
Guildmaster Daniel told Ryuujin to wait in his office after he passed the rank advancement test.

As told, he went to his office, sat down on the sofa, and waited. A short time later, Daniel and Leila, the receptionist, arrived with the guild card.

Leila hands the card to Ryuujin. But for some reason, she looked absentminded and there was no tension in her voice.

Leila [The procedure has been completed. Congratulations on your rank up, today you are an F rank adventurer……]

Hearing these words and checking the guild card that was handed to him, Ryu shouted in protest.

Ryu [F rank? I just overwhelmed a B-rank adventurer a while ago. Isn’t that at least a B rank?]

Leila [No, that’s…….]

Daniel [Sorry, by the rules. The conditions for promotion aren’t just based on combat prowess, you know.]

Ryu [Rules? Isn’t that a rule you just made up in a hurry?]

Ryu glares at Daniel sharply.

Daniel [No, that’s not true ! Don’t you trust the Guildmaster !?]

Ryu looks at Leila quizzically.

Leila [I-in case you’re wondering, it’s true, the rules are……]

Daniel [Explain it to him.]

Leila [Ryuujin san has not met the quota to move up in rank; in order to move up from F to E, he needs proof of killing more than the specified number of demons and delivery of demonic materials.]

She says that because Ryuujin has only been picking medicinal herbs for three years, he has not met the quota for defeating demons to move up in rank.

But this is clearly Daniel’s way of harassing him.

F is the rank at which first-time adventurers are certified without an examination.

It is strange that Ryuujin, who had passed a difficult test that an F-rank adventurer would never be able to pass, should be given the same rank of F as a first-time registrant, even though he had been upgraded from the G rank. At the very least, E rank should be granted.

Leila must have had her own opinion, for she voiced her protest.

“I don’t think this is right ! There have been cases in the past where a rank of D was granted at the discretion of the master, even if the conditions were not met !”

Daniel [Shut up, don’t say unnecessary things ! Rules are rules. I’ve decided to strictly follow the rules from now on !]

When he kicked Leila out of the room for saying unnecessary things, Daniel said he had a question he wanted to ask Ryu.

Daniel [You, have you been hiding your strength?]

Ryu [No, I wasn’t hiding it.]

Daniel [Then what is it? How did you suddenly become so strong? What happened in the dungeon?]

Ryu [I got stronger, or I should say I remembered.]

Daniel [What !?]

Ryu […..It’s a secret.]

Ryu grinned.

Daniel [……!]

Ryu [I don’t have to tell you, do I? Would you ask me how I got so strong every single time I rise in rank?]

Daniel [If someone who was feeble and had less than average strength yesterday suddenly becomes a different person in terms of ability and personality, I need to ask them what’s going on.]

Ryu [I don’t owe you an explanation of the secret of my strength, do I? Aren’t all adventurers supposed to keep their strengths and tricks a secret?”]

Daniel [No obligation, but…..

…..It’s necessary for guild officials to know what abilities their adventurers have. If they know that, they can introduce them to more suitable requests or make accommodations for them.

Well, some of them have secrets that they can’t even tell the staff. As a Guildmaster, I want to know as much information as possible.

Don’t worry, we will always maintain confidentiality.]

Ryu [There’s no way I can trust you.]

Daniel [You’re a mere F-rank adventurer and you don’t trust what the Guildmaster says?]

Ryu [I was almost killed, you know? Moreover, it was a premeditated murder with Guildmaster’s approval. Do you think you can trust the person who ordered you to be killed?]

Daniel [I didn’t give any orders ! They did it on their own……]

Ryu [So you admit that Jorma and the others tried to kill me?]

Daniel made a face as if to say he slipped.

Ryu [So, Jorma and the others will be punished for the murder? It seems that all the people who participated in the raid this time knew about it and kept quiet about it, so they all need to be punished, right?]

Daniel [That’s a….different thing. If such a story gets out, it will be a credibility problem for the guild. We can’t punish them for something we don’t have proof of.]

Ryu [Well, I guess there’s no point in talking about it anymore.]

Daniel [Wait, this is an order from the Guildmaster  Tell me everything honestly ! If you don’t listen to the order, I will penalize you by the authority of the master !]

Ryu [Tell you what???]

Daniel [Everything. How did you escape from the dungeon? What’s the secret of your strength?]

Ryu [I told you. It’s a secret.]

Daniel [Are you sure? If you disobey me, you’ll be penalized. You will be banned from taking requests for an indefinite period of time, and you will be banned from purchasing materials ! If you can’t take requests and can’t sell materials, you won’t be able to raise your rank.]

Liu [Well, I don’t care. I’m not interested in rank advancement anymore. I’m fine with my F rank. I’m done talking.]

After Ryu left the room, Daniel’s blood boiled over and he immediately notified the guild officials about Ryu.

[F-rank adventurer Ryu is banned from taking requests and purchasing materials indefinitely for disobeying the guild master’s orders.]

The staff members who heard this said that they had never heard of such a punishment, and that it was too heavy. But they ignored it.

With no requests and no materials to buy, Ryu would soon come crying to him. That’s what Daniel thought.






― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

The next day, Ryu showed up at the guild and looked at the bulletin board where the requests were posted.

Then Leila came and said apologetically.

Leila [I’m sorry, Ryu san. Actually, the Guildmaster has notified me…..]

Ryu [It’s a penalty, right? I know, I heard it yesterday. You know, an indefinite ban on taking requests and an indefinite ban on buying materials, right?”

Leila [That’s right……

…But! ! This is not right !

I think this is an unjust punishment beyond the authority of the Guildmaster, I will report this to the guild headquarters !]

Ryu [No, it’s okay. You don’t have to do anything unnecessary.]

Ryu appeases Leila, who is angry.

Ryu [Even though I was prohibited from accepting requests, it doesn’t mean I’m banned from the guild, does it? Even if I don’t take requests, there’s nothing wrong with seeing what kind of requests there are, right?]

Leila [Well, that’s true, but……]

Ryu [Even for buying materials, there are plenty of other places where I can buy them, even if I don’t have to buy them from the guild.]

Ryu laughed.

Ryu [I won’t bother Leila, so don’t worry.]

Leila was puzzled when Ryu, who had been calling her with honorifics until then, suddenly started calling her by her own name. She was so thrilled by Ryu’s smile that she couldn’t help but blush.

Ryu [If I were going to wield the authority of a guild master, I have to make sure I pay for it in accordance with the guild rules.]

Then an adventurer approached them, a C-rank adventurer named Goji.

Goji [You’re in my way ! Get out ! There’s a G-rank trash adventurer standing in front of the bulletin board who does nothing but collect medicinal herbs !]

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