
“You’re going to cook dinner. Make one for me, too. I’ll be back after dinner.”

“Hey! Ryoma is mine!”

“You get paid from home, don’t you? Then I should have the right to do what I want.”

“Disgusting! Shizuru always takes the best part! You’re just a face and a swimmer.
Why are you deceiving Kokoro and Shizuku!”

“Hahaa, why do you bring up Kokoro and Shizuku there?”

“This natural part of you disgusts me again!”

What a terrible conversation.

They are siblings with one difference, and I guess you could say they are close enough to fight.

It’s not like this between me and Hiyori, who is an angel. I would cry if Hiyori got mad at me.

I guess the older brother wasn’t aware of Otsuki’s feelings. It’s already over, there’s no need to rehash it.

“Ryouma. Will you think about what I said earlier?”

To be honest, I think it’s not a bad thing.

I’m sure it will help me in the future if I have a relationship with him here.

But …… if I do have a relationship

“Ryoma stay with me! I won’t let anyone have him!”

“Wait, Arisa.”

Arisa grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

I was about to go to the staircase.


Her brother’s strong voice stopped her in her tracks.

The brother was looking at her with sharp eyes, his face still handsome and beautiful.

“Dinner will be served around 7:00 p.m. I want meat.”


She pulled me to her feet and we rushed into Arisa’s room.

Arisa sat on the bed and I sat on the floor.

“Stupid brother.”

“No, Arisa, you can’t do that. If you tell your brother to die…”

“What? Ryoma is taking Shizuru’s side.”

“I don’t mean that…. If Hiyori told me to die, I would die.”

“I see,……, Ryoma is a Sis-con, isn’t he?”

I wonder if Hiyori will turn into a girl who tells me to die like Arisa in about 10 years.

I don’t like it. Please remain an angel.

“Shizuru has always been like that. He’s a bum who can’t do anything except swim, but just because he has a …… nice face, what’s with that face?”

“It’s nothing.”

I wonder if Arisa looks like her brother or if her brother looks like Arisa.

If I say it out loud, I’ll definitely be scolded with her arms crossed.


“It’s been a while since I’ve been in your room, right?”

“Y-yes……. I brought you here unintentionally.”

The main part of my job as a housekeeper is cooking, and cleaning Arisa’s room is not part of my job description.

But it’s a big room. I’m sure it’s bigger than a 1K apartment.

The last time I came here was when Arisa had a fight with Otsuki san and fell ill, right?

“You were here that time Ryoma……. Since then I’ve been…”


“Nothing! Don’t sit on the floor like that, …… come over here. Just come over here on the bed.”

Arisa’s bed was a double size and very large.

It had a pretty pink cover and a big pillow.

She said she sometimes sleeps with Otsuki-san, so there is plenty of room for the two of them.

Moreover, a man and a woman are next to each other in a girl’s room. I was conscious of it whether I wanted to or not.

“I-I might stink! I’m going to go change my clothes.”

“Shall I go out?”

“I’ll be fine in the walk-in closet.”

Arisa gets up and goes into the closet ahead of her.

“It’s unlocked, so don’t peek this time.”

“N-No, I won’t!”

I remember Arisa’s bath scene from the other day.

I will never make that mistake again.

“W-Well, you can peek Ryoma. ……”


“Ah, After all you can’t do that now! I haven’t had a bath and I haven’t changed my clothes, so not now!”

If not now, I’m allowed to peek!?

There was a rattling sound in the closet, and a dozen minutes passed. Finally, Arisa came out.

“Thank you for waiting~”

It might not be quite the same as a nightgown, but it’s a satin blouse with pink tones and hot pants.

I’m sure Arisa would look cute in anything, but I’m beginning to think that being the most beautiful girl in school is not an exaggeration.

“What do you think?”

She is a beautiful girl, with her ample golden hair, which accentuates her ample bosom.

Everything about her is perfect.

“IIII-IIt looks so good on you.”

I can only say a few words.

Shit, when the four of us went on a date, I was able to say that without even thinking about it.

This is all Otsuki san’s fault. This is all because Otsuki-san said that Arisa likes me.

I’m starting to think that this is also an approach from Arisa.

In fact, if it was an approach, the effect would be great. After all, the real thing is way cuter than the photos of Arisa that Otsuki-san sends me every day.

“Well then, ……, is it okay as usual?”

“…… yes.”

“Excuse me!”

I’m sitting on my bed, and Arisa lies down on my lap.

I’m going to talk to the pampered Arisa, one of the jobs of a housekeeper.

I’m very happy to pat her head when she is in this state, so I think it’s Hiyori and pat her head.

It would be a surprise if Hiyori had blonde hair and a soft and tender body.

“Ryoma, pat my head”

“Yes, yes.”

Arisa in this state sometimes talks to me with the intelligence of an orange.

I guess she is spoiled like this to Otsuki-san as well.

Reo, too, was like this after a basketball game. There was no goofiness, though, because it was between the guys.

Arisa’s golden hair is too perfect. It’s shiny even though she hasn’t bathed.

“Arisa’s part-time job is tutoring, right? What kind of kids do you teach?”

“A girl in the third grade of junior high school. She’s a friend of my father’s childhood friend. She might come to our school.”

“I see! That’s exciting.”

“She’s friendly and cute, so Ryoma shouldn’t be friends with her.”


I don’t understand the meaning of this flow, but I won’t delve too deeply……

Whenever I stroke her head like this, she may fall asleep at any moment, or she may talk all the time.

I hope it is a comfort. I honestly feel at peace with it.

“Ryoma, are you thinking about the future?”

The sudden question turns my peaceful brain into reality.

“To be honest, I’m not thinking about anything. I entered college vaguely, got a job vaguely ……, and honestly I haven’t found what I want to do. What about you, Arisa?”

“I think I’ll go to college, but I’ll probably start my own business after high school.”

“Start a business?!”

“Yeah, my mom is going to give me a hand with that.”

“T-That’s great.”

“In the end, I’m just looking to see if I’m good enough. Do I have a sense of management? If I try a lot of things while I’m young, I can have a variety of options. One of the things is private tutors. Teaching is an important skill. that’s why”

“Arisa is amazing.”

I can’t believe she thinks so much even though we are the same age. ……

I’m beginning to think I’m pathetic.

“You know,….. I’m honestly a bit of a klutz, I can’t do any of the housework, and I probably can’t do any of the things that a …… wife can do.”

“That’s not the image of Arisa, is it?”

“So if you like. If Ryoma doesn’t mind, could you give me a hand?

“To Arisa…?”

“At first I was going to ask Shizuku to help me. Then she said something about her future dream being Hirasawa’s wife. ……”


Arisa digs her nails into my thighs. Don’t take your jealousy of Reo out on me.

starting a business…I guess that’s why I was chosen.

“That sounds like what Shizuru was talking about earlier.”

That’s right! That Shizuru!
I’d rather you choose me than choose Shizuru… No?”

I was thinking about that too.

I was grateful for his suggestion, but if I had to choose between Arisa and her brother,……

“I would choose Arisa. You are the best for me.”


Arisa turned her head and buried her face in my thigh.

I think she was a little embarrassed by what I said.

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