“What are you guys doing here?”
I freeze for a moment at the sight that jumps in through the rooftop door.
But this is not the time for that.
I have to save Amane san once I’m here.
“Damn, why did you come here at this time, Yanagi?”
Three boys and Runa.
The three of them are the ones who helped Runa and cooperated with her.
“For now, get away from Amane san.”
Who tied her up and what were they trying to do?
There are so many things I want to ask, but helping Amane san comes first.
“What if I say no?”
“I’ll help her even if I have to pin you down. If you get in my way, I will show no mercy.”
To be honest, I don’t have time to fight with these people.
I want to untie her and help her right now.
“Haha, do you understand the situation? There are three boys and one girl. It’s four against one. Do you think you can win?”
“Who knows. Do you mean to say that you don’t intend to back out?”
“Of course not. We’ve come this far. How can we back down now?”
It seems that they have no intention of backing down.
But I’m relieved.
Now I can beat these guys up with a cause.
“I see, that’s a shame.”
I hit the nearest male student.
On his nose.
I hit him as hard as I could, and he fell to the ground with a bloody nose.
Another male student immediately comes at me.
I managed to duck back and kick the other boy in the gut.
“Now it’s two against one. Runa won’t be able to put up a fight, so you’re all that’s left, Iida.”
“Tsk, you’re such a pain. I don’t like the timing of your arrival, and I don’t like the fact that you’re acting together with Amane Towa.”
I don’t care about his feelings.
The first priority right now is to save Amane san.
I don’t have time to listen to this garbage.
“I don’t give a damn about that. Get out of my way.”
“There’s no way I’m getting out of here !”
A large punch comes flying at me.
His pre-movement is too big, so it’s easy to dodge, and the gap is too big.
He was so sure of himself.
“Then go back to sleep.”
I dodged the punch and delivered an all-out kick to his groin.
“Pyaa, aaaaah.”
I quickly rushed over to Amane san, while Iida cowered, holding his crotch with an inarticulate cry.
“Are you okay, of course not. I’ll take off the rope right now.”
I untied the ropes that bound her hands and feet, and removed the cloth that was in her mouth.
I’m relieved to see that there are no external injuries and no signs of abuse.
“Thank you, but why are you here?”
“I guess we’ll talk about that when we get home. For now, we have to deal with the situation here.”
The only people around are the guy who has fallen, the other who is cowering, and Runa who is just standing there.
“Amane san, could you go get the teacher? I’ll keep an eye on things.”
“Okay. Leave it to me.”
Now all that was left was to wait for the teacher to arrive.
“Sora, I’m-”
“Don’t talk to me. I don’t want to hear anything more from you. I really don’t know why I ever went out with someone like you. I’m starting to feel nauseous.”
You cheated on me, falsely accused me, and when you were accused, you came on to me.
And she even caused trouble for Amane san.
I hate her so much I want to kill her.
If something had happened to Amane san, I might have killed her.
“You can’t talk like that ! I was trying to save Sora from being brainwashed…”
“Brainwashed? The hell you talking about? How could I have been brainwashed?”
“Then why are you so cold to me? You should treat me more like you used to !”
What is she talking about?
She’s the one who betrayed me in the first place, so how can she say this with impunity?
I really don’t understand.
Has she forgotten what she has done?
Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to make such a statement.
I’m scared.
I’m deeply afraid.
“If you hadn’t betrayed me in the first place, I might’ve been able to treat you the way I used to. But I can’t do that anymore. You hurt the person I care the most. I can’t forgive you, and I won’t be merciful to you anymore.”
“You’re referring to Amane Towa, right? You’ve been brainwashed after all !”
“I’m not brainwashed. Amane san is the person who helped me when I was at my worst. Also, she believed me even though I was falsely accused. She’s a really important person. Unlike you.”
There was no way I was brainwashed.
There is no merit for Amane san to brainwash me in the first place.
She was only justifying herself by putting what she did on the shelf and pretending that I was brainwashed.
It’s really a self-centered way of thinking.
“Don’t talk to me. Don’t get involved with me anymore. I mean, not now nor ever. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you don’t get involved with us.”
I don’t care if it’s in court or whatever.
I won’t show her mercy anymore.
Whatever happens to her after we do that, it’s her own fault.
It’s none of my business.
“Amane san will bring the teacher soon. That’s the end of you.”
It was stupid of me to show mercy to this person a while ago.
I should have hunted her down and broken her more thoroughly.
Above all, I can’t forgive myself for causing this situation even though I had received Nanami san’s advice.
“You guys ! We’ve heard you. Come to the student guidance office once and for all !”
Immediately after, Amane san and Nanami san came to the roof with the student advisor.
“Why is Nanami san?”
“I’m sort of an after-action agent. I have objective proof of what they did to Amane senpai.”
Apparently, she had expected this from the moment she sent me the message.
I’m half interested and half scared by the careful preparation of the juniors.
However, if she had known this would happen, I would have wanted her to help, but I guess that’s probably wishing too much.
“More than that, Senpai, this debt is quite large, you know?”
“……I know.”
Nanami-san whispered in my ear so that only I could hear her.
How can I repay this debt and what will she demand of me?
It’s really scary when I think about it, but since I was able to save Amane san safely, I’m willing to comply with any request, but if possible, I’d like her to be lenient.
“For now, Amane, Yanagi, and Sugiura, you guys can go home ! Given the situation, you guys are probably the victims.”
“I understand. Thank you.”
I said that and left the student advisory room with Amane san.
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