
Ryu and Sera were teleported to the entrance of the village.

When they suddenly appeared, the old man at the village gate held up his spear, but when he realized that one of them was Sera, he lowered his spear.

The old man at the gate [Sera, isn’t that you? Where have you been, Marine was worried about you. Who is that person?]

Sera [I went to call for adventurers ! This man is Ryu, he said he would get rid of the bad guys !]

The old man at the gate [Are you an adventurer? I don’t know what Sera told you, but there is no money in this village to hire adventurers. 

You have come all this way, but don’t expect any reward, so I suggest you leave.]

Ryu [No problem, I already got the money from Sera.]

Sailor [Don’t worry ! I’ve already paid him all the money I’ve saved up !]

The old man at the gate [You……thank you…..]

Sera’s allowance must be very small, there is no way any adventurer would accept a job with that kind of money, but…..the old man thanked him, as if he had guessed everything.

The old man at the gate [I appreciate your concern, but I think you should go home. There are 30 bandits. A boy like you can’t defeat them all by yourself.]

Ryu [That’s not a problem either.]

The old man at the gate [But……]

[Sera ! !]

A girl came running up and hugged Sera. She was probably Marine, Sera’s sister.

Marine [You idiot ! Where have you been? I was worried about you 



Sera [Onee chan, it’s alright now, Ryu Nii chan will get rid of the bad people]

Marine [ryu Nii chan?]

Ryu [I came from Mimru. My name is Ryuujin, an adventurer. I’ve come to exterminate bandits at Sera’s request.]

Marine [I see, thank you for taking the trouble. But please go home. I don’t know what Sera told you, but we don’t have enough money to hire adventurers. Besides, a boy like you alone is no match for a crowd of bandits. Please leave, before you get killed……]

Marine was a young girl who looked younger than Ryu but much stronger.

Ryu [I already got my reward from Sera. Besides, I’m an adventurer who can slay dragons, so a hundred or two hundred bandits should be no problem. …..You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so here’s what I’ll do. Just pretend I’m a passing traveler. I just happened to be there when the bandits came. No problem then, right?]

Marine [But !]

Ryu [I’m just passing through on my own, if I get killed, don’t worry about it. Well, just watch……]

Marine [W-wait……!]

Ryu walks into the village, not caring about Marin’s attempts to stop him.

Marine had no choice but to guide Ryu to her house.

Marine told Ryu to hide in her house and never come out if bandits came, and then went to tell the village chief about Ryu. It is common practice in small villages to inform the village head of any visitors to the village, who must then determine whether or not they are a threat to the village and ask permission before they are allowed to stay.

Ryu sits down on a chair in the kitchen of Marine and Sera’s house and activates his divine eye to check the layout of the village. As he further expands his range, he spots a group of people who appear to be heading toward the village.

It was earlier than the appointed time, but it was definitely a group of bandits.

Ryu briefly checked the strength of the bandits, and found that almost all of them were small fry with no problems at all, but there was one who had strong magical power. Perhaps he was the leader of the bandits.

After a while, Marine returned with the village chief.

Marine [Please take care of my sister for me.]

Village chief  [Yeah, I’ll be responsible for taking care of Sera.]

Marine seemed prepared to give herself up to the bandits for the sake of the village. The village chief left without entering the front door.

Of course, there was no need for Marine to make the sacrifice. Let’s get the matter settled before then. Ryu shifted to the entrance of the village and waited for the coming bandits.




Bandit leader [Who are you?]

Ryu [I’m just an adventurer passing by. I happened to be passing by the village and saw a bunch of bandits coming in. I just came to have a look.]

Bandit leader [You’re telling me you knew we were bandits and you came out here? Are you asking to join?]

Ryu [No….I thought there would be a bounty, but it looks like you’re all small fry.]

Bandit A [You bastard !]

Bandit leader [Stop it ! …..You’re a bounty hunter? Yes, we are all small fry and there are no bounty, so you can’t make any money. 

You’re wasting your time, so get the hell out of here.]

Ryu [Well, that’s too bad. By the way, I heard that there is a pervert bandit who is trying to kidnap a girl.]

Bandit leader [Hmm, hired by the village, huh? But what are you gonna do alone?]

The bandits all drew their swords at once.

At that moment, someone rushed into the enclosure on a horse.

Catherine [Just in time ! Ryu, are you okay?!]

It was Catherine, who had flown her horse from the city of Mimru.

Bandit leader  [What the hell?]

Catherine [I’m Catherine, master of the Adventurers’ Guild in the city of Mimru !]

Why is she introducing herself?

She had just shouted out Ryu’s name as well.

Ryu held his head and wondered if she was an idiot.

Ryu [What are you doing here?]

Catherine [I’m here to help !]

Ryu [I thought you just wanted to watch me ‘hunt’.]

Catherine [Uh……no, what are you talking about?]

Ryu had planned to just behead them all with a dimensional slash and be done with it, but Catherine had taken the trouble to ride her horse over to see the show.

Since there was no other choice, Ryu decided to defeat it in a way that would be easy for Catherine to understand.

Ryu pulls out his magic sword, Fragarach, from subspace and readies it.

Bandit leader [Hmph, just one more corpse, get him !]

At the command of the leader, just as the bandits are about to take a step forward, Ryu runs through the bandits at breakneck speed.

The next moment, all the heads of the bandits were lying on the ground.

Although he was slashing at them while moving at high speed, Catherine would have been able to follow them with her eyes at this level of speed.

The only one remaining was the bandits’ leader.

The reason he left the leader behind was because Ryu had something he wanted to know. But it was only as a precaution. Somehow, Ryu had a bad premonition.

Bandit leader [W-what’s…..going on?]

Ryu asked the bandit leader who did not understand the situation.

Ryu [I have a question for you. What were you going to do with the girl you kidnapped?]

Bandit leader [Shut up, it’s none of your business !]

The bandit leader pulls out his sword and attacks Ryu. However, Ryu easily avoids the sword and ends up cutting off his head.

There is no need to ask for an answer. He could read his mind.

However, the fact that he could read the leader’s mind turned out to be more profound than he had expected. It seemed that Ryu’s bad premonition had come true.

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