
Catherine, the new guild master in the city of Mimru, was at the guild training grounds with adventurer Ryuujin. Catherine herself was there to check out Ryuujin’s abilities.

Catherine wanted Ryuujin to take on more difficult requests for higher ranks in the future, if possible.

The rule is that low-ranked people can only accept requests with a commensurately low level of danger. This is to prevent those who are not skilled from forcing themselves to take on high-difficulty requests and dying.

However, it is also a fact that the rank system itself is based on the guild’s own certification, and it is sometimes said that it does not correspond to a person’s ability. This may be a flaw in the system.

If the report is correct, Ryuujin is certainly an A-ranked adventurer.

It would be a waste to allow an adventurer of Ryuujin’s calibre to only do requests for beginners because he is an F-rank adventurer. He should be ranked up, but there is nothing we can do as long as Ryuujin refuses to be ranked up.

Since the problem caused by the previous Guild Master has been resolved, why don’t he raise his rank? But he said that he was no longer interested in raising his rank, perhaps because he still felt a sense of bitterness about the unfavourable treatment he had received under the rank system. He also said that his knowledge and skills as an adventurer are still not up to the level of a novice, and he has no plans to move up in rank at this time.

In addition to rank, there is another indicator called “level” that clearly shows a person’s ability. This level, too, only indicates a person’s ability value, but does not indicate his or her combat ability.

It is just like how you can measure how fast you can run or how heavy you can lift, but no matter how fast your legs are or how strong you are, it does not directly correlate to how strong you are in battle. In addition to pure physical ability, fighting requires skill, strategy, knowledge, and wisdom.

However, there is no doubt that if you have high ability, you will have an advantage in battle. It can be said with certainty that if one has overwhelmingly high ability, one’s fighting ability is also relatively high. It is true that the guild ranking system, which is sometimes even determined for political reasons, is a better indicator of one’s ability.

However, it was reported that this “level” did not apply to Ryuujin. No matter how many times he tried, Ryuujin’s level remained at “1.

Catherine persuaded Ryuujin  to touch the crystal in the guild, but he was still at level 1, with no magic power, and no blessings or class.

(Of course, Ryu can change his level as needed, and even at level 1, he has more power than an ordinary human, so he must always be at the lowest level of 1 unless absolutely necessary.)

Because he is dragonian, he cannot be compared to humans at level 1, but this level is supposed to be used as a common indicator, regardless of race.

It may be that dragonian are a special case, but in the first place, dragonian are a lost race that only appears in folklore in this world, and there is too little information about them.

The only way to find out is to say that he is “out of the norm,” but if that is the case, Catherine is at a loss as to how to deal with Ryuujin.

In the city of Mimru, where there are few high-ranked adventurers, a competent adventurer is valuable. If neither rank nor level can be relied upon, then you must consider how to deal with them.

She was considering making a special exception for Ryuujin, but before doing so, Catherine wanted to make sure he was up to speed on his own abilities.

At present, the only objective “title” that could be reported was that Ryuujin was an F-rank adventurer who has remained at Level 1 for three years. There had been a rank-up examination with Jorma and others before, but there were few witnesses left in town at that time. He also lacks somewhat enough material to convince headquarters to treat him as a special case.

If Ryu could work with Mimru’s guild alone, it would be manageable at Catherine’s discretion alone, but headquarters would not believe her if she raised a report that they were dragonian, for example.

The reports says that Ryu is a “dragon slayer” who can slay dragons in the dungeon, and the dragon material delivered was genuine, but there was also the problem that no one had ever seen Ryu himself fighting a dragon. 

It is to be expected that rumours would start to circulate that Ryuujin might be getting the dragon material from somewhere. To begin with, Ryuujin spends too little time hunting.




Catherine honestly told Ryu that she would like to check his ability. For the time being, she wanted him to have a light hand-on with Catherine herself.

Ryu [Even if you want to test my ability……I honestly don’t know myself, I can’t measure it. I’ve never used my full power…if I really tried my best, this country would probably be disappear.”

Of course, Catherine won’t have taken it seriously, but it’s true.

Ryu’s level is “variable,” and even at his current level of “1,” he is having a hard time holding back his power. When Ryu gets serious, he can raise his level higher and higher.

In fact, he once tried to see how far he could go in a dungeon, but the level continued to increase even after 1000, and Ryu was afraid that the dungeon would collapse at the mere sign of  his presence, so he could not try any further.

At level 1000, Ryu’s own sense of power was such that he could probably crack the “crust” of the earth with a single punch to the ground.

But that was no surprise to Ryuujin, who could only confirm that he had the proper abilities that he had requested from the goddess at the time of his reincarnation.




― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Catherine, although retired, was once an adventurer who had risen to A rank.

However, she is still too young to retire. In fact, she has simply become so busy with her work in the guild that she no longer has time to be an adventurer.

Catherine was reasonably confident in her sword skills. She thought she would be able to hold her own against Ryuujin, no matter how strong he was.

However, when Catherine held up the wooden sword, Ryu told her that she could use it with no hands. He also said that he would not attack her at all. She was a bit pissed off….

Catherine, a little pissed off, decided to get serious. She would have to break his nose to make him feel some pain.




― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

A few minutes later, Catherine was slumped over in the training area, and Ryu was standing there with a cool face.

As it turned out, it was Catherine who had her nose broken.

Catherine’s sword did not even graze Ryu once.

Catherine’s attack on Ryu was indeed sharp. She was indeed a former A-rank adventurer.

However, Ryu moved only a little, and her sword cut through the air.

Even a serious, all-out, maximum-speed strike was avoided.

He tried to make a quick and slow move.


Attempting a surprise attack.

The attacks that she tried with all of her skills were not even able to graze Ryu, who kept his hands clasped behind his back.

Finally, Catherine fell to the ground at the end of her physical strength.

The result was obvious.

Ryu responded with his special abilities at full throttle.

First of all, Ryu has a ‘divine eye’.

His divine eye has a wide range of abilities, including the ability to foresee danger in the near future, which is enhanced by the ability to foretell attacks at any time. All attacks are known through precognition. A surprise attack will not work on Ryu.

He can also read the mind of his opponent. He can read the next attack within the range of his always-active divine eye.

If it is “foreknowledge,” it can be off. The future is always uncertain.

Even if one’s mind can be read, the actual action may not be as it should be, or there may be an accident.

However, when both precognition and mind reading are combined, the prediction of attacks becomes nearly perfect.

In addition, Ryu also has the ability to manipulate time. This is also a passively activated ability, which seamlessly accelerates Ryu’s speed of action according to his needs.

From Ryu’s point of view, it is not that Ryu is moving faster, but that his surroundings are slowing down.

(If he wanted to, he could even stop time by slowing down the flow of time by increasing his concentration to the utmost limit. But this time there was no need to go that far, just slowing Catherine down by a percentage was enough.)

With all these cheats, there was no way that Catherine’s sword could hit Ryu.

Ryu [Are we done?]

Catherine [……I’m so frustrated. Even though  I was an A rank adventurer…..just how?!]

Ryu [I told you, there’s no way to measure up.]

Catherine [This is the part where I’m sure you’re more than just an A rank. One of these days, I’d like to see them call in some S-rank adventurers and have them fight.]

Ryu [I wouldn’t take the fight for no reason, though.]

Catherine [For now, I can’t let you be F-ranked. I’ll authorise an A rank by the authority of the acting Guild Master.]

Ryu [Huh? I don’t want it, I refuse. 

I haven’t even taken the test, that’s indeed an abuse of authority, isn’t it?]

Catherine [Fufu, I certify the current handshake as a rank-up exam.]

Ryu [I said I don’t want it…….

..Will the Adventurers’ Guild be destroyed after all? ]

Catherine [I’m sorry, that’s a lie, you can keep your F rank. That was just practice.]

Catherine instantly retracts her previous statement….




However, Catherine now insisted that she be allowed to accompany Ryu on his hunting trip.

He tried to refuse, but she persisted, so he decided to take her there and show her.

Ryu’s hunting was completed by using the teleporting function to move instantly into the dungeon and store all the demon stones of the monsters in the dungeon, and then use the transfer function to store the dead bodies of the monsters.

It is over in the blink of an eye. You don’t even have to face the monsters.

Suddenly, Ryu is taken to a dungeon by teleportation and shows her a pile of dead bodies of monsters and magic stones that she has stored out of thin air.

Catherine [Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute ! !]

Teleportation? Storage magic? Catherine’s eyes were widened because there was too much information.

Catherine [Teleportation magic is a lost ancient magic!  I can’t believe there are people who can use it in real life…….

And storage magic !? Not storage magic tools?]

Ryu [Teleportation magic and storage magic are both classified as the same ‘time-space magic’. So, if you can use teleportation magic, shouldn’t you be able to use storage magic as well?]

Catherine [What about demons?! You mean the demons you defeated before were in storage?]

Ryu [Then it would be the same if you brought them out at the training ground. I just defeated and collected them, they’re freshly made.]

Catherine [I heard you collected them…….it’s still warm.]

Catherine touches the orc corpse that ryu brought out.

Catherine [And not a scratch on it…….]

Ryu [I’m extracting the magic stone by teleportation. Like this.]

Catherine [?!]

Ryu holds out his hand, and before he knows it, the sword that Catherine had been carrying at her waist is in Ryu’s hand before he knows it.

Ryu returns the sword to Catherine, who is absolutely mortified.

Ryu [I can also teleport monsters from inside the dungeon.]

A magic circle floated on the ground behind Ryu, and a minotaur appeared. Ryu searches the dungeon and teleports it.

Catherine [A minotaur !?]

The Minotaur is a danger level A ranked monster.

After looking at Ryu and the others in confusion for a moment, he raised the battle ax he was holding, but it was the Minotaur.

However, the Minotaur’s movement stopped there and it slowly fell.

Ryu [Like this……]

In Ryu’s hand was a slightly larger sized magic stone. It is the magic stone of the Minotaur.

Ryu [Let’s go back.]

Ryu stored the Minotaur in subspace and activated the transition.

With her mouth hanging open, Catherine found herself back at the guild’s training grounds. It was as if she had been dreaming.

After a short pause, Catherine opened her mouth.

Catherine [So, that power, even against humans?]

Ryu [Humans don’t have magic stones, but if I pull out their organs, will they die? I’ve never done it before, so I don’t know what would happen.]

Catherine gulped and swallowed her spit at the thought of having her organs removed.

* * * * *


Meanwhile, another problem was occurring at the guild’s reception desk.

A young girl came into the Adventurers’ Guild and said she wanted to make a request to exterminate bandits.

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