
With fewer requests and fewer adventurers coming and going, the Adventurers’ Guild has lost its vitality.

Daniel, the guild master, is sitting in his office with his head in his hands when a man comes to him.

It was Johnny, a C-rank adventurer.

Johnny has the “magic eye” skill.

Daniel could also use the “appraisal” skill, but Johnny’s appraisal using his magic eye could provide much more detailed information than Daniel’s.

At Daniel’s request, Johnny used his magic eye to appraise Ryuujin from the shadows. 

However, when Johnny saw the result, he was not sure whether he should report it to Daniel or not.

Johnny understood that it was not a good idea to antagonize Ryuujin with the power of the magic eye.

However, he could not say that he would not report anything.

Johnny, who was not sure what to do, decided to report it partially under the table.

Johnny reported the results of his appraisal.


Ryuujin Lv: 1

Age: 16 years old



Magic power:0


That’s what it was.

Johnny [Master, Ryu is Ryuujin.]

Daniel [? …Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure Ryu’s name is Ryuujin. What about it?]

Johnny [No, as in, Dragonian.]

Daniel [……,You don’t mean……?]

Johnny [Dragonian are a phantom race that we’ve only heard about in legends, right? I can’t believe they exist in reality……]

Daniel [But isn’t it strange? I heard that Ryu’s parents were human.]

Johnny [Abandoned children?]

Correct answer.

Since it was impossible to give Ryu the abilities he requested at the time of his reincarnation with his human body, he was changed to a dragonian by the power of the goddess. However, because Ryu wished to remain human, he became a dragonian without changing his appearance at all from that of a normal human.

Even though he looked like a normal human, he was not a human, but a different species, and his abilities were extraordinary. With muscles the same size as human muscles, they were able to exert 30 times more power than humans. Their bones, joints, and tendons are all strong enough to withstand such power, and their nerve transmission speed is also orders of magnitude faster than that of humans.

However, because Ryuujin wanted to understand this world properly and wanted to grow up as a normal human being in this world, his memories were temporarily sealed and he was left as an abandoned child with a woman of a certain merchant family.

Daniel [I see……surely Ryu said that he “remembered” or something like that. Does that mean he remembered that he was a dragonkin?  And that he had awakened to his abilities as a dragonian? If so, that sudden transformation makes sense……]

Johnny [I had an image of a dragonian having scales and horns, but he looks just like a normal human….

I guess that means that if the level is “1” and it is the level of a dragon person, then it can’t be compared to the level of a human being.]

Daniel [Does that mean that the lack of classes and skills, and the lack of magic power cannot be considered the same as humans…..? And that they are not measurable?]

Johnny [It means that their level is too high for me to appraise further at my level.]

Johnnie once had appraised an A-rank adventurer with his magic eye. Although the other party’s level was over 50, he was still able to appraise him. Johnny’s level was 25, but that level difference would have made it possible to appraise him. (Normally, the appraisal skill cannot see the information of an opponent whose level is higher than its own, but it is the magic eye that makes this possible. ) With the magic eye, it is even possible to see information that would be invisible in a normal appraisal. (The name of Ryu’s race is hidden from ordinary appraisal, but Johnny’s magic eye was able to see it.) ) However, the reason why it is so difficult to appraise even with the magic eye is that the difference in level between the two is so huge.

Although Johnny did not report everything he learned from the appraisal, this report alone was enough to make even Daniel understand that it would be foolish to antagonize Ryu.

What Johnny learned from the appraisal and did not report……


Ryu Lv: 1

Age: 16 years old



Magic Power:Unmeasurable

Combat Power: Unmeasurable

Blessing: Blessing of the Creator 

               Blessing of the Space-Time Goddess

Title [One who is outside the laws of man.]

Whoever opposes him is in opposition to God.


This was the first time that Johnny also experienced the indication of “blessing” in the appraisal results. This is because there are seldom people who receive God’s blessing unless they are high-ranking priests in the church.

Moreover, there is even a strange note attached to it. Opposition to God……?

At any rate, Johnny understood that it would be better not to be hostile.






― ― ― ― ― ― ― 

A dragonian is also the one who rules over dragons.

All dragons obey the dragonian as their dependents.

Even less intelligent dragons do not understand what a dragonian is, but they instinctively understand that they are the absolute superior that must not be crossed, and they obey them.

The earth dragons in the depths of the dungeon were not intelligent enough to communicate with each other, but they recognized Ryu as the absolute leader and had the minimum intelligence to follow his instructions to some extent.

Ryu took care of Big and the other [Red Meteor.]

After piling up the corpses, he had the dragons breathe their breath to reduce them to ashes. The dragon’s breath is easy to use, as the ashes are cleanly reduced to ashes in an instant.

Normally, he would return to the city by teleportation……

This time, Ryu decided to go through the dungeon.

He had been hunting many times before, but he had never been to a deeper level.

However, in order to clear this level and advance to the next level, he would have to defeat a boss monster. Without defeating the boss monster, the stairs to the next level would not appear.

The boss of this level was the King Earth Dragon, a higher species of earth dragon. Naturally, it was more intelligent than the normal earth dragons, and since it was still obedient to Ryu, there was no need to fight it……however, it would not allow him to advance to the next level.

He tried going to the dragon and asking it to let him through, but it seemed to be a no-go. It seems that the only way to proceed is to kill the dragon.

It would be unforgivable to kill a follower, but the dragon seemed to have some understanding of the situation since it had been created in the dungeon and was willing to give him its head.

Even if he had killed it, the monster in the dungeon would come back to life after a certain period of time thanks to the mysterious power of the dungeon, so it might not be a problem. However, there is no need to go to the trouble of inflicting pain on them.

Ryu used spatial control magic to block the blood flow in the dragon’s carotid artery, rendering it unconscious. After confirming that the dragon is completely unconscious, Ryu transfers the magic stone out of the dragon’s body.

Ryu did not know if there was any pain when the magic stone was extracted, but—since the previous monsters seemed to have died instantly without any signs of suffering, he thought that there was probably no pain— Just to be safe, he decided to stun it first.

If it is to make it feel no pain, perhaps it would be better to destroy the brain. In Ryu’s past life (earth) knowledge, he remembered saying that the brain itself does not feel pain.

Since the brain is the very entity that feels pain, I guess he is saying that if it is destroyed, there is no way to feel pain…….

He stopped thinking about it because he could not be sure if there was really no pain or suffering unless he was the one being killed, and there was no way to check how he was after he was dead.

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