
After a long summer vacation, I was waiting for Kohime to come to the café at the station nearest to her house after attending the opening ceremony.

Like my school, the school she attends has its opening ceremony today, and it is said that school ends in the morning.

However, her school finishes a little later than ours, so she went home by herself and walked to the café.

Just before the summer vacation, I told her about Sumika.

I had intended to keep the subject of Sumika a secret from her, and in order not to cause her any trouble, I probably shouldn’t have told her.

However, Kohime encouraged me by saying that she would always be there for me.

I don’t know the real intention, but I think Kohime gave me her father’s engagement ring that he had given to her mother as encouragement for me.

Kohime’s kindness pushed me to use my summer vacation not as a time to prepare for my counterattack against Sumika, but as a time for rest and relaxation.

Sometimes I was reminded of my situation at school, but thanks to her presence, I was able to keep my head above water and even go to school today, after the summer vacation was over.

If it were not for her words, I might not have gone to school at all, and I’m truly grateful to her.

Although her kindness pushed me to go to school, I left for school today, the first day after the summer vacation, with the fear that the situation might be worse than before the summer vacation.

When I arrived at the school and walked through the school building, the students still looked at me with disdain.

However, I felt that the number of such stares had decreased to about half of what they were before the summer vacation.

Before the summer vacation, the whole school was talking about Sumika and me, but it seemed that the rumors had calmed down during the summer vacation, which lasted more than a month.

To be honest, I was thinking that it would be better if everyone had completely forgotten about us than to say that the rumors had settled down, but it didn’t work out that way.

First of all, let’s be happy that the rumors spread by Sumika have been settled, even if only half.

While I was thinking about this, I noticed a fact.

Compared to before the summer vacation, when I was told by Kohime that she would be there for me, I don’t care anymore if people look at me with disdain.

Before the summer vacation, I was in a state of paranoia, as if the whole world was my enemy, and I suspected that anyone who looked at me had something bad to say about me, but today, I didn’t feel paranoid or depressed even when people looked at me with disdain at school.

I guess it is because what Kohime said to me and her presence in my mind has grown bigger.

Since most of my heart is filled with her, it is natural that I won’t care what people around me think about me.

There was no way someone could just be here for me who was crying while talking about Sumika.

Kohime has given me too much, so I have to give something back to her from now on.

…Anyway, I wonder what Kohime’s real intention was in giving me the engagement ring.

I’ve been thinking about it all summer long, but I couldn’t find the answer because I couldn’t ask her directly.

An engagement ring is literally a ring given when you get engaged, and the ring I received was not just an engagement ring, but a ring that Taketsugu san gave to Kohime’s mother.

If I had received it from Kohime, it would have been a sign that she had proposed to me, but I had never heard of a girl giving an engagement ring to propose to her husband, and Kohime had handed me the engagement ring saying, [Please give it to me someday.]

Then that would mean that that was not a proposal from Kohime, but that she asked me to propose to her.

…No, I’ve never heard of anything like that.

Well, at that time I was quite weak, and just talking about Sumika brought tears to my eyes.

It would be reasonable to think that Kohime, who could no longer stand looking at me in such a weakened state, gave me the engagement ring to encourage me.

……No, but it still doesn’t seem right.

The current idea is not possible without the premise that Kohime likes me.

It’s hard to imagine that Kohime likes me enough to want me to propose to her…..

I’m not sure what I should do with this engagement ring.

It’s not right to just say [thanks for the other day] and give it back to her, and just because it’s not right doesn’t mean I should propose to her then.

I still wonder if she gave me the engagement ring because she likes me…….

No, my head is too full of flowers to think that Kohime likes me even though I saved her from being hit by a car.

Let’s meditate for a moment and calm ourselves down.

I was waiting for her with such thoughts in my mind, but even after five or ten minutes past the meeting time, she did not show up at the café, nor did I receive any notice that she was going to be late.

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Diana Kurosawa
Diana Kurosawa
3 months ago

I bet if she strips in front of him, he would still missed the fckin’ hint, this dense mf~