“Kaito kun ! The movie was really interesting, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, it was. I liked it a lot.”
“Yeah, yeah ! It was really good. I was really moved by that scene.”
“That scene where the hero and heroine get together?”
“Yes ! After all the twists and turns and hardships they went through, that scene was even better.”
“That scene was great, wasn’t it?”
On Sunday afternoon, I was out with Kaoru.
Kaoru seemed to have come out to her parents that she was dating me, and she was happy that they understood her easily.
I’m really glad that both Kaoru and I didn’t feel guilty about lying to Kaoru’s parents when we went out to sleep over.
By the way, she stayed at my place yesterday as well and seemed to be having a great time.
We are talking about visiting Kaoru’s parents soon, so I’m going to make preparations for that as well.
“Yeah ! So, Kaito kun ! Where shall we go next?”
“Let’s see…….”
As Kaoru and I were walking along talking about such things, suddenly a person jumped out in front of us from a corner.
That person was ……
“Yamazaki !? Right…..”
“T-that’s right……”
When I thought Yamazaki jumped out in front of us, he ran off without noticing me and Kaoru with a very pale face.
“What was that…..”
“Beats me……I wonder”
“It looked like he was in a hurry…..seriously, what’s going on?”
“I think he looked more frightened than panicked.”
I certainly don’t feel that way when she says that.
When I was thinking about that, Kaoru said in a panic.
“K-Kaito kun ! Look ! ! !”
When I checked the direction from which Yamazaki came running, I found that Kirara was about to be forcibly taken away by some men who looked somewhat familiar to me.
I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m sure it’s just a pick up.
“Kaoru, I’m going for a bit.”
“Yeah ! I’m coming with you !”
So Kaoru and I headed to Kirara.
“Hey ! Let’s go quickly !”
“That’s right ! Let’s get the hell out of here !”
“We ain’t got time for this shit !”
“But …..”
Kirara was frightened by the words of the three men.
I approached and grabbed the arm of the man holding Kirara’s hand, pulling him away from her.
“Oi ! Don’t you dare touch her !”
“Huh? You’re…..! !”
The man saw my face and suddenly became impatient for some reason.
“Oh…..these guys are……”
Kaoru looked at them and said.
“Eh? You know them?”
“H-hey ! That’s enough. Let’s go ! You and your girl can forget about what just happened.”
“Y-yeah I don’t want anything to do with this guy……”
Kaoru was about to say something when the men hurriedly said so, their faces turning pale, and got into the car and drove away.
“What was that? Someone you know, Kaoru?”
“Erm…..they are the three guys who picked me up at that time. When Kaito kun saved me.”
“Ah ! I remembered !”
I remember that when she said that, but that happened not long after we met !
No wonder they looked so familiar to me ! That’s why they ran away when they saw me !
As I was thinking that, Kirara said.
“T-thank you, you two……”
I looked at Kirara and saw that she was very listless.
“Erm? Kirara, do you wanna sit down for now?”
–We moved to a nearby bench.
“Kirara chan, what happened between you and those guys?
“Erm, actually…..”
★side: Hiroshiki Kirara
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Grandpa !”
I went to the hospital where my grandpa is and now he is all better.
They say he can’t leave the hospital yet, but he’s almost ready.
“Oh ! Hiroshiki san !”
I turned around to see Shin.
“What a coincidence ! What were you doing?”
“I had some business to attend to. I’m on my way home now.”
“Oh, yeah? I’m on my way home from shopping, too !”
“I see.”
“Ah, yeah……….”
Shin looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t say it.
“Erm? What’s wrong? Something happened?”
“Ah… you have something to do after this? I was wondering if we could talk a little if you want to…..”
I don’t have anything special to do after this, but what’s wrong?
If Kaoru chan was here, I would have just brushed it off since there’s also Kaito kun, but there’s no need to do that right now.
“I’m fine. So what’s wrong?”
“Well, can we just walk and chat?”
And so, Shin and I started walking.
“Where did you go, Hiroshiki san?
“Erm. I went to see my grandpa.”
I don’t want her to know about my family, but I don’t think it would be strange if I kept lying.
“Yeah, that’s right. Shin, what did you buy?”
“I suddenly had a game that I wanted to play, so I bought it second hand.”
“I heard you said you like video games?”
“Eh? Did I tell Hiroshiki san about it?
For some reason, Shin looked happy even as he said that.
Oh…..I heard this from Kaoru, didn’t I?
I thought so, but misled myself.
“You’ve told me. Don’t you remember?”
“N-no. I’m sure I would’ve told you if you said so ! I remembered now ! Thank you.”
Well, I often heard that Kaoru chan often leaves first because Shin plays games.
I’m sorry for deceiving him, though.
“No problem. It’s fine.”
“Oh, by the way…….”
“D-do you have a boyfriend right now, Hiroshiki san?”
Shin suddenly asked that question.
What’s going on?
“I don’t have a boyfriend. What does it matter?”
“I-I see……”
Shin seemed happy to hear that.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“No. Nothing……I was just curious and asked, no reason.”
At that time, Shin kicked a slightly larger stone that was lying on the road.
The stone was unluckily close to the car, and the stone bounced up and hit the side of the car.
Then three men came out from inside.
“Hey ! Are you the ones who just hit it?”
“I mean, there’s no one else near the car but these guys, and I’m sure they’re the only ones.”
“What the hell did you guys just hit it with? This car was expensive.”
The three men were clearly angry.
“I-I’m sorry…….”
I looked at the real driver and saw that he was very frightened, so I was the first one to apologize to him.
It doesn’t look like there’s any damage to the car, but I think it would be best to apologize quickly.
Of course, I wasn’t the one who kicked the rock, but we were together, and from these guys’ point of view, it doesn’t matter which one of us did it…….
“Pay for it ! Give me a million for repairs !”
Eh? 1 million……that’s impossible, of course.
Shin still couldn’t seem to get the words out of his mouth, so I said.
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t give you a million…..”
“You can’t? Look at this ! It’s obviously dented, right?”
When he said that, I looked at the car and sure enough, it was slightly dented?
I looked at the car from a different angle and saw that it really did have a slight dent.
But still, a million is…..
“Hey, what’s this guy’s problem? Isn’t he your boyfriend? Isn’t he ashamed to let his girlfriend talk all the time?”
When told that, Shin turns over, shaking and doesn’t say anything.
I’m not his girlfriend, but I don’t care about that right now. For now, it seems like I can’t rely on Shin in this situation…’s scary, but I have to do something about it…
Normally I would run away quickly, but now I’m not alone…….
“Erm. I didn’t do it on purpose… can you forgive me…..?”
I said, and one of the guys said.
“Then forget the money, so why don’t you pay with your body instead?”
“That would be nice.”
“I thought so too. It’s much better than money.”
The other two guys were smiling and saying the same thing as the first one.
With body…..that kind of thing……there’s no way I can do that…..I don’t like that at all costs.
I was confused and one of the guys yells at me and says.
“If you can’t pay with money, then that’s the only option ! I mean, how long will you be here? I have no business with a broke bastard, so get out of here quickly ! ! !”
“Eek !”
Shin’s face turned pale as he was grabbed by the chest.
“Or are you gonna get the money !? If you can’t, just go ! I’ll kill you ! ! !”
When he was told that, Shin said in a tiny voice, [I’m sorry] that’s all he said, and ran away.
Shin was the one who did it….but now he is running away…..
I thought so and tried to run away, but at that moment a man grabbed me by the wrist.
“Hey ! Let’s go quickly ! !”
“That’s right ! Let’s get the hell out of here !”
“We ain’t got time for this shit !”
I don’t know what to do…..I can’t run away from this…….
Even if you’re good at sports, it’s not easy to shake off a man who’s bigger and stronger than you if he really grabs you by the hand. And it’s almost impossible to run away from three men.
I had half given up on the idea.
I was so excited thinking that I was finally going to find love…but for the first time, it would be better to be with someone I absolutely love…
At that time.
“Oi ! Don’t you dare touch her !”
“That’s what happened…….”
Kirara was about to cry as she said that.
It wasn’t the first time she had been picked up, but up until now she had been able to avoid it well, but this time it wasn’t the case, so she must have felt really scared.
I mean, Yamazaki……he cannot be relied on…..
It’s not hard to understand why he’s scared, but he’s the one who caused it…..he could have done more……
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Yamazaki. you messed up dude.