
In the morning I was staring at my reflection in the mirror.

I was wearing the school’s men’s uniform.

A calm dark gray jacket, white shirt and tie.

It looks like a typical …… school uniform, but it feels great on. T
I guess they use really good materials.

“Shuji, you look good.”

“Well, thank you.”

“How about me?”

Yuzuka, who was wearing a women’s uniform, spun around on the spot.

She looked like she wanted to be praised. Well, in her case, she has a good appearance, so she looks good no matter what she wears.

“It looks good on you, doesn’t it?”

“Eeh, it’s not very emotional.”

“No. Look, we’re going to be late, so let’s get going.”

After saying that in an attempt to confuse her, I headed to the car with Yuzuka.

We headed near the school with Mei driving.

She usually drives this car to the school, but not today.

We were going to walk about 15 minutes to the school and get off there.

As we had been told beforehand, we would be walking to school.

On the way to the school in the car, Yuzuka looks at passersby with a twinkle in her eye.

“Wow. Look …..! Everyone is walking or riding bicycles to school! I see, so there’s bicycling too.”

“Bicycle? …… I used to ride a bicycle to school when I was in junior high school.”

“You sound like it was a long time ago.”

“……, no, that’s not true.”

Bad. I think I used to go there until recently.

“I’ve never ridden a bike by myself.”

“…. Really?”

“Yeah. I wasn’t allowed to ride because it was too dangerous.”

You are too overprotective, Tachibana family.

If you’re too overprotective, she won’t grow up to be a good adult, right?

Well… if I look at those big brother and others, I can imagine them stopping her from riding a bicycle.

After another ten minutes or so, the car stopped. Mei got out of the driver’s seat, opened the door, and we got out with our bags.

“Please be careful on your way to the school,”

We nodded in agreement with Mei’s words.

“Thanks. Let’s go, then.”

“Oh, okay.”

I start walking towards the school with Yuzuka. However, if I look next door, there is already an outer wall covering the school…

The private Seiran Kouka Academy is said to be attended by many rich people. Perhaps because it was built with investment from wealthy people, its scale itself is crazy.

The cars passing by us are all famous luxury cars. And they are heading toward the school.

Still, there are some special students and some departments for the general public, so it seems that there are not zero …… commoners.

Well, I wonder how many commoners are able to maintain their special student status.

It was when I was thinking about such things

My danger detector reacted.

…… was it the assassin Kazuma had talked about yesterday? I know that he is watching me, as if he is asking me about me.

I identify the location. If I concentrate my danger-sensing awareness, I can immediately tell from which direction they are directing their hostility.

 ……That place, huh?

I turn my gaze to a tall building in the distance. It’s probably some kind of corporate building.

He seems to be observing us from there. Perhaps he is observing with binoculars, or perhaps he is using a nearby surveillance camera.

There are surveillance cameras here and there along this road, perhaps because it is a route for the school’s students to go to school.

……Well, hey, it’s better not to use otherworldly magic or anything like that. Unlike in other worlds, you never know where or in what form it will remain.

For now, the other side is probably just monitoring us. There was no sign of any immediate action yet, so we walked leisurely along.

At that moment, I sensed something unusual.

A response other than the one observing us appeared nearby.

“What ……?”

I noticed his gaze and turned around to see a man approaching us. He was a man with a suspicious atmosphere.

He comes toward us with sharp eyes and takes out his hand from his pocket.

Then he thrusts his hand toward us.

“Oh, hey, you are ……! You are the daughter of that Tachibana group, aren’t you? Follow me!”

The man thrust a knife at Yuzuka with a low voice and shouted so.

…Maybe this is actually the assassin prepared by Kazuma?

“Hmm, could this person be the killer onii san mentioned?”

“What do you think?”

He was clearly in a hurry.

Maybe Kazuma asked him not to be identified as the hit man or something.

“…, what the hell are you guys talking about? Just grow up and follow me!”


“No, I don’t think so.”

“Y-You guys! You’re just trying to get me, aren’t you?”

He said that and tried to stab Yuzuka with a knife, but I grabbed his wrist.

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