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  • Episode 2 – As expected of a villain
    Source “Hmmm~, well, I knew it was coming, but I didn’t expect it to be so unavoidable.” There are a few things I’ve learned in the week since the entrance
  • Episode 18 – Redoing the confession
    Source Tojo was there. It had been a long time since he had seen her in plain clothes, but what came over Amamiya was more sickness than happiness. He felt
  • Episode 24 – It’s getting hot, isn’t it?
    Source Since Haku san could not help me, I prepared dinner on my own. When I was done, I returned to the living room. “Haku san, are you awake?” “Hmm?
  • Episode 18 – Surprise
    Source “Don’t you listen to other idols?” “What’s wrong, all of a sudden?” In the morning, while I was doing my usual thing, Kaname came to me and suddenly asked
  • Episode 31 – regret
    Source ◇Nanahoshi side◇ “That guy was really fast too, being a special high school guy and all…” Nanahoshi muttered amidst the cheers of the crowd, and continued to think. ”
  • Episode 17 – Their meeting, and–
    Source [Yeah!! We won, Rein-san!] [Yeah, this is my 30th win in a row. But this is not enough to beat Sky Music and Sword Master. Let’s move on, Dragonhead
  • Episode 23 – She’s melted
    Source “Ah, it seems like it’s all as expected…” The next morning. Last night’s stream had been clipped, picked up by social networking and summary sites, and the number of
  • Episode 17 – Favorite idol appreciation with manager and favorite idol
    Source “I love this place. I really like the way they recreated the end of the first PV Nanami chan and her friends released [Romance Vision].” “I like the part
  • Episode 22 – Side Haku Rolling
    Source “Ah, right. I have to give this to you.” After driving around the area at random, the car stopped in front of the apartment building where Haku is based.
  • Episode 16 – Idol’s house with manager
    Source “Nice to meet you. My name is Kanna Yukito. Thank you.” “E-erm……?” “Nanami chan…… [Suh]’s manager, which means that you can practically be called [Suh]’s mother,…..which means that you’re
  • Episode 16 – Karina visiting home
    Source “NNNNNN-NNNagase karina sannnnnnnn!?” When her sister Anna comes out the door, she drops the seaweed cracker she was eating and shouts Karina’s name in a voice loud enough for
  • Episode 1 – Villain, seriously…
    Source “Ha~~, I knew it, this.” Saying that, I sighed deeply. What is reflected in the mirror is definitely the villain from the eroge called Sano Akuru He’s the so-called
  • Character profiles (with spoilers)
    This game is an eroge that mainly focuses on four childhood friends. There are three ending routes for each heroine, a harem route, and a BAD ending route that ends without
  • Episode 30 – wonderful
    Source I arrived at the pool and was told to get in the pool as soon as possible. If it had been winter, I would not have felt this way,
  • Episode 15 – Entrance examinations and rapid development
    Source “”The club is discontinued!?”” Amamiya and Karina are astonished by the shocking fact told to them by the head of Amane. There are many computers and games consoles in
  • Episode 21 – Side Haku Partner Position
    Source “What’s wrong with your clothes? Where’s your regular suit?” “It was given to me. Isn’t it cute?” “….It’s cute, but be careful. The suit is bulletproof and blade proof,
  • Episode 15 – Let’s go to my favorite idol’s house ! With???
    Source “Kanna kun, is everything going well with the POP thing?” “Ah, yes. I think it will be completed by the end of next week.” Come on, now, on my
  • Episode 29 – request
    Source The light blue-haired woman takes her distance from me and says in her usual tone of voice “Mouu~!! I’m a little surprised to hear that you are such a
  • Episode 14 – Game Research Club
    Source The Game Research Club’s clubrooms are located in an old school building that is being partially renovated, so not many regular students pass by in the afternoons. The reason,
  • Episode 20 – Let’s have Inamidon
    Source The date rolled around and it was past 1:00 a.m.. I was drinking a beer with something I bought at the shopping district, looking at my phone with the
  • Episode 14 – Favorite idol, angry
    Source Lunch break, finish lunch early and watch the PV of [Suh]. This is a healthy way to spend student life ! As I was doing so, Kaname, who was