
Leila [Ryuujin san got an F rank yesterday !]

Leila says to Goji who got involved.

Goji [F rank, isn’t that beginner level !

…..Now that I think about it ! You’re alive?!?!]

Ryu [You should have left me in the dungeon and killed me.]

Goji [Y-you just didn’t get away fast enough !]

After the raid was over, Goji said he was tired and went back to the inn, and slept all day the next day, so he did not know about the commotion that followed.

However, Goji was the adventurer who had participated in the raid and left Ryuujin in the dungeon. Of course, Ryuujin had no intention of letting him go.

Goji has been an adventurer for a long time. More than once, he has sacrificed new adventurers to escape himself.

It could be said that the old adventurers in this town are all those who have survived by sacrificing newcomers and the weak. (Hence, compared to other towns, this town’s adventurers did not have many newcomers growing up.)

Leila [Ryuujin san survived the dungeon on his own ! He even beat Jorma san in the rank-up exam yesterday !]

Goji [Huh? An all-zero Ryuujin beat Jorma? I can’t believe it, but if it’s true, he took it easy on you and let you win?]

Leila [I didn’t see the mock battle yesterday, so I don’t know, but Ryu san has become a great adventurer !]

Goji [A great adventurer? This guy? That’s a funny joke. 

I see, he passed the exam with a bribe, and he’s getting on a roll and immediately looking for a request to take down the enemy ! Stop it, don’t do it ! Don’t get greedy and keep picking medicinal herbs ! Besides, even if you’ve moved up in rank, you’ve only barely reached the lowest rank, F 


Goji tried to push Ryu off his shoulder. But for some reason, Ryu, who normally would have been easily blown off and knocked down, didn’t seem to be affected, and Goji ended up being pushed backwards.

Ryu [What happened to a great adventurer like you?]

Goji [Bastard…..a nobody like you shouldn’t get carried away and talk down to me !]

Goji suddenly let fly with his fist.

Goji is not a huge man, but he is still bigger than Ryu and has thicker arms.

Ryu’s physique is normal for a 16-year-old boy, but for an adventurer, he is slender and small.

It would seem that a punch from such a difference in size would naturally blow Ryu away…..

Goji’s fist came to a stop right in front of Ryu’s face. Ryu caught it with his hand. It was a strange sight, wondering where Ryu got such power.

The adventurers who had seen yesterday’s mock battle moved away from the scene, not wanting to be caught in the middle.

Ryu was unperturbed as he caught Goji’s punch with one hand. He thought about just going ahead and crushing Goji’s fist in his hand, but—.

But, perhaps sensing the danger at the moment, Goji hurriedly withdrew his fist. As expected of a veteran adventurer who has survived for a long time, he seems to have a good sense of danger.

Leila [Violence is prohibited in the guild ! Do you want to be suspended?!]

Leila bites at Goji, who tries to hit Ryu. But for some reason, Ryu calms her down.

Ryu [It’s okay, we were just talking, right, Goji?]

Goji senses an indescribable eeriness in Ryu, who has suddenly taken on a different demeanor.

He senses that Ryu may have suddenly gained power. Some adventurers break through barriers and grow up fast.

Just to be sure, Goji took a look at Ryu.

In fact, Goji also had appraisal skills. In order to survive for a long time, this ability to know the other party’s strength is very useful. The key to longevity is to avoid fighting those who are stronger than you.

Ryu also sensed that he was being appraised, but he dared to keep it low profile.

The result is


Ryuujin Lv: 1

Age: 16




Blessings: None


[Nothing’s changed at all……]

(But then, what was that power earlier?)

Ryu [I have to thank Goji for taking care of me in the raid. Let’s have a little more “talk” outside, shall we?]

Ryu smiles wryly.

Goji had a certain eeriness about Ryu that was hard to describe, but he was dealing with Ryu, who was said to be weak, incompetent, and an all-zero. He could not be underestimated by an opponent who was not only lower-ranked but also recognized as the lowest-ranked.

Goji [Some nerve, step outside !]

Holding back a worried Leila with his hand, Ryu walked out of the guild with Goji.

A few moments later, the onlookers fearfully followed the two of them outside.


—When they opened the door, there was no one there.

Ryu and Goji had vanished without a trace.

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