
*This work is written in the style of a stage play


Set: Inside the dungeon

The show opens with the howling of dragons (loud sound)

Several people on stage

All of them are holding their swords as if they are looking at the upper or lower side of the stage.

A boy (Ryuujin) is roughly pushed out by two men (Goji and Jorma) from the lower part of the stage.

Goji [Oraa ! Get the hell out of here !]

Goji pushes the boy away.

The people on the stage pick up the staggered Ryuujin and drag him further forward (to the left).

Ryuujin [I was only hired as a porter, fighting demons should not be in my contract !]

Ryuujin storms out. However, he is held tightly by those around him and cannot move.

Goji (grinning) [Shut up, it’s an emergency, it can’t be helped. Just buy us some time.]

Jorma [We have no choice. Oi !] (Instructs with his chin)

One of them nodded and approached Ryuujin, slashing him behind the knee with a sword.

Ryu [Ahh !]

Ryu falls down.

Ryu [W-what are you…..!?]

Goji [It’s so you don’t run away in the wind of cowardice. If you can’t walk, you can’t escape, right?]

Jorma [I’m not telling you to fight demons. Use this, a magical tool to generate a magical barrier.]

Jorma throws the magic tool toward Ryu.

Jorma [Just stay there and maintain the barrier until the magic cannon finishes charging, it’s an easy job.]

Goji [With zero magic power, you can only do that much work, so work hard !}

Jorma [Once the charge is over, you can kill the dragon with a single blow with the magic cannon.]

Goji [After the dragon is defeated, I will heal you afterwards, at the very least, hold it off well.]

Everyone exits to the lower side, leaving Ryu behind.

The end of the battle begins with the howling of the dragon.

Ryuujin tries to crawl away while screaming.

On the way, he hurriedly picks up a magical tool and tries to activate it…

Complete closing of the show


As the curtain closed (work on changing the set inside the curtain)

Before the curtain, Jorma and some others appeared from the top side

Jorma [Let’s hurry up and retreat !}

Adventurer A [Hey Jorma, why don’t you use the ‘magic cannon’?]

Jorma [What’s a magic cannon? You mean this smoking pipe?]

Goji […..Did you trick Ryu !? That’s terrible !] (laughter)

Jorma [The warding stone is real, once activated it will create a magic barrier that will hold for a while.]

Adventurer A [What if the barrier breaks……? Won’t the dragons come after us? We have to get out of here fast !]

Jorma [As soon as the barrier expires, the self-destruct rock will be activated. It should blow up the exit so the dragon can’t get out.]

Goji [Will that really block the exit?]

Jorma [Yeah, it’s a pretty powerful self-destruct rock. ……Ryu will die without suffering.]

Adventurer B (cowering his shoulders) [That’s very kind of you….]

Jorma [Besides…I don’t think so, but it would be a nuisance if he were to go home alive and sue us.]

Adventurers cower their shoulders and frown

Jorma: [We don’t have time for this, let’s get the hell out of here !]

Everyone exits to the lower side



Set: Adventurers’ Guild

Jorma, Goji, some other adventurers and the guild master (Daniel) on the stage

Daniel [So there was a dragon in the dungeon after all !}

Jorma [It was an earth dragon. It was at a fairly shallow level.]

Daniel [If an earth dragon comes out on the ground, we will be in trouble. If there was only one, we might be able to defeat it. But if there were more than one, the city would surely be destroyed.]

Jorma [We’ve blown up the exits, so it won’t be able to come out for a while.]

Daniel [You did a good job. We will have to report this to the lord as soon as possible and consider sending more troops from the country.]

Goji [One of the porter boys gave up his life to block the exit. Thanks to his precious sacrifice, the city was saved. We thank him.] (laughs)

Daniel [One G-rank adventurer dying in the dungeon is not much of a problem.]

Ryuujin appears from downstairs.

He opens the door and enters the guild

Ryuujin (glaring at Jorma) [Did you take me with the intention of turning me into a sacrificial stone from the start?]

Jorma [Ryuujin ! You…you’re alive……]


Stage Background

Mimur is a town that fits the description of a tranquil countryside. More than ten years ago, a dungeon appeared in the east of the town.

The town, which had no major industry of its own, welcomed the dungeon as a resource and did not aggressively attack it.

However, managing dungeons without destroying them requires great care, and the city of Mimur did not know how to do this, leaving adventurers to dive into the dungeons on a whim.

Soon, the dungeons somehow grew distorted and overflowed with high-ranked demons in the shallower levels.

Adventurers began to have trouble “thinning out” the demons in the dungeons, and the increased number of demons began to emerge from the dungeons and roam around the city.

The number of residents being harmed by the demons increased, and finally, when even the aristocrats were affected, the lord finally ordered the destruction of the dungeon.

In response, the Adventurers’ Guild planned a raid (a large-scale invasion by multiple parties).

― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Ryuujin, a 16-year-old boy, is a G-rank adventurer who makes a living as a herbalist.

For some reason, his level had not improved at all, and he had been doing nothing but collecting medicinal herbs for three years without receiving any high-ranking requests.

He was aware of his lack of ability and had no intention of participating in raids, but he was forced to join a raid as a porter.

― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Then the dungeon raid began. Although there were some difficulties, the raid went smoothly, but after about 10 levels, they encountered a dragon.

The Craw Dragon is a vicious monster with a danger rating of A, meaning that even one of them could be killed by a company of troops. And there were countless of them wandering around the dungeon.

To be honest, the adventurers had not anticipated such a situation. Jorma immediately made the decision to retreat, but in order to escape the dragons, he decided to sacrifice the boy he had brought along as a porter.

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