
For a while after that, Ryu’s life pattern became routine work.

In the morning, he goes to the Adventurers’ Guild late in the day.

After taking a quick look at the request board, he goes to the purchase counter.

He receives the materialsheI brought in for dismantling and appraisal the day before, and leaves the new materials there.

After that, he heads to the Commercial Guild to have the dismantled materials purchased.

In the afternoon, he goes hunting in the forest or dungeon.

The process is repeated.

At first, Daniel, the master of the Adventurers’ Guild, wanted to prohibit Ryu from “appraising” and “dismantling” the materials he brings in, but then he realized that it would be pointless since Ryu would just take everything to the Commercial Guild.

Instead, he thought it would be better to have the Adventurers’ Guild handle the appraisal and dismantling, so that he would know what kind of materials Ryu had.

That would also be possible because Ryu would bring the materials all the way to the Adventurers’ Guild…….

If he wanted to, Ryu could always switch everything, including appraisal and dismantling, to the Commercial Guild.

However, out of harassment, Ryu is only intentionally making it part of the Adventurers’ Guild.

*Daniel, for his part, made a request to the Commercial Guild to stop buying from Ryu,

[The internal affairs of the Adventurers’ Guild are none of the Commercial Guild’s business.]

This was because Ryu was not treated as an opponent.

The staff of the Adventurers’ Guild’s purchasing department complained that they were unable to purchase the large quantities of materials brought in every day after only appraising and dismantling them, but Daniel ignored all of their complaints.

If he had done so, it would have been a matter of time before the staff would have reported him to the guild headquarters (a tip-off), but perhaps because he was so narrow-minded…..Daniel did not think that far ahead.






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When Ryu is in and out of the Adventurers’ Guild, some adventurers sometimes get involved with him.

Previously, Ryu was treated as a “bottom rank” in the Adventurers’ Guild, so he was always prone to getting tangled up with them.

Those who knew of Jorma’s terrible experience at the rank-up examination would not have had any trouble with him, but those who had been out of town for a while and were unaware of recent developments would have treated him the same way they had treated him in the past.

Of course, such people would be invited back to the dungeon and given a thorough education by Ryu.

In particular, he intended to punish and re-educate any old adventurers who had used newcomers or low-ranked adventurers as stepping stones in the past.

However, this “re-education” was not progressing very well.

Since adventurers who receive requests often leave town early in the morning and do not return for days, it was not easy to see Ryu, who spends the morning in town on executive duty and goes to the dungeon for a day trip in the afternoon and is not obliged to report the accomplishment of the request to the guild.

Since the purchase of materials at the Commercial Guild ends after noon, Ryu would go to the forest or dungeon to hunt demons in the afternoon after eating lunch.

Even so, he returns to town in the evening, eats dinner, and rests at home.

Since the dungeon is a day or two away from town on foot, adventurers who hunt in the dungeon usually stay overnight for several days.

However, for Ryu, who can use teleportation, the round trip between the dungeon and the town is a matter of seconds, so he can dive into the dungeon for an afternoon or two with a single hand.

If he found a raid group adventurer in the dungeon, he would take them out on the spot, but surprisingly, he did not encounter many of them.

Rumors had already circulated that Ryu was seeking revenge on the adventurers who had participated in the raid, and those adventurers who knew that Ryu had overpowered Jorma and the others were sneaking away and hiding so that he would not be discovered.

However, there was no need to rush into anything, and Ryu intended to gradually re-educate the adventurers when he felt like it, and when the timing was right.






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In fact, Ryu had started a new harassment campaign against the adventurers and the guild.

It is called ‘request stealing’.

Recently, a number of high-ranked adventurers in Mimur have begun to fail to receive requests.

A demon sighting is reported and a request is issued to take down the demon. The party receives the request and goes to the sighting location. However, more often than not, the target demon had already been killed by someone else.

Since both the magic stone and the part of the demon to be killed had been cut off from the corpse of the slain demon, the request to kill the demon could not be fulfilled.

The remaining corpses were either cut up or burned to a crisp, so they were no longer valuable as materials.

It is taboo for adventurers to take requests from other adventurers.

Even if an adventurer came across another adventurer fighting a demon, he or she would not carelessly lay a hand on it.

If they did, they would be accused of trying to intercept their prize, which could even lead to a battle between the adventurers.

Of course, it sometimes happens that other adventurers happen to encounter the demon to be defeated before the one who received the request and defeat it to protect themselves. This is inevitable.

However, there were too many of them to be accidental encounters by random adventurers. Also, even though the certified parts of the downed demons were taken away, they were never brought to the guild.

The only requests that were targeted were those for difficult defeats or nominations, which only high-ranked adventurers could accept.

(This was because Ryu felt sorry for the low-ranked adventurers if he took over their requests, so he targeted only the high-ranked ones.)

Naturally, Daniel began to suspect that Ryu had done it.

—In fact, it was Ryu’s doing. Daniel called him in and asked him what was going on, but Ryu told him that he knew nothing about it. Once he is out of the loop, there is no evidence and no way to pursue the matter any further.

In the first place, the requests and nomination requests that have already been received are removed from the board and kept in a locked cabinet, so other adventurers cannot see them.

When Daniel checked, he found that all the request forms were properly stored in the locked bookshelf.

He also had monitor Ryu, but although Ryu looked at the guild’s request board daily, he did not appear to be taking any notes. In addition, the materials that Ryu brings in for appraisal and dismantling are all unrelated to the request.

In the first place, the first one to get the request is the winner, so there is a competition from early in the morning. There is no way that Ryu is participating in the competition.

It is not something that can be done by anyone, especially if the adventurers who received the request had already departed, and he was able to overtake them and complete the request before they did. (It might have been possible if a guild official had betrayed them and leaked the information, but there was no indication of such a thing.)


For Ryu, who uses time-space magic, such security is a non-issue.

He can directly retrieve and return objects from locked shelves by teleporting.

And with “teleport,” distances that would take days to cover can be covered in a matter of seconds. It is even possible to leave the city later and arrive at the destination first.

However, time-space magic, including teleportation, is a magic of illusion, told only in legends in this world. Daniel had no idea that Ryu could do such a thing.

But something is wrong.

Something is not right.

It is a confirmed fact that dragon materials were trafficked by Commercial Guild. He also received a report that it was definitely Ryuujinwho sold them. And it was not the Craw Dragon that Ryu had first defeated, but a real dragon that was supposed to be in a deeper level than that, the Earth Dragon.

Daniel had expected that the dragon had died accidentally and that Ryu had obtained the materials was a godsend.

But what if Ryu’s dragon slaying was real?

What if Ryu really had acquired enough power to slay the dragon……?

Moreover, Ryu brings in demonic materials for dismantling and appraisal every day. In other words, he hunts a large number of demons every day. And that too in a short time.

He suspected that Ryu might have purchased the materials from somewhere and brought them in, but there was no way he had the financial means to do so. Even if he had the money, it would be impossible because there is no market for that amount of materials in the first place.

There are many mysterious things, but what if Ryu has acquired the power to make it happen?

How did he suddenly become so powerful?

No matter how much he groaned and asked himself, Daniel did not know the answer.

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