
Before the alley in question, Ryu told Catherine and Leila to go home. If they keep going here, they will get to the general area and will not get lost again. But Catherine and Leila said they would go with him.

He said that if Catherine and Leila were with him, they would slow him down in case of emergency, but Catherine also insisted that she was a former adventurer and could protect herself, so he decided to let her go on her own.

The group entered the alley where the mugging was taking place.

Inside the alley, a woman who happened to be passing by was just being mugged.

Thug A [Anyone passing through here will have to pay a toll, Granny.]

Woman [Who’s a granny !]

Thug B -[You’re being rude. Right, missy?]

Thug C [This is our territory from now on. If you wanna come through, you’ll have to leave a fee.]


Ryu [What are you guys doing?]

Thug A [Ah?!]

Thug B [What, it’s Ryu]

Thug C [We’re just collecting tolls.]

Ryu [You beat up Doug and took his money, didn’t you?]

Thug A [Yeah? So what?]

Thug B [Oh, that little guy, I beat him up because he wouldn’t give me the money. He’s not well educated, is he?]

At that moment, thug B was blown up, because Ryu’s fist was slammed into his face. (Of course, it was a very light punch, and he was holding back so that he wouldn’t die, but Ryu’s fist was still very powerful.)

The thugs are surprised.

The old lady who had been tangled up with them ran away while they were still in the air.

Thug A [Bastard !]

Thug A regains his senses and starts to attack, but in the next moment, Thug A also gets blown away and crashes into the wall. This is because Ryu pushed him away.

Ryu then grabbed Thug C by the chest. The next moment, Thug C’s body was flying in the air and slammed to the ground.

Thug D [What the hell is going on?]

Thug D hurriedly pulls out a knife.

Thug D [Ryu can’t be this strong…]

Thug A also stood up and pulled out a knife.

Thug A [You bastard, you won’t get away with this…]

The next moment, however, the thugs are knocked to the ground, flying through the air again.

The thugs hit the ground hard and were unable to move.

Of course, it doesn’t end there. They beat Doug and unreasonably robbed him of the money he had worked hard all day to earn. Ryu was not going to let these people off the hook so easily.

Ryu began to pick up the thugs lying on the ground one by one and slam them to the ground. The thugs were slammed to the ground again and again.

For Ryu, it was just a matter of lifting them up and letting gravity do the work of dropping them to the ground. The one who was dropped to the ground over and over again could not bear it.

[Ugh,…… ugh,…… I’m sorry,……please forgive me….]

The thugs apologizing frantically.

Ryu [How much did you take from Doug?]

Thug A [Just a few silver coins…]

Ryu [Give it back.]

Thug B [Okay, we’ll give it back….]

The thug returns the money after being stared at by Ryu.

Ryu could have given Doug a few silver coins, but that would have been meaningless. The only thing that makes sense is to get it back from these guys.

[But why are you guys doing this so close to the city?]


[It’s an order from the higher-ups……to expand our territory…….]




― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

Deep in the slum, there are about three criminal organizations, each with its own territory.

However, their “territory” is deeper into the slum.

The area where the church is located is in the middle of the slum and is called a border town. Because of its proximity to the slum, there is a high possibility that security guards will come to the area if there is a disturbance.

Until now, it was supposed to be a tacit understanding that criminal organizations would not touch the border town……

Regardless of the reason, Ryu cannot overlook the fact that even the area around the church is being turned into the territory of a criminal organization. The children of the church are involved.

Ryu [What do you mean higher-ups? Where are the instructions?]

Thug A [Can’t tell you that.]

The thug tries to be smitten, but he can’t hide anything from Ryu, who can read his mind.

Ryu’s eyes shine with a golden light.

Ryu [I see, so it’s the Four Night Butterflies after all.]

Thug A [!?]

Ryu [Hey, go home and tell those guys. If they lay a hand on this Border Tow [Everyone, don’t move !]]


Ryu was going to let the thugs go after hurting them, but then the guards came rushing in.

The entrance and exit of the alley was already covered by the guards.

[We got a call that extortion is going on in this alley ! All of you are under arrest !]

The security guards arrest the thugs, who have fallen down and are unable to move.

The squad then surrounded Ryu and pointed their spears at him.

At a distance, Catherine and Leila were also surrounded, and Catherine showed her guild ID card. Seeing this, Ryu also showed his guild card.

[Hey, I’m not related to those guys, okay?]

[Don’t lie ! That’s how you’re going to get away with it?!]

……Well, it can’t be helped. It is possible that the person shouting “thief” is a thief. There may be criminals who pretend to be bona fide strangers and get away with it. Until the facts can be confirmed, it is understandable that it is necessary to take everyone present into custody for the time being.

Ryu was willing to talk honestly about it, but…..

One of the members of the team suddenly tried to spear Ryu from behind. Ryu, who sensed this with his ability to foresee danger, avoided it and grabbed the spear. He swung the spear to the side and slammed the man who was trying to stab him into the wall.

(*Ryu has the ability to foresee danger, which is always activated automatically. He is able to sense when danger is approaching in the near future and avoid it. He cannot be taken by surprise.)

[Don’t you resist !]

The surrounding members of the team were ready to kill him.

But Ryu was angry, too.

The spear that had just been aimed at Ryu was clearly aimed at his heart. In other words, the spear was aiming at his heart with the intention of killing him.

Why would they try to kill Ryu, who was not particularly resisting?

Or was it a procedure of injuring him, capturing him, treating him with a potion to the extent that it would not kill him, and then taking him away?

But it would be a waste of potions if they did that every time. Besides, if he dies instantly, there is a possibility that even the potion will not save him.

If they did that every time, many unrelated people would be hurt, and even if they said they could be cured, it would cause a lot of animosity.

In any case, he can’t just sit back and let them stab him.

If they are serious about killing him, he must also be serious about answering them. Those who want to kill must be prepared to be killed.

The moment Ryu released his killing intent.

[You’ve got  the wrong person ! He is the one who saved me !]

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