’ll be okay.

Well, I just have to eat and go home.

[Then. I’ll eat dinner at Kirara’s house and go home, okay?]

[Yeah ! Have fun !]

[Yeah. Bye.]

[Yeah ! Also, we’ll be over in a little while, so Kirara chan will be heading home soon too ! Kirara chan’s grandma is waiting. If that’s the case, it’s bad to keep her waiting, so go ahead !]

[Okay. Thanks.]

I couldn’t keep Kirara’s grandmother waiting, so I just said that and ended the call.

I’m curious to hear that Kaoru seems to be having fun, but…is it really that much fun to see the three of them playing together? Well, there’s nothing better than smiling.

“Ah ! Or should I have told Kaoru to tell Kirara as well.”

I thought so, but she’s with Kaoru, so maybe Kaoru will tell her.

–I went right back to Kirara’s grandmother.

“It seems okay, so I thought I’d better pay a visit !”

“I see. Well, then, please make yourself at home.”

Kirara’s grandmother smiled happily as I replied.

“Yes. I’m sorry to bother you.”

–And with that, I entered the house with Kirara’s grandmother.

“Then, please make yourself at home and wait for me, even though there is nothing here.”

“Yes. I will.”

I decided to kill some time with a cup of tea from Kirara’s grandmother.

But there was nothing to do, so I decided to wait and play with my phone……then I saw a certain picture.

What was reflected there was Kirara when she was little, and an adult man and woman.

The man seemed to be intelligent and reliable, and the woman looked exactly like Kirara.

Probably……or more definitely Kirara’s parents.

I mean…I couldn’t tell from the game, but Kirara and her mother really look exactly alike…

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25 days ago

Thanks for the TL!