
“So That’s what happened. No way they would target her when I’m around. And I can’t allow them to bother Shizuku. ……”

“For Arisa, Otsuki-san is the best person right.”

I had been on the phone with Arisa at home that night because it wasn’t my day for housekeeping.

It was necessary to talk to Arisa about what I had seen today.

As soon as I got home, Tsumugi locked herself up in her room, and my voice and Hiyori’s voice could not get through.

I did not know what to say to my childhood friend in her crisis.

In the end, I would take the option of asking Arisa to listen to me.

“I don’t know how Tsumugi feels. I have an image of Tsumugi as a strong girl who would challenge Reo to a head-to-head fight and who would lead everyone around with her own pace and naturalness.”

“I kind of understand that. But I don’t see that kind of strength. She’s changed in the ten years since she split up with Ryoma.”

“What do you think of Arisa? as the same gender”

“Phew, Unfortunately, I can’t understand it. Tsumugi and I have too different personalities.
And Shizuku, of course.”

“I know, right?”

I can’t imagine Arisa being pressed up against like that.

I don’t think there were any problems with her because of her beauty, but her communication skills among girls are so strong that it’s almost impossible for her to be accused of something like that.

It seems like those girls also avoided antagonizing Arisa.

But now that it’s come to this, I don’t want to think that time will fix it.

“Tsumugi is my childhood friend. I can never leave her alone.”

“Yeah I know you are that kind of person. I understand.”

I will do anything to bring back Tsumugi’s smile.

If I can find a starting point… I guess I just have to be patient and talk.

“I know one person who might be able to give me some sound advice.”


I raised my voice at the unexpected words.

I waited for Arisa’s words.

“Just because she’s an unpredictable girl, she might not be able to give you good advice, but would you like to meet with her?”

“Of course!”

I had no choice but to go along with her proposal.

It was a holiday, and Arisa and I met up with the person we were going to meet.

Tsumugi has not been able to go to school since then. Her appetite had decreased and she was depressed to the point that I could see it.

She was showing a forced smile to Hiyori, who was worried about her, but she had become a little reserved and distant from me.

I know that she mumbled one word…. that she didn’t want me to know.


“Good morning~!”

I meet up with Arisa in front of the station in the next town over.

Despite not feeling good, when I see Arisa without her school uniform, I am surprised at how good she looks.

Everyone who passes by looks at her as if they are astonished. They probably don’t see a girl with such beautiful golden hair and a well-defined face that way.

It’s amazing to be best friends with a girl like that. I realize it because I see her outside.

Arisa approached me with a relaxed expression on her face. Her smile was soft and without a trace of caution. To be honest, I was relieved.

Compared to when I went out with her before, today’s outfit is more subdued. She is wearing a calm-colored shirt and slender pants.

I’ve never seen Arisa wearing a skirt, except when she’s in uniform.

Maybe she doesn’t think that cute or neat clothes suit her personality.

“Let’s go.”

We walked to our destination, talking about the current state of Tsumugi.

I wonder what kind of person this person is that Arisa is talking about. I think Arisa has a wide range of same- gender friendships, and I honestly can’t imagine what she is like.

I knew who it was when I opened the door of the chain café where we were meeting and heard a voice calling Arisa’s name.

“You’re early.”

“Yeah~. I left early. Kogure, it’s been a while since you’ve been here.”

“…. Mizuhara-san.”

Mizuhara Kokoro. Arisa and Otsuki san’s childhood friend.

I’ve only met her once. I remember that time when I was just getting to know Arisa.

“We both know each other by name, but this is the second time we’ve met like this, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. I’m sure you’ve heard about me from Arisa and Otsuki san, right?”

“And from oni chan”

“Onii chan”

“She means Shizuru. Since Kokoro doesn’t have an older brother, she has always looked up to Shizuru like an older brother.”

“Even though Arisa doesn’t call him onii chan?”

“Why do I have to say it? Shizuru is Shizuru. He is only one year older than me and we have similar faces, so I don’t really feel like he’s my older brother.”

Despite their bickering, they get along so well that to be honest, it would be easy to believe that they are twins.

I sat at the back of the couch and Arisa sat next to me. I took a sip of the iced coffee that Mizuhara-san, sitting across from me, was drinking first.

“Hee, I’ve heard about it but…… Hmmm.”


Mizuhara-san glanced at me and Arisa.

“Arisa naturally sits next to the boy. Maybe I am bothering you?”


Arisa’s face turned red. I knew what she was trying to do, so I held my ground so that she wouldn’t notice my expression.

“This is not the kind of relationship…….it’s okay right! I’m best friends with Ryoma, so don’t be silly!”

“The words I heard last time were the same, but there’s something emotional about them~”

I remember Mizuhara-san making fun of us when we first met.

“It’s not about us! We have to consult about someone, right?”

Mizuhara-san looked at me.

“Well I owe Kogure-chi some favors. Thank you so much, Kogure-chi, for helping the three of us to get along.”

The sulky relationship between childhood friends started when Mizuhara-san started going out with Shizuru-san.

I’ve heard that the relationship is good now. Mizuhara-san says. It must have been more complicated than I imagined.

“So you’re talking about Kogure chu’s childhood friend, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. But Arisa. I’m not sure what your intentions are in consulting with Mizuhara-san. Mizuhara-san and Tsumugi’s personalities seem to be quite different.”

“I think they are very similar. Boys may not understand it.”


“It’s the same with Kokoro. Girls have always disliked her to the extreme.”

Is that so? I don’t think so at all. She seems friendly, energetic, beautiful, stylish, and accomplished in sports. Huh? That matches Tsumugi.

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