
I can still clearly remember that moment.

The feeling of a foreign object in my mouth, the fear of my stepmother approaching me.

I couldn’t move, all I could do was freeze as I was forced to do.

When I think about it, this incident probably destroyed my “family” inside me.

I don’t remember much after that.

I think my dad came home in a panic and yelled at the woman who was my step mother.

I don’t remember my step mother’s face.

However, I do remember my step sister sitting next to me crying bitterly.


When I woke up, I was lying in bed in my room.

I remember that I felt sick during my part-time job, and although I took a break, I did not feel well again, so I left early.

It was just before 6:00 p.m. and I had been asleep for about three hours.

I had a bad dream, which made it hard to wake up.

I was shaking, but only slightly.

“…Even though I’ve been fine lately.”

In the beginning, it was so bad that even the slightest touch of my hand made me tremble.

I thought I had gotten over it, but I had not had such a tremor for the past year.

“…..It’s so lame that I can’t get over one of my traumas.”

I mocked myself as I looked at my trembling palms.

I was thirsty, so I went to the living room and found Hitomi san preparing dinner.

She notices that I’m awake and speaks to me.

“Kenshiro kun, you’re awake. Are you feeling better already?”

She asks me as if she were my real mother.

(I felt sick.)

That thought naturally came to mind.

My dislike for my family, which had been better recently, had returned.

“Yes. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

I tried to put on a smile so that she wouldn’t notice.

“It’s okay. We’re family.”

The woman in my dream said the same thing.

I instantly felt uncomfortable in the house.

“Excuse me. Don’t worry about my dinner tonight.”

“Eh? Kenshiro kun !”

Hitomi san was surprised to see me jump out of the door with such force, and she screamed.

I left the living room and headed for the front door.

Now I was in the mood to get out of the house.

“What? What’s wrong?”

Ayaka comes out of her room after hearing the commotion.

“Nothing, I’m just going out for a bit.”

“Didn’t you feel sick?”


Ayaka’s question is natural.

If you left work early from your part-time job, you should probably take it easy today.

But I don’t want to stay in this house right now.

“I’m fine now. It’s just for a little while.”

Hitomi san grabbed my hand and stopped me as I was about to leave.

“You don’t look fine. If you have any problems, you should talk to your mother.”

“…..I’m sorry.”

I forcefully brushed her hand off and walked out.

I know that Hitomi san is seriously worried about me.

But my hands won’t stop shaking.

I can’t get that woman’s smiling face out of my head for a long time.

“…..What’s with the ‘mother’.”

I started walking alone, with no particular destination in mind.



I take a break while sipping a drink on a bench in the park where Hananoi used to be.

I gradually regained my composure and hated myself for who I was just now.

“I have to apologize to Hitomi san.”

Hitomi san and that woman are two different people.

I was so disgusted with myself for the way I had just reacted to her.

“Hm? Kenchi?”

There is only one person who calls me that.

When I looked up, I saw Sasagawa peering into my face from a close distance.

I was so surprised that I turned my head a little.

“S-Sasagawa !?”

“What are you doing here? 

Are you feeling better already?”

“Yeah. I feel much better. I’m sorry I had to leave early.”

“No, it’s fine. We’re not busy today.”

Sasagawa smiles unconcernedly, and I feel less guilty about leaving early.

“What about you, Sasagawa? You don’t live here, do you?”

“I’m here to visit Kenchi. I asked the owner for your address.”

She shows me the bag in her hand.

Inside were sports drinks and jelly.

“I’m sorry you had to come all the way out here.”

“I don’t mind. What’s wrong with you? You don’t seem fine.”

I thought I was hiding it, but it seemed to show on my face.

I felt sorry for Sasagawa and decided to be honest with her.

“I just remembered something from the past.”

“Is that something you don’t like?”

“Well, it was a trauma.”

“Did it have something to do with the fact that you got sick at work?”

“Yeah. A little bit.”

Sasagawa quietly sits down next to me.

“Okay !  Then, let’s go have fun !”


Sasagawa said in a light voice that didn’t suit the dark atmosphere.

I can’t help but ask back.

“When you’re going through a tough time, it’s best to forget it with something fun ! So, let’s go have fun.”

“No, that’s too extreme…”

“No, it doesn’t matter if it’s extreme or not. Ah ! Yes, that’s right ! Let’s call Rikkun and Kinako and do the support I mentioned before at the same time !”

Sasagawa starts making plans.

I laughed when I saw Sasagawa looking like she was genuinely enjoying herself.

(I’m pretty sure she was restless all the time.)

“Rikuto said he was free this weekend.”

“Ok ! I’m sure Kinako said she could go this weekend, too. I’ll ask Miyu too, just in case.”

“No, I’m sorry, but could you leave Hananoi out of it?”


If I’m with Hananoi, I’m going to see that woman even if I don’t want to.

I feel bad for Hananoi, but playing for fun will lose its meaning.

“She’s a bit preoccupied right now.”

I gave a good reason, but Sasagawa agreed without any sign of concern.

I contacted Rikuto and Wado, and we decided to go to the amusement park this weekend.

“I’m looking forward to it !”

“I guess so.”

“Well, now that Kenchi’s feeling better, I’m going home.”


“It’s late, and I’ll walk you home.”

Saying this, Sasagawa says, [Well, I’ll take your word for it.]

We get up from the bench and walk side by side.

Perhaps she was paying attention, but Sasagawa continued to make small talk throughout.

I only responded with a few words, but Sasafawa never shut up.

I dropped Sasagawa off at home and headed home alone.

The trembling in my palms had stopped before I knew it.

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