“Is that Yauta kun’s girlfriend after all?”
Hearing Reimi’s words, Mai began to speak hurriedly before Sumika could speak.
“No, no, no, she’s not his girlfriend, is she? If I had my girlfriend take me to and from school in her car, there’s a chance that my classmates would see me and spread rumors about it, but I don’t think Yauta would do that because of his personality.”
Mai was desperately trying to convince Sumika and Reimi that the girl in the same car with Eita might not be Eita’s girlfriend.
This was Mai’s true intention, but more than anything, she was trying not to provoke Sumika, who had arrived at school later than Mai, because Sumika’s expression seemed to be in a bad mood.
Mai had anticipated to some extent from the day before that Sumika would be grumpy on her way to school.
This was because Reimi had sent a message on LINE yesterday, saying that Yauta was coming to school in the same car as a girl.
Recently, Sumika has not been getting along with her boyfriend, Takamiya senpai, and she has been complaining to Mai and Reimi.
Just when Mai was thinking that Sumika was on the verge of exploding, Reimi dropped a spark, and I was thinking that this was going to be a big problem tomorrow.
And Sumika was still exploding, and Mai, thinking that this is something that cannot be avoided, was trying to calm Sumika down to prevent her from harassing Eita.
“Well, I understand that opinion, but if she’s a girl that Sumika doesn’t even know, then it’s unlikely that she’s Yauta’s sister, cousin or relative, isn’t it? Then it could only be his girlfriend.”
Mai was trying to calm Sumika down, but Reimi kept repeating things that seemed to add fuel to the fire.
Even though she was angry with Reimi, she couldn’t take any bold action because if she denied it too much, Sumika would realize that Mai was trying to win over Sumika.
“W-well, that’s true,……but to me, Yauta doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would ask his girlfriend to drive him to school.”
“I agree with you, but if you just look at the situation, his girlfriend is the only one who could have done that. I’m sure you think that’s Yauta kun’s new girlfriend, don’t you Sumika?”
The next moment Mai thought the question was a bad idea when she heard the question Reimi asked Sumika.
“…..Ugh. Hiks……”
“Eh, wait, Sumika chan…..?”
When Mai thought it was a bad idea, Sumika had already started to cry.
Mai immediately understood that Sumika’s tears were false tears, but she also knew that Reimi could not realize that the tears were false, so she covered her face with both hands, feeling that there was nothing she could do.
However, even the quintessential Mai could not understand why Sumika had started imitating the false tears.
Reimi asked Sumika, [What’s wrong?] Mai swallowed her spit and listened to Sumika’s story.
“I’ve been……holding back for a long time, you know……? Eita forced me to have a physical relationship with him, and that’s how we ended up breaking up.”
Mai was confused, but she swallowed her words.
Mai knew that Eita was not the kind of person who would force her into a physical relationship with him, so she immediately understood that Sumika was trying to trick Eita into it with outright lies to spite her for not getting along with Takamiya senpai.
Just as Mai was about to tell Sumika that she couldn’t continue to make Yauta kun the bad guy, Reimi spoke up to cover her words.
“–What’s that !? That’s just a crime !”
Which one is the crime !? Mai thought that, but of course she couldn’t say those words.
“T-that’s not true. At that time, I was vague and didn’t clearly refuse, so it’s not Eita’s fault alone—“
“What do you mean, it’s all Yauta kun’s fault !”
The eyes of the entire classroom are drawn towards Sumika and the others by Reimi’s loud voice.
By the time Mai thought she had to do something to stop this, it was already too late–she had no more control over the atmosphere in the classroom.
A short time later, Eita entered the classroom, and Mai didn’t miss the way Sumika made a face when Reimi slapped him.
She doesn’t know where Sumika’s strategy came from, but Reimi was completely dancing in the palm of Sumika’s hand.
Mai could not stop shaking when she thought that perhaps Sumika had understood that Mai could not stop her.
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Names are mixed up here and there; Eita with Yauta. I think the shitbag ex human waste was also mixed up before.
Nope, because Eita’s last name is Yauta
Oh really? Lol I forgot that tbh.
Thanks anyway.
Why do you want to associate yourself with a scum like that? I’d rather be a loner than be with a manipulative biatch no cap.