
When I was in elementary school, I once had a high fever of almost 40 degrees.

I remember my mom and stepdad were worried about me and I felt bad for them.

I can still remember the taste of my mom’s porridge that I ate then.

It was a simple porridge with an egg and pickled plums.

It was slightly cooled, and it gently went down my aching throat, melting away whatever was wrong with me.

It was such a gentle taste.

“…..So hot.”

When I woke up in the morning, my body felt dull and my pajamas was soaked with sweat.

I felt like I was having a nostalgic dream, but I couldn’t remember.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning, just the time to get up.

I turned off the alarm I had set before it went off and tried to get up.

Then I step on something that looks like a part.

“…..What’s this part?”

I don’t know, but I put it in a garbage bag there anyway.

Somehow, I manage to escape from the room where there is no place to step.

I, Fuyusaki Reina, now known as the Madonna of the school, who would have thought that her room was a messy place?

I eat breakfast in the dining room with my hair full of sleeping habits.

On the desk is my lunch box and a note from my mom.

“Thank you for everything. Mom.”

She is always nagging me to clean my room, but I never forget to thank her.

In the empty dining room, I mutter to myself.

After eating, I brush my teeth, wash my face, and change into my school uniform.

We couldn’t afford to go to a private school, but because I was a special student and my stepdad paid for it, I am able to attend.

I am indebted to my stepdad.

I comb my long hair and let it fall in the air.

I put my lunch in my bag and put on my shoes.

I take a deep breath in front of the mirror at the entrance.

Once outside, I’m no longer the sloppy Fuyusaki Reina, but the honor student Fuyusaki Reina.

Once I make the switch, I leave my small apartment.

Everyone in class seems to think I’m some rich young lady, but reality is cruel.

I give a big sigh of relief as I walk down the stairs.

This is a sign that I’m letting my guard down, but I hope they’ll give me a break because I’m still in front of my house.

Well, another day begins.

Moving my heavy body, I headed off to school.


“Alright, I’m gonna return the results of the quiz we did the other day.”

The quiz is being returned in the third period, just before the final math test.

I was looking out with a big sore throat.

It was raining due to the rainy season, and my spirit was somewhat low.

It hadn’t rained in the morning, so I didn’t bring an umbrella.

It’s been a week since the beginning of July, but there is no sign of the rainy season ending.

Is it my imagination that the rainy season seems to be getting unusually late these days?

“Next, Fuyusaki.”

The teacher called Fuyusaki’s name, which means I should be called soon, too.

I leave my seat early, thinking so.

Fuyusaki is about to take the test and return to her seat, but her steps seem to be slow.

The students in front of me were taking their test and returning to their seats, but Fuyusaki was still not sitting down.

I thought something was wrong, so I took the test and walked toward Fuyusaki.

At that moment, Fuyusaki suddenly fell down.

I was right behind her and succeeded in holding her up before her face hit the ground.

The people around me cheered, [Oh~!].

If you have time to cheer, you should be worrying about Fuyusaki.

“Fuyusaki !? Are you okay?”

I call out to her, but she does not respond.

When I touch her forehead, I can see that she has a significant fever.

“Sensei, I’m gonna take Fuyusaki to the infirmary.”

With the teacher’s approval, I headed to the infirmary with Fuyusaki in my arms.

She was heavier than I had imagined, but I managed to lift her up.

I was really glad that I had been doing muscle training.

I had seen Fuyusaki once when she had a high fever.

She looked exactly the same as she did then, so I was able to recognize it early.

“You’re making me take care of you.”

I ran, grumbling to myself.


I can’t see anything.

I can’t move my body.

What is wrong with me?

“……So now.”

I hear a faint voice.

It is a voice I have heard before.

(I couldn’t remember when.)

My vision went dark, unable to remember.

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