
The leader’s head fell off, and the annihilation of the bandits ended.

Ryu stores all the scattered corpses of the bandits in the subspace. It is the same procedure as storing all the demons in the dungeon together, the work is done in an instant.

The corpses were to be taken to the guards to see if there were any bounty. Once that was done, all the bodies could be transferred into the dungeon.

In the dungeon, the corpses of humans and animals (demons) would be absorbed by the dungeon and disappear after being left there for a few days. This is a very convenient way to dispose of corpses.

When Ryu returned to the village after finishing his work, he found that many villagers were on their way to the gate. They were all armed, some with hoes, sickles, and other farming tools.

An old man, who appeared to be the village chief, went to Ryu.

Village chief [You are the adventurer that Sera called for, aren’t you? Do me a favor, will you take the women and children left in the village and run away?]

Ryu [No, if it’s about the bandits…”

Villager A [We decided to fight the bandits ! We can’t sacrifice Marin to save ourselves.]

Villager B [Even if we make it through today, we’ll all starve to death.]

Villager C [If it’s going to come to this, we’re going to fight them with the whole village !]

Ryu [No, I already got rid of the bandits.]

At that moment, Marine stumbled out from behind the villagers.

Marine [Everyone…no ! You will all be killed…….]

Village chief [Marine, you and Sera must abandon the village and run away. While we’re fighting the bandits ! The village will be ruined, but if we can’t win, let’s at least give them a shot.]

Ryu [No, so the bandits…]

Marine [No, if I go with the bandits, they will back off for today.]

Ryu [Like I said~~~ !]

Ryu took out the dead bodies of the bandits that he had put in subspace storage.

Ryu [The bandits have already been exterminated ! !]




The villagers, who had been widening their eyes at the piles of dead bandits, finally seemed to understand the situation when Ryu lifted up the head of the bandit leader, and gradually began to hear voices of relief and joy.

Marine, too, eventually fell to her knees and began to weep.

Ryu glanced around the house, but it seemed that Marine and Sera had no parents. The sisters must have lived together, pulling themselves together. The tension in the house was broken, and Ryu felt that it was inevitable that tears would well up.

Then Sera came over and started patting Marine’s head.

Village chief [This is….how can I thank you…..thank you very much.]

The village chief bows his head. Some villagers bowed with him.

Ryu [It’s nothing, I just fulfilled the request as an adventurer, no need to thank me.]

Village chief [Oh, yes, the reward……I have to pay you something, but unfortunately, this village is poor and the bandits have taken all the food and money, so can you wait a while? We will definitely pay you the reward…….]

Ryu [I have already been paid by my client, nothing more is needed.]

Ryu showed the cloth he had received from Sera.

Village chief [That’s……thank you, thank you very much……]

The village chief begins to lower his head again. Even if he folds his waist to 90 degrees, his head does not stop lowering, and his head still touches the ground. It was strange for him to be kneeling on the ground, instead of bowing down. Then, the village chief collapsed to the side.

The villagers rush to him. In fact, the village chief had been drinking only water for days, and he seemed to have collapsed after the situation was resolved and he became distracted.

Ryu, too, honestly did not think they were that impoverished. The women and children seemed to have been fed, but the adults and old people in the village seemed to have been holding back for a long time.

After storing the dead bandits’ bodies in his subspace again, Ryu brought out many of the supplies he had stored in the village square. Ryu’s subspace still contained a mountain of materials for magical beasts that had not yet been purchased.

The villagers rejoiced and began dismantling and cooking. They would not have to worry about food for a while.

Although Ryu did not think it was a good idea to give away the food for free, he could not bear to leave the food in this state.

Ryu and Catherine were watching from a little distance as the villagers lined up to receive their food rations.

Catherine said.

Catherine [I can’t believe you even provide foodstuffs. I thought you said that adventurers are supposed to seek profit, but we’re losing money.]

Ryu [No, we are not in the red. But I don’t think money is the only reward, do you?]

At that time, Marine found Ryu and came running to him.

Marine [Ryu san ! Thank you for saving me.]

Marine bowed deeply.

Ryu [If you want to thank me, thank Sera. I was only paid by Sera to fulfill the request.]

Marine [But…]

Ryu [If you really want to thank me, I’ll come back to this village again, and you can let me stay and have dinner with me then.]

Ryu said while patting Sera’s head.

Marine [Understood ! Come by anytime, we’ll be waiting for you !]

Catherine [Rewarded with a smile? You’re just trying to be cool.”

But Ryu said to Catherine.

Ryu [We won’t be in the red, maybe there’s a bounty in the mix?]

Catherine [Really?!]

Ryu [And…….]

Catherine [?]

Ryu [I’m going to the bandit’s hideout now. You know, where they keep their treasure?]

Catherin [Do you know where it is?]

Ryu [I have already found out the location.]

He did not ask them, but read the mind of one of the bandits with his divine eye.

Ryu was planning to leave Catherine and go to the bandit’s hideout alone, but Catherine grabbed his arm and would not let go. Apparently, she wanted to go with him.

In fact, Ryu could have just teleported by himself with his arm still in her grasp, but he decided to take Catherine along with him.

* * * * *

The hideout of the bandits was a cave deep in the forest.

Catherine [Hey ! Wait !]

Catherine is getting impatient as Ryu is entering the cave more and more.

Catherine [What if there are any bandits left inside? I mean, with someone as strong as you are, there won’t be any problems……]

Actually, Ryu has already confirmed with his divine eye that there are no bandits left inside.

He also grasped that some of them were being held captive in a corridor at the back of the cave. When he went there, he found that they were, as he had expected, young women who had been kidnapped.

He asked the women and found that some of them had been kidnapped from other villages than Gobo. Some of them were from Mimru.

Ryu told Catherine to go back to the guild and prepare to receive the women who had been taken captive. However, Catherine did not know where she was because she had been brought here by teleportation.

Then a magic circle appeared at her feet, and she was forcibly teleported to the training grounds of Mimru’s Adventurers’ Guild.

When Catherine realized that she was in Mimru’s Adventurers’ Guild, she rushed to prepare for the acceptance of the women.

Normally, the acceptance of victims of crime falls under the purview of the security force, but for the time being, the Adventurers’ Guild had no problem accepting them temporarily. Catherine sent out a messenger to the security force, instructing them to prepare to receive the women in the guild.

Ryu stored the weapons, gold, and food in the cave in subspace and sent the women who wanted to return to Gobo village there and the rest to the Adventurers’ Guild in Mimru.

He decided that the treasure the thieves had accumulated would have been taken from Gobo Village, and left it at the Gobo Village chief’s place. The villagers, who had been starving for some time, had not fought over the food provided, but had shared it with the women and children first, and they would not be aversed if he entrusted them with the bandits’ treasures.

After leaving the protection of the women to the guild officials who were waiting for them at Catherine’s direction, Ryu now moved to the guard station.

He then moved to the guard station to see if there were any bounty among the bandits he had defeated.

As it turned out, the only bounty was on the leader, Guri. The bounty was 100 G.

The bounty was confirmed by checking the ‘magic print’. On Earth, it is possible to identify a person by biometric information such as fingerprints, but in this world, it is possible to do the same thing by the wavelength of magical power.

He was told that the prize money would be transferred to his guild card later. Ryu wanted the money in cash, but he had no choice.

Guild cards could be suspended if the Adventurers’ Guild went out of business or if the guildmaster harassed the guild. Ryu, who had been harassed by the previous guildmaster, did not trust the guild’s banking system. When the bounty money is transferred to his account, Ryu thinks that he should withdraw it as cash before he forgets about it.

Since Ryu has access to subspace storage with unlimited capacity, there is no problem even if he receives the money in cash. There is no worry about it being stolen by other people. If Ryu dies, he doesn’t know what will happen to the things stored in the subspace, but ……

He doesn’t care about what happens after he dies.




― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

By the way, the background of the bandits who attacked the village was not that the leader of the bandits had a taste for girls, but that there was someone who had instructed the bandits to gather girls and bring them from the village.

The mastermind behind the scheme, as seen through Ryu’s divine eye, was Viscount Gitto, the lord of the neighboring town. (The information he read from the leader’s mind allowed Ryu to know the face of Viscount Gitto.)

Since it was only for a moment that he read the mind of the bandit’s leader, he could not read the deeper circumstances, but it was said that Viscount Gitto was a womanizer and had women offered to him from all over the country. Moreover, it seems that he preferred young women as much as possible.

Well, he was not surprised that there was a mastermind behind the attack, since he had thought that such a thing might happen.

However, Ryu did not know what he was thinking when he left the bandits attacking the village in his territory.

Goran, a member of the guard, also said that he was a viscount of ill repute who did not think much of his people.

It is natural for people to feel bad when they hear about someone who has a bad reputation.

However, Ryu did not intend to shake his sense of justice, because he knew that what was right and wrong was determined by people on their own, and that values would change as the world changed.

He has no intention of trying to change the world. He has no intention of punishing evil people just because they exist.

However, he had a feeling that he would have to get involved with the neighboring lord sooner or later. His precognition was ringing alarm bells.

His precognition can almost certainly predict the future when there is harm to Ryu in the immediate future, but the further into the future, the more ambiguous it becomes.

To begin with, the future is an indefinite thing. The future can change drastically depending on the whimsical actions and choices of people.

A very small action can bring about a big change in the future outcome.

After coming to this world and receiving the gift of precognition, Ryu came to realize that the future is indefinite, and at the same time, the future can be changed by one’s own choices and actions.

He might have something to do with Viscount Gitto in the future, but he might not.

There was no point in thinking too much about the uncertain future, so Ryu decided to forget about it….

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