
–It’s been a little over a week since I talked to Kirara with Kaoru.

I’m in the middle of my last class of the day, but I’ve been thinking.

Kirara told me that her grandfather’s surgery wasn’t that difficult, and that it went well and that he is now on the road to recovery, though not quite well.

Kirara will probably need to stay in the hospital for a month, but she is now as healthy as before.

In fact, she seems to be enjoying herself more than before.

It’s probably because a lot of weight has been lifted off her shoulders and she feels more at ease.

Kirara’s grandmother and grandfather also thanked me, but I told them it was okay, as I had no intention of accepting their gratitude. 

Well, I guess it would have been okay to accept, but I was only giving Kirara money for her work. Just a little more payment.

Kirara had already shared with Hitomi what she had told us about her house, her family, the fact that she had been working part-time, and that her grandfather was in the hospital.

I don’t know what kind of exchange they had, but it seems that the bond between the three of them has deepened, although I guess it was partly because they were relieved to finally share the secrets they had been keeping from each other.

I was glad to see that Kaoru and Kirara seemed to be really enjoying themselves.

Hitomi may seem cold, but she’s not like that at all, she’s a person who values her friends.

Also, Kirara told me that Kaoru’s popularity has been on the rise recently.

No, I mean she was popular to begin with, but even more so.

I heard that there was someone who tried to confess his feelings to her before, but Kirara prevented him from doing so.

Well, it’s obvious that Kaoru will most likely refuse, but it’s nice to know that Kirara and Hitomi are with her. I mean, I can’t help but think that such a thing will happen more often in the future.

I mean, considering that such a thing will happen more often in the future, I think it’s about time for her to announce that she’s dating me.

Well, originally I was worried that Kaoru’s friends would keep their distance from her.

In general, Kirara and Hitomi already know each other and will never leave each other, and now there are a few people who are scared of me, but hardly anyone who expresses their dislike.

I think the fact that I got first place in the test probably has a lot to do with it, and I think that’s one of the reasons the teachers treat me well.

I think that’s one of the reasons why my reputation is getting better and better.

I don’t know what will happen to Yamazaki, but if Kaoru is going to be bothered by him making a pass at her, then maybe she should do it.

I mean, I’ve been asking Kaoru about Yamazaki often, and I’ve been observing him since the Miyazato incident, but he seems to be aware , Kaoru, Kirara, and Hitomi. I can’t say for sure, but it seemed that way.

Well, Yamazaki himself is not in a relationship with anyone, and there is nothing wrong with having more than one person you like.

Even so, Kaoru’s heart will never be moved, so I’ll just have to ask him to give up.

And I can’t say for sure, but I’m almost certain that Yamazaki is going to try to get Kirara to Miyazato…..that’s what I think.

Well, I will protect Kirara when it comes to it !  That’s what I said, so I’ll have to wait and see.

Besides, I’m going to be a bit busy starting today.

–After the last class of the day was over and it was after school, Kaoru and the others left the classroom first, and I left the classroom a little while later.

I went to the usual meeting place and found Kaoru and Kirara there.

In case you are wondering, I knew Kirara would be there because today is the day that Kirara starts cleaning and cooking at my house.

Kaoru also did not have cram school today. I heard that Hitomi was originally going to come too, but she couldn’t because of family business.

Hitomi had never been to my house before, but since it was Kirara’s first day at work and we were all going to have a home-cooked meal together, I agreed to allow her to come.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“We’re not waiting at all, Kaito kun !”

“We just got here.”

“I see. Then let’s get going.”

“Yeah !”

Then I started walking home with Kaoru and Kirara.

“Once again, thank you, Kirara.”

“Yeah !  Likewise !”

“Good luck, Kirara chan !”

“I’ll do my best, Kaoru chan !”

The two of them were smiling.

After a while, Kirara said.

“Thank you again, you two……”

“No……I didn’t do anything…….”

When Kirara said that, Kaoru said so.

“That’s not true ! When I heard Kaoru chan’s voice at that time…..I felt really relieved when I saw her face ! And even after that, she stayed with me and called out to me kindly ! That really saved me 


At that time, it was definitely the story right before she sold her body to that old man.

It’s true that Kirara fell to her knees at that time.

Thinking about it again, she must have been really scared……I’m really glad we were able to save her.I just happened to be passing by, and if I had thought about it being a day when Kaoru didn’t have cram school, I would have regretted it….even though it was earlier than I knew, I can’t do anything.

“I see…….I’m glad if that’s the case. I was able to help Kirara chan, too.”

“That’s obvious !”

“I’m really glad.”

“Yeah ! Thank you ! Kaito kun, thank you very much.”

“Don’t worry about it. As for me, I’ve already told you before that you’re not supposed to thank me because I’m  paying you for your services.”

“That’s right. Well then, this will be the last time I say thank you ! I’ll do my best from now on, so please take care of me.”

“Yeah……come to think of it, Kaoru is also gonna eat dinner today, right?”

“Yeah ! That’s my intention. But I didn’t wanna increase Kirara chan’s burden.”

“Don’t worry ! If it’s just one or two more people eating dinner at night, it won’t make any difference at all and it won’t be too much work. If Kaoru chan is coming, of course I’ll do that anytime !”

“Thanks ! I’m looking forward to Kirara chan’s cooking !”

“It’s not that great, but I’ll do my best to make you both satisfied !”

In case you’re wondering, I told Kirara not to worry about the cost of food.

Basically, Kirara eats dinner with me at my place before going home, and if there is something she wants to cook and eat by herself, she is free to do so. Naturally, when Kaoru comes over, I tell her she is free to spend her money as she pleases.

Kirara is also supposed to do the shopping.

I could have gone with her, but since the salary was already high, I thought it would be better to leave things to her, and Kirara told me to leave it to her. There’s a possibility that Kirara will feel guilty if I help more than necessary.

I thought it would be okay if Kirara had dinner at my house because I thought she would be spending less time with her grandpa and grandma, but we talked about it, she has days off, and she gets to eat breakfast together every day. She said it was okay.

And since the salary is paid in advance, she can afford to live a more comfortable life to some extent, so not only her grandfather who was in the hospital, but also her grandmother seemed happy to have some free time.

In the game, I think it was said that her grandmother and grandfather always felt sorry for Kirara, so they must be happy to see her smiling and happy.

Kirara thinks her grandmother is smiling now that she can afford to live properly, but probably more than that, Kirara is relieved to have an easier life.

Well, maybe……

So that’s how we finally settled down.

I was thinking about that as I listened to the two of them.

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