
Nothing has been going on around me for the past few days.

Yes, nothing is happening.

This is an unusual situation.

For the past month, I have been bullied by four girls from the same track team.

They hid things from me, called me out and did violent things to me.

The cause was probably my personality.

I flirted with guys and treated them like a pretentious girl.

I guess they didn’t like my attitude.

I didn’t like it either.

But I guess they were afraid to stop, and in the end, it was just anger that led to bullying.

But all of a sudden, it stopped.

The reason for this can be seen by looking at the four of them in the class.

Until a week ago, the four of them were getting along well, but now they are divided into three and one.

The isolated one is the girl who was the main culprit.

Even if they had had a fight, would they have split up so neatly?

Someone, a third party, must have tampered with them.

I was sure of it.

There was only one person who knew about the bullying except for those involved.

After school, I ran to the classroom of the person I knew.

I had to complain.

I opened the door of the classroom I wanted to go to, Class 1, with great force.

I was afraid that the people around me would see me, but homeroom ended early, and there were only two people left in the room.

The person I wanted to see was one of them.

“Well then. See you tomorrow.”

The other girl sensed something and left the classroom.

“You owe me one.”

She said this to me as we passed each other.

What on earth was she talking about?

I was not thinking about the meaning of Fuyusaki’s words, I turned to the man in front of me.

The man I was looking for, Kenshiro, was standing there with a nonchalant look on his face.

“What did you do?”

I asked him vaguely.

“What are you talking about?”

Seeing Kenshiro blurting it out, my anger grows.

I grit my teeth and say angrily.

“Don’t play dumb with me ! What did you do to them? I told you it was my problem, didn’t I? Don’t do anything you don’t have to !”

I said to him.

I curse at him as usual.

It must piss you off to hear this from someone you helped, right?

You didn’t expect me to be offended, did you?

You’re speechless, aren’t you?


Kenshiro stared straight at me.

“You should look more pissed.”


What is he talking about? This guy.

I am though. Enough.

Then a drop falls on my hand.

Following that, it falls down with a trickle.


I was crying.

I was crying with a soggy face.

I get it.

I was not angry from the beginning.

I didn’t think it was none of his business.

The truth is, I wanted help.

I didn’t care if I was miserable. I don’t care if it’s lame.

I wanted him to reach out to me like he did to the other two.

Such true feelings leaked out.

The fact that he saw me at the scene, and the fact that I slipped up in the living room were all my true feelings that leaked out.

I collapsed to my knees and sobbed like never before.

Still, I had to ask this.

“Why did you help me?”

I ask in a voice that has become rattled from crying so much.

I always curse at him.

Why did you save your annoying, noisy, immature sister?

“……It’s nothing. It’s just–“

Kenshiro comes up to me and gently pats my head.

“I was just trying to be a big brother.”

The gentleness made my tears flow more.

I was so moved by his kindness that it couldn’t seem to stop.

“Haha ! Your face is all messed up !”

Seeing me like that, Kenshiro laughs.

He smiles at me for the first time like a child.

Seeing this, my heart jumped.

My heart was beating faster than ever before.

The person who saved me is patting my head and smiling at me.

(This is a foul play, isn’t it?)

The tears, which had shown no sign of stopping until a few minutes ago, are quickly receding.

Instead, something hot rushes in.

Then, a hand comes off my head.

“We’ll discuss the situation at home. Come home when you’ve calmed down.”

Saying this, Kenshiro left the classroom.

I put my hand on my chest and checked my heartbeat.

I had to admit it.

I respect Kenshiro.

As an older brother and as a person.

However, this feeling, this surge of emotion, cannot be expressed in that alone.

I am in love with my brother, with Mitsui Kenshiro.

I can no longer hide this true feeling.


After leaving Ayaka and leaving the classroom, I remembered the scene from earlier while changing my shoes.

(I never thought she would cry like that.)

I had been expecting her to swear at me and hate me.

The reason why I helped her was just an idea that popped into my head at the time, and I doubt if it was the real reason.

(Well, it’s true that I was pissed off…)

If I had just ignored Ayaka, she probably wouldn’t have said anything, but it was true that I couldn’t overlook it if they had done something that even resembled violence.

But the most important reason was probably because my dad provoked me.

He really knows how to deal with me.

If he said I was no better than him, I would have done whatever I could.

(I was totally beaten by my dad.)

So, the reason why I saved Ayaka was for my own satisfaction.

This would be a good fit.

Ayaka’s reaction was unexpected, but I was glad to see that the bullying itself seemed to have stopped.

“I guess that settles it for now.”

I looked at the ground and saw that some of the boys on the track and field team were very nervous.

They must be anxious because Ayaka isn’t there.

I guess I have no choice.

“Now that I think about it, Mitsui Ayaka was crying alone in the 1st year class 1 classroom just now. I wonder what happened.”

The boys of the track and field team ran toward the school building.

You can use this to score points with Ayaka.

Having done a little good, I went to the gate feeling refreshed, and Fuyusaki was waiting for me.

I wanted to ignore her, but I couldn’t, since she was the one who helped me with this case.

I had no choice but to talk to her.

“Thank you for helping me this time.”

“Then, please put on a face that shows a little more gratitude.”

I softened my facial muscles.

It seems that I was unconsciously pulling my face.

As it is, I go home side by side with Fuyusaki.

“Even so, the job was easy this time. I can’t believe that something like that could make the bullying go away.”

“It was just a coincidence this time. I don’t know if it will ever happen.”

Ayaka’s case was lucky.

I am thankful that their relationship was that fragile.

“Still, I didn’t think Mitsui kun would go this far.”

“I bet you don’t know anything about me.”

She pretends to be a younger sister, but it’s been a long time since Fuyusaki was my younger sister.

She is no longer even a former sister.

“So what? Why did the bullying stop after all that?”

Fuyusaki asks, and I explain what we did this time.

The story goes back to the day after the conversation with Ayaka in the living room.


The day after the conversation with Ayaka, Fuyusaki and I started to take action.

I made it sound like we were going to do something great, but in reality, it was nothing serious.

First of all, as a matter of course, we took pictures as evidence.

Without this, there was no way to get started.

I was at school before 8:00 a.m. that day, keeping an eye on the shoeboxes.

The theory is that if you are going to hide or plant something, you should do it in a way that is not visible to the public.

In that case, in the small space of a school, I could only do it in the morning or after school.

As expected, the four people bullying Ayaka came at a time when no other students were yet coming to school.

One of them is in high spirits, but the other three look bored and absentminded.

From the looks of it, I don’t think the three of them have that much emotion towards Ayaka.

They are probably hanging out with one of the main culprits because it would be troublesome if they rebel or for some other reason.

The main culprit opened Ayaka’s shoe box and put a thumbtack in it.

It’s a goofy bullying tactic, but it’s a great piece of evidence.

I turn off the sound and take a picture with my phone.

After the four students were gone, I secretly removed the tacks.

It was lunchtime, and I had new information.

Two of the three girls who looked bored seemed to have boyfriends.

This was useful information.

After school that day, I collected the same evidence.

When I gathered the evidence, I found that some of it was terrible, and that the four of them were acting in a violent manner.

However, it seems that one of the main culprits is still the one who is directly involved.

I gathered more than enough photographic evidence in just one day.

Considering that so much damage could be done in one day, Ayaka seems to be taking it very hard.

Next, I obtained permission to use the computer room to work on those photos.

At Koshin, the computer room is open to the public after school so students can use it for studying.

However, since many of us have computers at home nowadays, the rate of use is low.

I have one at home, but I use a classroom at school so that Ayaka doesn’t find out.

The only way to make the photo is to erase one of the main culprits.

By doing so, it would look as if the three of them were bullying Ayaka.

I made three copies of each photo and had them developed at a photoshop on the way home.

This concludes the preparations.

The next morning, as on the previous day, I came to school early in the morning.

Fuyusaki also came early that day.

We have an envelope in our hands containing the photos I developed the day before.

We put them in the five shoeboxes we had checked beforehand.

This should be the end of it.

At lunchtime that day, I went to the back of the school building where Ayaka is often called to, but Ayaka was not there, instead there were four bullies.

Three of them appeared to be protesting against one of the culprits while holding the envelope we had planted this morning.

The shoebox we planted was owned by the three girls who were following the perpetrator and the boyfriends of two of them.

This must have been a surprise at first.

Even though there was evidence of bullying that was thought to be unknown, they were made a culprit just by standing next to her, and the main culprit was not even in the picture.

If the photos continue to circulate, they will be the ones punished, and the main culprit who was leading the charge will not be blamed at all.

That would be more troublesome than rebelling against the main culprit.

Well, from my point of view, the three people beside me were equally guilty.

I don’t know if they broke up with their boyfriends or what kind of discussions they had after that.

But in the end, the three of them formed a clique, and the main culprit became isolated.

Bullying is basically a many-against-one.

The main culprit would not have had the guts to bully Ayaka by herself.

All I did was to take a picture of Ayaka and process it.

That’s all I did, and the bullying of Ayaka stopped.


“But doesn’t that mean the three of them could bully Ayaka?”

Fuyusaki questioned as we finished our conversation.

“That’s unlikely.”

I say with conviction.

“How can you be so sure?”

“When I first saw them in the shoebox, the three of them were clearly unwilling to do it. But if they go against the main culprit, they will be the next target. They didn’t want that, so they got on board with their bullying of Ayaka.”

Such cases are not uncommon.

There are people who are unable to move out of fear of being the next target.

“That’s why They thought their crime was smaller than that of the main culprit. That’s why they were able to be complicit with impunity.”

All I did was change the composition from one against four to one against three.

That’s all I did, and that was solved.

However, only unrelated people like us could do this.

That’s how serious Ayaka was about hiding it.

The momentary gap I saw may have been Ayaka’s carelessness.

“So, well, it was a relationship that could be broken by something like that.”

“Looking back, I feel it was thanks to the thin relationship between the people who bullied her.”

“I told you. It just happened.”

If the four of them had been tightly bonded, they would not have broken down to this degree.

That’s why we were lucky.

“I agree. But Mitsui kun is still the same.”

I tilted my head at Fuyusaki’s words.

“You helped Ayaka san without saying anything. After all, you are your father’s son.”

“I’d like to deny that. In the first place, I didn’t want to end up like my dad, which is why I acted this time. The way you say it, Fuyusaki, makes my dad sound like a good person.”

My dad is not a good man.

He is just a philandering, womanizing bastard.

“No, that’s not true.”

Fuyusaki said as if she was remembering something.

“I’m here now because of your father.”

I didn’t understand what she meant.

It seems that Fuyusaki and I look at my dad differently.

This is a parallel topic, so I thought about talking about something else, but then Fuyusaki started talking.

“By the way, it’s about a promise. Please.”

“Ugh… Seriously?

“Yes. It’s a promise.”

The condition for Fuyusaki to help me this time.

It was…

“Sometime during the summer vacation, we will have a date, just the two of us. Please make sure to keep your schedule open.”

This was the condition.

It was an awkward situation to have a date with my ex-sister, but a promise is a promise, so there was nothing I could do about it.

I was ready for it.

“All right. Can I ask you something?”

“Yes. What is it?”

I said, looking at Fuyusaki’s unusual hairstyle.

“Should I say something about those twin-tails?

Fuyusaki had twin tails just like Ayaka.

She must have changed it on purpose after leaving the classroom.

“Mitsui kun, since you seem to like twintails.”

“Who gave you this information…..?”

And so, while talking in vain, we headed home.

We were closer than when we were brother and sister.

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